
Save My Baby

Dolly and Joe teenagers fall in love. Dolly is faced with being homeless teenage pregnant girl while Joe is in prison. Their baby is kidnapped from the Hospital and sold in the Black Market. Joe is released from prison and searches to save his baby. While searching for his baby, he discovers a Human Trafficking Organization.

Sylvia_Russell · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter Five

Joe met with Russell the next day and gave him the address. Russell went to the address and talked to Gloria. Gloria told Russell that Tommy had stopped breathing that night. Dolly was hysterical and didn't want to calm down. It was difficult for the rescue team to rescue Tommy. Dolly behavior disturbed Doctor Oliver as he tried to save Tommy. Doctor Oliver gave Dolly a shot to put her to sleep.

Dolly sleeps all night before waking up the next morning. Dolly was heavily sedated. Gloria asked Doctor Oliver why he had sedated her so much to let her sleep. Why did he just give her a shot to relax? Gloria felt that Doctor Oliver had overmedicated Dolly. Gloria was fired on the spot for questioning the doctor and expressing her concern about Dolly. Gloria explained that she did not know that Dolly's baby had been kidnapped. Gloria was afraid to supply more information. She stopped talking. Russell left her his card and asked her to call if she remembered more information.

Russell called Joe on the phone and informed him of the results. Joe knew he had to go to s doctor Oliver es Office to find other information. Joe waited until it was his turn to clean the doctor's office. Joe went to the office and started searching the files. Joe heard Doctor Oliver walking down the hallway towards the office. Joe stopped searching the files and started cleaning the office. When Doctor Oliver entered the office, he asked Joe to finish the cleaning another time. He worked in the Emergency Room and could not leave the hospital. He had just been working in the emergency room for 18 hours. He wanted to take a nap and not be disturbed. This was customary practice for emergency physicians.

Joe returned to work the next day. Doctor Oliver was out of service. He had been working in the emergency room all night. Joe was again assigned to clean the medical office. Joe went to the office and started searching through files. Joe found death certificates for some of the babies. The babies had been born the night he worked in the emergency room. Joe cleaned Marie's room. Marie spoke to Joe. Marie told him that she heard the baby crying after birth. Doctor Oliver gave her a sedative. When she woke up this morning, nurse Janet came into her room and told her the baby was still broom. She didn't understand how that could be possible. A stillbirth is the birth of a baby born without signs of life. The baby may have died during pregnancy, labor, or childbirth. Stillbirth is unusual.

Marie had just done a check-up two weeks ago and the baby was fine. She heard the baby crying. How could the baby be stillborn? Marie was seventeen. She refused to give up her baby for adoption. She loved her baby, now it was gone. Marie asked Janet if she heard the baby crying. Janet told her that the baby had health problems and died. The baby tried to cry, but then he died. Maire was confused. She knew the baby was crying. Why did Janet lie to them? Marie continued to interview Janet and she was given another sedative.

Joe couldn't wait to come home from work and tell Russell what he had discovered. Russell's sister Lillie worked in the Department of Health. Lillie had access to the Records of the Bureau of Vital Statistics. Lillie agreed to search the records of the last three months. Ten babies had thrived in the hospital shortly after birth. Marie received a death certificate for the baby. The death of a baby born alive must be registered in the same way as any other death. If a baby is stillborn after 24 weeks of pregnancy, the stillbirth must be entered in the stillbirth register. Lillie searched further and found no death certificate or stillbirth registered for Marie.

Russell became more determined to find out what was happening to Marie's baby. Now he had two cases to work on Marie's baby and Tommy. Joe had to gain access to the doctor's office to get more information. Joe was looking for a file about Marie and Tommy. He found a file on Marie and made a copy of it and gave it to Russell. Russell was concerned about the information that was in the file. Marie had on 16. A stillborn girl was born at 1:45 a.m. in June. Russell contacted Lillie and asked for a search of the records for babies born at 1:45 a.m. on June 16. Lillie has found a record. A little girl was born to Mary and John Smith on June 16 at 1:50 a.m. The baby was born in the same hospital where Marie was. Joe had to find a way to get into velvet. He needed to know if Mary Smith had been hospitalized. Did Mary Smith give birth to a baby, or did she give birth to Maries?

Joe cleaned the registration office the next evening. There was no record of Mary Smith ever being hospitalized for the week of June 16. Joe believed that Mary had taken Marie's baby. If he could figure out where Marie's baby was, maybe Tommy was there too. Russell, Lillie and Joe continued to search for clues. Another baby was reportedly kidnapped from a hospital in the next county. Russell knew there had to be a connection between the two. How could he find the link? Five babies had been abducted from the Hospital in the Tri-County area. How could this be possible, and it is not interconnected.

During the investigation, Russell discovered that Doctor Oliver works in all the hospitals from which babies had been kidnapped. He also discovered that Doctor Oliver was the benefactor of the Second Chance House. Joe as the person in charge of cleaning the Medical Records Office. While in the Medical Records Office, Joe discovered a file listing babies who had been adopted. The babies were born in the hospital. The adoption paper showed that Mary and John Smith had all adopted babies. He was confused with a couple really adopting twenty babies in a period of four months. What happened to all the babies? There were many babies who had to be adopted. The address listed for the mother on the adoption papers was the same address as the Second Chance Home. He understands that the Second Chance Home was a home for unused young people without a family.

Joe contacted Russell with the information. Russell visited the house to question Dolly. Dolly told him that most of the mothers in the house have given their babies up for adoption. They found it to be best for the baby. The home offered services to help mothers who wanted to put their baby up for adoption. Russell asked if she knew what service was being offered. Dolly told him that a couple Mr. and Ms. Smith would come into the house and helped convince the mothers to give the babies up for adoption. They assured the mothers that the babies would be placed in a loving home. They would be loved and cared for. They would be provided with things that a teenage mother could never give them. Dolly remembered a girl named Stacy who had agreed to adopt the baby and changed her mind. Dolly recalled that she never brought the baby home from the hospital.

Mr. and Ms. Smith had offered to pay her ten thousand dollars for her baby. They doubted Stacy's head that she could take care of the baby. Stacy wanted her baby to have a good life. The things she never had as a child. Parents who loved her and took care of her. Stacy left the house with a new car. Stacy never talked about the baby back then. Dolly knew Stacy didn't have the money to buy a new car. She couldn't take care of herself and the baby. It hit Dolly like a rock on her head. Stacy sold her baby to Mr. and Ms. Smith. Russell asks Dolly for information to get in touch with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Dolly provided him with a phone number

After leaving the house, he called the number. No one answered the phone, which was sent to a recording. Thank you for calling Angel with Halos, please leave your name, number and a short message. Someone will call you back as soon as possible. Russell returned to the station and conducted a search for Engels with halos. The search revealed that the business address was identical to that of the hospital. Russell called Joe and asked if there was a ward at the hospital called Angel there with halos. Joe had never heard of it.

When Joe did the work the next day. He asked the lady in the gift shop Mandy for a register of the hospital. He was dressed in normal clothes and not in the hospital uniform. Joe had never seen Mandy before. The Gift Shop was run by volunteers. She asked if Joe needed more help. Joe asked her if she knew about the Angels with Halos.