
Saving you

Angga has mixed feelings. Anger, sadness and pain dominate the recesses of Angga's heart. Angry because he couldn't take good care of Alexa until this could happen.

Sad and sick because the lover is in a pathetic condition.

He thinks fast. Deftly took the blanket lying on the bed to cover Alexa's exposed body. He looked away as he wrapped Alexa's body, even though he was a normal man, Angga tried to respect Alexa.

Angga is not a jerk who steals opportunities in a girl's helplessness. Isn't love to protect? Not to destroy?

After Alexa's body was neatly covered, Angga immediately lifted Alexa's body. He took Alexa out of the house and put her in the car seat. The car seat is intentionally arranged so that Alexa can be on her back, although not completely on her back.

Angga rushed to start the car engine and drove away from the cursed house!

Along the way, Angga cursed his negligence. He had neglected to take care of Alexa.

Since the first time he knew Alexa, Angga had known that Alexa's life had become abnormal after Ben's presence as her stepfather.

Alexa's biological father died in an accident at work. Angga had suspected that the death of Alexa's father was not purely an accident. There is an element of intent by someone who is jealous of Alexa's father. But neither Alexa nor her mother wanted to prolong that.

"Alex ... I'm sorry ... I neglected to take care of you," he said bitterly.

From time to time, he looked to his left. Alexa is still unconscious. Angga maximizes the speed of his car without heeding the safety of himself and Alexa.

Grateful not long after, Angga has arrived in front of his luxurious boarding house. When he was about to open the car door, Angga looked through the car window towards the second floor of his house. He saw one of the rooms upstairs lit up. It was the room of his friends who lived in his boarding house.

Angga hurriedly took his cell phone and called his friend. He intends to make a sterile boarding house from his friends. He must provide comfort for Alexa.

After calling, he did not immediately get out of the car. Angga waits for the movement of his friends out of the boarding house. On the phone, Angga asked his friends not to sleep in his boarding house for a while, arguing that there would be an impromptu renovation from his father.

About fifteen minutes of waiting, then Angga started his car again and parked it in the basement of his house.

Angga deftly carried Alexa into the house. Angga seemed to have endless energy, he carried Alexa up to the room on the second floor. A room that has not been touched by his friends at all. The room he used to live in when he was alone.

The main reason was, because it was the only room that had a bathroom in it.

Angga laid Alexa carefully. Not only that, Angga immediately went back down to the kitchen to get compressed water and eucalyptus oil.

"Alex... Wake up," Angga hissed while applying eucalyptus oil to Alexa's cold palm.

Alexa's whole body suddenly moist and cold. If you remember the sequence of Alexa's activities throughout the day, it's clear that she hasn't put food in her stomach. Because of that, he fainted, the most likely being that he was exhausted from constantly struggling and crying.

Alexa's body slowly responded. Especially when Angga brings eucalyptus oil to Alexa's nostril.

Angga's expectation is that Alexa is aware that she is calm and weak. But in reality Alexa woke up instantly and started screaming hysterically.

"Let go of me!!! I beg you to stay away from me!!!"

Suddenly Angga was surprised by Alexa's quick response. He immediately grabbed Alexa's hand which was protecting her face.

"Alex... it's me. Calm down. You're safe here."

Alexa's hearing seemed to be closed, she didn't hear Angga's voice.She just kept screaming hysterically and throwing words that hurt Angga's heart.

"Alex, calm down! Look over here! Look, it's me! You're safe here."

Angga was forced to grab Alexa's face so that the girl could see her figure and stop her fear.

A second later Alexa woke up. She spontaneously hugged Angga. Crying in Angga's arms.

"Ssshh ... You don't have to be afraid. You are safe with me," Angga hissed while rubbing Alexa's back constantly.

After Alexa's sad cry subsided, Angga let go of her hug.

"Em ... I'm going downstairs for a moment, okay. I want to get clothes for you," Angga said awkwardly as he turned his gaze to the side.

How come! When Alexa hugged herself, the blanket covering Alexa's upper body slumped.

Alexa suddenly glanced at her body. She was embarrassed and immediately pulled the blanket to cover her body.

"Oh yeah, maybe I'll be back for a while. I want to make food for you," said Angga as he straightened his body.

Alexa wanted to protest but didn't hurry because Angga had rushed out of the room.

Alexa pinched her temples. The dizziness that was not felt before is now starting to gather again. Dizzy from crying too much.

In less than thirty minutes, Angga came back with one of his t-shirts and a tray with a bowl of hot porridge on it.

Angga is not a good cook, but cooking instant packaged porridge is not difficult for Angga. Just enough to pour hot water, then the porridge is ready to be served.

"This is my t-shirt. Sorry. I didn't have time to bring your clothes. Is that okay?" asked Angga while handing her his black t-shirt.

Alexa grabbed the shirt. "Thank You."

"I-I'm going out. You, better change clothes now," said Angga, again awkwardly.

He then walked out of the room. Provide privacy space for Alexa to change clothes.

After it was time to change clothes, Angga returned to Alexa's room again.

"Alex... Have you changed? Can I come in now?"

Angga knocked on Alex's door first, telling her that he was at Alexa's door.

"Come in..."

Angga pulled the door lever and opened it. He saw Alexa had changed into her shirt. The difference between a woman's body and a man's body is felt when they wear clothes that are not supposed to be. Likewise Alexa. The shirt looks too big on Alexa's body. But for some reason, in the eyes of Angga, Alexa is very beautiful in clothes that exceed her body size.

"Em... You eat first, okay. I already made porridge for you. Yeah... Even though it's not as good as natural-made porridge, but I think it can fill your empty stomach."

Alexa smiled faintly. She didn't budge. Her body was so weak that she had no appetite at all.

Angga immediately understood. He then spooned his first bite to Alexa.

"I feed you, yes. You have to eat."

With a sense of laziness, Alexa was forced to open her mouth and accept a bribe from Angga. Only three bites that Alexa was able to accept. She stubbornly refused the next bite.

Assuming you finally gave up. He put his bowl of porridge back down.

"You have to take a rest, okay. I'm going out."

"Do not!" interrupted Alexa suddenly.

"You don't go out. Stay here, accompany me," Alexa pleaded.

Angga then understand.

"Okay... I'm not going out. I'll sleep on the sofa. You can sleep well tonight," Angga said, pointing to the sofa against the wall -- only one meter away from the bed.

Alexa nodded in agreement. Then with a little help from Angga, Alexa lay comfortably on the soft bed. Angga covers Alexa's whole body.

"Good night, Alex ..." he said then lay down on the sofa.