

Alexa reached for her cellphone, because she herself didn't know what items Angga had brought last night. As she recalled, before the incident Ben groped her body -- Alexa's hair suddenly throbbed at the memory of last night's incident -- she put her cell phone in her jeans pocket. And now he doesn't know where the phone went because she can't find it right now in her trouser pocket.

"Haish ... where did Angga put my cellphone? Did I leave it at home?" Alexa muttered as she searched every corner of the bed. There is not any.

She then looked towards the sofa beside the bed -- where Angga rested before finally getting the mental torment from Alexa's body.

"Found it!"

She grabbed a sophisticated object that became a guide for humans in the digital era.

An incoming notification. Alexa opened the contents of the message that entered the inbox on her cellphone.

'Miss Alexa, your thesis proposal has been approved by the department. Please continue with the script writing stage. The lecturer who becomes your supervisor is Prof. Dr. Helmi Darmawan, M.Sc. biomed. Here is his contact number'.

Alexa read the message with joy. Finally one more stage she had successfully passed. But there is a feeling of pessimism. I don't know if after this, she can contact his supervisor or just end it here.

Many things interfere with academic concentration. The most important thing is about the health of her mother who is still in the observation room. I don't know how long Mrs. Renata has been in the room. Alexa misses, misses so much. Because of her longing, without realizing it, a single tear fell from her eyelids. Alexa hastily swept it away. She didn't want to be sad anymore. She had to be strong for her mother.

"Kruyuk ...' Her stomach growled.

Hunger suddenly invaded his stomach. In front of her is a plastic bag of porridge given by Angga. But somehow reluctance wrapped her body.

"I'd better eat with Angga downstairs. Maybe, I can eat this porridge by asking for another menu," she muttered.

Alexa straightened up and walked out of the room. She came down the stairs with a plastic porridge in her hand. She deliberately put her eyes on the jelly to find the figure of Angga.

"Where are you?" he muttered as she continued to search.

Alexa has arrived in the kitchen but her eyes have not caught the bridge of Angga's nose.

"Could he have left the house?"

Alexa moves out of the house. She found Angga's footwear neatly arranged on the shoe rack. That means, Angga is still in the house.

"Ah, maybe he's in the room," she said.

'But in which room?' she said in her heart.

Angga's house -- which Angga always calls a boarding house -- has a lot of space, including rooms. Alexa hasn't had time to "joy" to see more details about Angga's house. But in some rooms, Alexa is very familiar, an example is the location of the rooms in the house.

Finally Alexa decided to check the room next to the kitchen first, the room she used to live in because it was the closest to her standing position -- the exit from the side of the house. A question arose in his heart, why did Angga move himself to a room upstairs.

"Annga!" called Alexa while opening the door of a room. Empty.

Alexa went back to look for Angga. Now she turned to the room located next to the television room. The door is open. Alexa walks fast. She was sure that Angga was in the room. A glimpse of her eyes also caught something moving from inside the room. Alexa is sure that it is Angga, because no one else lives in this big house besides the two of them.

"Angga, I ..." her voice choked. The next scene is a scream from Alexa's mouth.

"S-sorry. I-I'll wait for you at the dinning room."

Alexa turned around and immediately ran away from the room.

Like a sudden electric shock. Angga's body froze. It happened too fast. He hasn't even said a word. Only the pseudo-effect on his face sticks out.

He just realized his mistake. Yes! He didn't close the bedroom door! He should have closed the bedroom door, so that Alexa didn't immediately see himself wrapped in a small towel around his waist. He didn't expect that Alexa would come into the room when he had just finished taking a shower. Luckily, he didn't change clothes right away, otherwise Angga wouldn't be able to show himself in front of Alexa.

"You are stupid!" he cursed.

Alexa waited at the dining table with a pounding heart. A strange throbbing that he had never felt in his entire life.

"Gosh... why am I so stupid straight into that room. I should have called him from a distance and didn't have to go into the room, hisssh...!" Alexa cursed regretfully.

A few minutes later, maybe about fifteen minutes -- a long time for a man who was changing clothes -- then Angga stepped out of the room.

No! It's not dressing up exactly that makes time seem long. Angga deliberately lingered in the room just to wait for his heart to be ready to meet face to face with Alexa, after a series of events that made his feelings of love even more tempestuous. He needed time to calm his feelings.

Angga walked quite casually from behind Alexa. Alexa sat with her back to Angga's direction. As he approached, he was surprised to see that there was a black package on the table.

"You haven't eaten your porridge yet? Why? Don't you like porridge? Let me buy you something else," Angga shouted. His voice was made as neutral as possible.

Angga tried to act normal as if nothing had happened between him and Alexa. He wanted to make Alexa comfortable with his presence.

Alexa looked up. Her netra immediately collided with Angga's light brown netra. He sat right in front of Alexa.

" ... "

I don't know what made her throat feel tight. It is very difficult to answer easy questions from Angga.

Take a breath. He then stood up and walked backwards. Picking up bowls from the dish rack in the kitchen is the main purpose of going to the kitchen. After the bowl and plate were in his hands, Angga continued to take over the plastic bag that lay pathetically on the table. The porridge he bought was not warm anymore.

Deftly, Angga opened and poured the porridge into a bowl. When ready, Angga sat next to Alexa and began to spoon his first bite for Alexa.

"You have to eat, dear ... to get well soon," said Angga while shoving a spoonful of porridge into Alexa's mouth.

Oops! Angga missed calling Alexa as dear. The two of them looked at each other. Alexa is stunned. Her gaze went straight to Angga's eyes. As if searching for the truth with what her ears have heard. The word "love" was very tickling her heart.

The awkward atmosphere was the reason for their silence.

"I-I mean... ah forget it. Y-you can eat by yourself right?" asked Angga awkwardly.

He thrust the bowl of porridge in front of Alexa then got up and left Alexa's side. I don't know where he's going. To be sure, he must disappear from Alexa's presence first before he gets embarrassed in front of Alexa.