
Save me! my wife is a demon!

"being born as the devil's second daughter is not easy and on top of that marrying a human! no never!" That's what Lilith thought when she heard about that stupid marriage proposal. what will the underworld's most powerful woman would do when she is forced to live as an innocent wife in the human world?

DaoistI1eOyy · Fantasia
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2 Chs

Lyla in love !

Lilith was the second daughter of Astra, the king of the underworld. she was named "Lilith" after her great great grandmother. The underworld is not a place a normal kid would want to grow up but for Lilith underworld's darkness was her light, and the blood was her mother's milk, skulls were toys. she was brought up with stories about her grandmother, how she left his husband and became the devil's queen. How fierce she was. Lilith wanted to be like her - queen of hell. She was a skilled killer. she could kill anyone at any time. The story of how 14-year-old Lilith killed his uncle after he disrespected her father became a tale in all realms.

she has an eye for...(Claude- Lilith's uncle's son )

for what? killers? (Lilith)

How do you know that? (Claude)

maybe because I am a killer! (Lilith)

Phaedra- Lilith's sister was as malicious as her young sister but was more observant than her, that's why she was able to avoid her little sister's murder attempts. As Lilith's power grew in the underworld, Phaedra became worried about her throne, she wanted to throw Lilith out of the underworld as soon as possible. And she got her chance when Claude kidnapped Lyla- carl's newly married wife.

"Carl's family has the key to hell's door. They have protected it for ages. How can you foolishly kidnap their lady of the house?" Astra yelled at carl. while Lyla was hiding behind Claude - shivering and crying like a small puppy . she was not a particularly weak woman, but what you can accept from her when she realized that her lover is a demon and she is in hell. (literally)

calm down, dad! we can find some solution? isn't it lily?-Phaedra said.

( i can't believe I am in the devil king's house, what's with family drama ?) Lilith thought. But she can't possibly speak her mind in front of her angry father otherwise her head will become breakfast for vultures.

"don't call me that, my name is Lilith dear sister. Why can't we just send Lyla back? it's not like her soul is locked in a soul chamber." - Lilith said while playing with her brown long hair.

listening to Lilith's advice, Lyla held tightly to Claude's arm and yelled to her-" I won't; leave his side ... I love him, I don't care if he is a monster".

Lilith's glare at her sent a shiver to Lyla's spine.. ( ah! women in love are idiots, nothing more than that, if not for Claude I would have eaten her lovely heart filled with love ....love? no, that would taste horrible)

Claude tightly held Lyla's hand and said that they won't leave each other no matter what. hearing this Astra slapped him and warned him to banish from hell for eternity and kill Lyla.

" killing, Lyla is not a solution, dad. we must look for another way .."

'"Phaedra is right, we can't banish Claude just like that "- Lilith exclaimed - even a mostly deadly princess had a soft corner for his younger brother whose father she killed ... maybe it's guilt.

Lilith knew that Claude's relationship with his father was not very great, so even if she killed her uncle, it won't affect Claude, but because she murdered Claude's father, Claude lost the right to inherit the throne..as a demon can't be killed by another demon otherwise his /her child loses the chance to be king,... it's a matter of pride among demons

Astra was done with Claude's nonsense and was ready to kill him and his human lover ....but Phaedra interrupted him and said-- carl's family hasn't seen Lyla's face yet

why does it matter? - Lilith said holding Lyla's arm by force because Lyla's confidence amused her and she had a habit of playing with amusing things

Claude said (while removing Lilith's hand from Lyla) - "yes, they haven't it's a custom among humans"

"What a stupid custom...these humans are seriously stupid" ..- Lilith said.

Phaedra said- "I care about my brother and her lover, why don't we someone else as carl's wife on earth, they will never know, and that person can steal that key from the family, after all, we don't need humans to protect hell doors' key. "

( care, - -, for Claude ...hahaha a! what the hell she is planning? don't tell me she wants to live a life as a mere human)

Astra --" they have been protecting that for centuries, it was given to their family by the first lord because they feared that those good-for-nothing angels will try to steal it away and as angels can't harm humans ...the key was protected. we can't bring the key here, we need someone witty, smart, malicious, and rude enough to stay on earth for 50 years to look after the key till Misa's family situation became stable again. "

( witty? malicious? brave? rude? isn't that me? wait ! why they are looking at me like that ?)

no ! no! no! for god's sake I don't want to live in that hell hole...thunder came striking the walls of the palace---as Claude, Astra n Phaedra said together-- you know that we can't say his name!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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