
Our first fight

Angga was grateful that last night nothing happened that he would later regret for the rest of his life. They fell asleep in each other's dreams.

This morning, Angga woke up first. He turned to his side. Alexa is still asleep. Her eyes were puffy from crying yesterday.

He quickly got up and checked Alexa's condition. He pressed his palm to Alexa's forehead.

"Thank God, you don't have a fever," muttered Angga.

Since last night, he has been constantly checking Alexa's condition. Instead of getting a fever due to being exposed to rainwater at the funeral, it is also because the stomach is too late to fill. Angga was grateful that his worries did not come to pass.

He then got up and left Alexa's room. It was already seven in the morning, he had to prepare breakfast for them to eat.

A few minutes after Angga left the room, Alexa woke up. She blinked her eyes, which felt heavy.

"It's morning again..." Alexa whispered, looking at the open window of her room.