
Saving a life of lies

most of Sasuke Uchiha's life has been a lie he spent years training to kill his brother to avenge his clan only find out Konoha forced Itachi's hand he had killed Danzo and was going to fight on obito's side but after he and Itachi fought kabuto his goals changed he fought with the alliance and helped seal kaguya however he did it all just so he could change the world his way but he was beaten and talked to by his former teammate he had a kid with Sakura and left to investigate what Kaguya was afraid of and it all led to this Sasuke was dying a hole in his chest he reflected on his life realizing so many things in his final moments he failed to bring back his clan while he loved sarada he never made a effort to father enough children that would guarantee the survival of his people he wasted his life trying to fight his brother instead of investigating all aspects of the massacre he hadn't tried as hard as he used to as his eyes closed he hoped there was a reality where he could see through the lies The Sage of six paths heard his wishes and pulled a soul from a different afterlife that could make his dreams reality

hoifzf · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

first point: land of waves part 3:Chidori acquired and genjutsuing Haku

Naruto was being supervised by Kakashi as he finally made it to the top just as it hit noon.

"alright Naruto you did good today let-"

"I want to do water walking next!"

"I admire your enthusiasm but you did just take a while to learn just the tree walking"

"I know but if I can't learn the basics then I can't learn any high-level jutsu!"

"ma fine Naruto follow me"


Sasuke went through the handsigns again keeping the jutsu active and activating the sharingan he blitzed through a tree making a hole in the side as he continued running he plunged it into a boulder that shattered. He took a breath as the jutsu fizzled out as Kakashi flashed beside him.

"I wasn't expecting you to be able to pull one off after a couple of hours"

"hn I tend to break expectations alot"

"hm well I guess we should head back I'll go back and get the others"

~timeskip~ POV switch

This time I can firmly say Kakashi is a better Sensei than before he really tried to do his best. Why do I say that well in one day he pushed Sakura to complete both exercises and did the same for Naruto and had him on the first steps to doing the Rasengan. Though I had a feeling all this good was creating ripples in the timeline which is why I was going to meet Haku since I had a feeling he went to pick herbs everyday for Zabuza to recover. She came by with her basket and started picking herbs I walked out and decided to play casual.


Haku stopped and looked at me in surprise before putting on a soft smile which was fake to my surprise.

"oh hello you must be one of those Konoha Ninjas here to protect our bridge builder right"

"yes I haven't seen you around this place do you live outside"

"Yes when Gato came my father noticed what was happening and decided to live off the land in the forest cause he saw what type of environment his home was becoming"

'shit she's scary convincing if I met her without knowing what was going to go down I would have had to try harder'

"hn I see well then we'll do our best to protect him so this place can be better for people like you"

"I sure hope so, by the way, can I ask you a question?"

"why not"

"do you have someone you see as precious to you?"

I froze as 2 brief memories came to my mind.


Sasuke was playing chess in a library with his big sister.

"hey Yuri what were papa and mama like"

he asked as he move one of his pawns.

"well they were very bright for their age our father was a firefighter who put out many flames to save people's lives sometimes he failed due to inexperience but he was always able to keep his head high and ambitious in being the best he could be in everything that came with life and couldn't wait to see your face"

Yuri moved her pawn to a corner.

"as for mom she was a bit colder and a tomboy she tried to tough me up so I could one day grow up and give an equal effort to a future relationship and was very vocal on the values of privacy stopping our father from letting it slip she was pregnant outside of the family of course honestly they were great people"

"Can you take me to where they were buried I'd like to place some flowers and talk to them"

she smiled

"of course little brother"


Sasuke was on Itachi's back walking through a forest until they reached a cliff and jumped down Itachi landed on his feet and bent down letting Sasuke off. they were on the bank of a river.

"where are we?"

"This is the river where Madara and Hashirama met this place is seen as a national river where the early ideas for Konoha were made before the village was even named"

"Woah really that's pretty cool so why are we here?"

Itachi picked up some rocks.

"to skip rocks"

Itachi threw a rock as it skipped 5 times across the water. Sasuke picked some as well and threw it as it skipped 4 times.

"no way that's less than yours let's go again"

"hmhm I didn't know this was a competition"

Itachi mused in amusement.

"well I wanna be better at you at something"

Sasuke pouted

"alright let's go 6 rounds just for you little Sasuke"

~end of flashback~

"...no I don't have anyone not anymore"

"I see I'm sorry for opening old wounds"

Haku apologized with a look of sadness.

"me too"


my eyes morphed into the sharingan as it began to shape into something but stopped short as I locked eyes with Haku his face became expressionless.

"when you try to save someone you love you will hold back on your speed and when you see that person die you'll be released"

with those orders given I snapped her out of the trance effect of the genjutsu.

"well I'll see you later"

"you as well my name is Haku"

I turned and smirked

"the names Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha"

(boom end of another chapter next time we'll get to part 2 of the fight vote comment your ideas and peace)