

"My life was ruined, I was at a crossroad and decided my life was meaningless.But you were there to hold and comfort me. You patiently waited for me to accept my feelings admist my troubles and betrayal I felt, You came throughh for me.The Breakup was a blessing, I had to meet you............ It was my fate.......... "

Simi_Sola24 · Urbano
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8 Chs


... "We're done!".Those words echoed in my ears repeatedly and it felt like a stab in my heart.

"How can you say we are done huh?"I asked not ready to believe him

"I'm tired, I can't keep up with you anymore" He said

"You're tired?!.I asked looking puzzled

"Yes, you've changed alot"

"Daniel i'ts still me. The same girl you fell in love with 5years ago. I haven't changed. What are you talking about."

"I know about your affair

How you got the job with my ex boss and how you told him to fire me,I found out about everything"

"Daniel,You said you were cool with it. You admitted it was all your fault and that I deserved the job so what are you saying now?"

"That was before I found out you actually slept him him" He said frowning his brows

"DANIEL!!" I shouted feeling wronged

"Look here babe,our wedding is in a months time and youre saying we are done.Its a joke right?"I said obviously not ready to accept the fact that he wants to end things.

"Camila, I'm serious."He said emotionless and it felt like he had changed, like alot.

Daniel and I have been dating for 5years now and we already had our engagement. During our courtship period,He never made me feel like I lacked anything even though I knew I wasn't the perfect girlfriend.He was always there for me and he be came my backbone.I started noticing the changes in him about a year ago when he kept on saying he wasn't sure our engagement was the right decision.I told my bestie,Amanda about it and she said it was probably because he was overthinking it so I didn't pressurize him and now he's leaving me?

What was I suppose to do?,It felt like my whole world was crumbling and I felt lost.

Daniel offered to take me home but I declined.I needed some time to think about my whole situation so I decided to walk to the bus station.I was so lost I didn't even notice it was raining. Well not until someone shielded me with an umbrella and looking up, I didn't get to see the persons face because I totally went out...