
Saved by the Mafia Boss

Amore Intima experienced something that she didn’t imagine. Before she escaped that pit of hell, she was all alone. Not until someone came to save her—Amadeus Donovan. The man take her in to his abode. But Amore didn’t know that there’s more than just on Amadeus of being her savior. He’s a mysterious man that is under a dangerous organization. As Amore live under his roof, Amadeus will slowly find himself drowning in some strange emotion. But as he unfolds all the mystery about Amore, will he still be able to accept who she really is? Will the flower of rose blooms to their romance? Or it’ll be the rose’s thorns that will set them apart? (Character illustration used in the book cover is from "Pearl Boy")

Jennyoniichan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 1

Amore woke up to a noise coming from outside. Her eyes flutters as she look around, and her eyes fixes on the door that was closed but is now open. Someone opened it.

For a long time, she was surrounded by darkness and she was already accustomed to it. But now that her eyes catches a glimpse of light, its like giving her a new chapter of life that has been sorrowed by darkness. For the time that she was in the dark, she have lost hope of even getting out of that place alive.

"Get up there and eat the food I put on the small table. Finish that quickly. We need to go somewhere," said the man who opened the door. Her eyes fixes on the man, her lips quiver. This man is the reaason why she's in that small, dirty, and smelly room where she experienced a living hell. Amore didn't imagine that she will experience hell this early of her life. And what's more hurtening is the fact that the man in front of her is somewhat her blood related family.

"What are you looking at?! Do you want me to flood all this food in your mouth at the same time? Eat now! Don't make me angry, Amore. You won't like it if you're getting me angry, you know that," the man said in a grim voice.

But Amore remained stoic and couldn't care less if what will happen to her now. She's tired of everything. She's tired of going through this hell.

As Amore didn't move, the man angrily grab her hair and force her to stand up and get her sit down on the chair on the small table.

"Amore, don't make me angry! Eat now, you b*tch!" the man angrily commanded her as he yank her hair that made her face him upwards.

And when Amore still didn't move, the man forcely opened her mouth as he get the mouthful spoon of food and pushes it inside her mouth. Amore coughed as the food goes straight to her throath without her chewing it.

Amore's lips tightened as she heard the laughter of two men that are watching from the opened door. She slowly chew the food on her mouth and follow what the devil commands her.

"Finish that quickly, so that we can go out already," the man reminded her again.

Amore looked up to him and quickly scan his devious features; bald head, dirty looking beard, piercings everywhere and tattoos that is tattoed from his face down to his feet. He really lives up to his character.

"You've been looking at me since earlier, Amore. You're missing me already?" the man sneered as the two men outside the room laugh at his remarks.

Amore's brows furrowed as she didn't follow on what he's trying to say. The man smirked and gave her a devilish look.

"Well, I know that you'll be happy because you'll leaving this dark place now, Amore," the man said.

Amore's eyes that was expressionless, suddenly lit up. The thought of living this dark place is like a light bulb that gives light to her darkened heart. But what she heard next shattered her whole being that she thought that has been shattered already.

"Because… you've been sold to some billionaire maniac man, Amore," the man said with a devilish smile.

The glimmer of hope that was just slowly litting up inside her was vanished in an instant. And she came back to the expressionless and cold Amore. But deep inside, there was something that making her heart bleeds that poured out thought her eyes, as she feel a warm liquid dropping one another making its way through her face.

"Boss, let me clean her up. That old man fart told us the he wanted her clean and tidy," one of the men from outside commented. Obviously, that man just wanted to take advantage of Amore's body.

"If you'd like to," the man beside Amore replied that made her grit her teeth. Of all people that she imagines that would harm her, she didn't imagine it would be someone like him. A man who's she's related to—her mom's brother.

"Fuck off, Bart. I'm just kidding, you're not allowed to touch this woman. You're making up stories, huh? You perverted bastard!" her uncle sneered while laughing at his companion that was just smiling sheepily, was hoping that he could get his hands to Amore.

"Amore, quit looking at me like that. Finish your food. Karen will get you here later," her uncle said and walk off the room with the other men leaving her all alone.

Amore stared at the food in front of her. She wipes the tears on her face and stood up and goes back to her hard and cranky bed. But before she can even lay on the bed, the door opened again. Amore's eyes flew to the opened door, and there's the other devil entering the room.

"Get your ass on her, Amore. Finally, we'll be free from unnecessary things that was given to you here. Anyways, follow me, don't even think of running away now. You know that you can't get away from this place," Karen stated and gave Amore a dirty look from head to toe before she turned around and started walking away.

Amore just followed the woman, and just like for the first time the sunlight hits her skin. She was being captive inside the basement where there's no light from outside that could enter. Seeing the light now, not just from the adjacent of the door, but from the outside itself, the fire inside her heart started litting up again. Seeing light is just like signaling her that there's still hope.

As Amore kept on following Karen, they stopped infront of a room where Karen pushed her to go inside and the latter followed her.

"Go take a bath and care yourself. Do it quickly, I hate waiting. Especially for a girl like you," Karen scoffed before she went out the room leaving her behind.

Amore didn't mind Karen and she started roaming her eyes on the room she's in now. From the day she was held captive, it's just now the time that she's been to a clean an comfy room like this. There's even a beautiful red rose color dress on top of the bed.

She walks towards the bed and stood in front of the whole body length mirror. She's just wearing a rugged shirt and shorts, her hair is a mess. But something didn't change for her. Amore's milky and porcelain skin, her goddess beauty, and her attractive gray eyes. Even if she's wearing dirty rugged clothes, it's not affecting her beauty.

Amore makes her way to the bathroom. And again, what's inside the bathroom is much cleaner in comparison to the bathroom she had in the basement. But she doesn't care about that anymore. She quickly turned on the shower after she took off her clothes. The water poured down on her head down to her body. The warm water soothes her whole body even though she can feel some aches on some parts of her body. But she doesn't care about that. She just wants the water to keep on pouring on her body to clean all the dirt and dust on every nook on her body.

Moments later, Amore is done taking a bath. She's now in front of the mirror as the towel is wrapped around her body. And she slowly took the towel off, and what she saw on the mirror made her smile weakly. The clothes is just like a protective armor for her to cover up all these bruises on her body. All the pain she's gone through, all the punches and slap she received is the evidence of hell she has gone through.

Without noticing it, a tear fell down from her eyes but she quickly wiped it and reached for the dress on the bed. She wore it and quickly combed her hair as she heard a knock on the door.

Her uncle came in, "Don't disappoint me. Come on!" And she was pulled out of that room.

While she was being dragged out of the room, Amore can't help to think that there's someone like him who would really sell a human being, a blood related, to someone. Seeing the outside world again, Amore felt some strength to live her life again. The suffering she endured in that dark room was enough. Because she's sure that the man who's going to buy her is just the same as her uncle or someone who's more crueler than him. Just by thinking of that, Amore couldn't take it. She needs to do something.