
Save and Load Ninja

Naruto/ multiverse fanfic. Your classic tropes of isekai, rebirth, and golden finger. With the twist of not being super op at the start. Heavily researched naruto lore… like a lot..like write a history book a lot, so I’ll try not to info dump too much. *Insert disclaimer about Naruto IP here*[I only have rights to my OC and all that]

Alexdmercer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

Journal Entry # 1

Hello all! My name is…

…wait for it…


Just kidding.

My name used to be Nedd Stark.

That ones not a joke. Seriously messed up I was named after that guy right? Like of all the Starks why that one? The super loyal, moral, and brave Nedd isn't an insult but come on! HE'S CANNON FODDER! WHAT THE HELL! But I digress. Freaking millennials.

Now before you start thinking about truck-kun and how I was a college kid on the way home or some hospitalized tragic hero, or suffered some slightly comedic death by an act of an unknown Deity. I'm not one of those. Sorry to disappoint. I died at 40 years old from natural causes. In my case good old heart attack.

I had a wife, kids, family… well a cookie cutter family. Run of the mill. Nothing special. I wasn't rich but I wasn't broke. Normal childhood, no dark secrets or humanity saving genetics. I was not some genius doctor, scientist or anything high profile just some IT guy for an insurance corporation. Not a bad job, decent pay, please don't curse me on my death bed type of job.

So despite how averagely normal I am, imagine how shocked I was to be staring at a game screen after my so called death. Can it be called death if I'm still living? Unknown. Back to the point.

One second I'm in literal heart rending pain and the next I'm in a dark void staring at a blue game screen with a big ol Start button.

In what I could only say is a slightly transparent version of my body I click Start, because I'm supposed to be dead so why not? Maybe it's like a whole Matrix situation. It's not. I think.

The next screen just says Hyuga Ren. Has a picture of a fetus and below that it says soul trait: Save/ Load. Then just another start button. No sudden amount of wishes, no deity to explain anything, no indication this is some sort of "System" despite the little blue screen. So I click start because well:

Endless void or this little blue screen?

Little blue screen wins.

Then I experience my birth. Which is well…. umm an experience. Not recommended. I've sealed that trauma away. Don't ask.

When I finally see the light of day, I see a doctor which seems fairly modern way to be birth so I have some hopes I'm back on Earth. Luckily my guess is right! I'm on Earth! Unluckily it's just not the Earth I'm used to. How do I know? Because good old dad is wearing a Konoha forehead protector. Now he could be just someone doing an elaborate cosplay but the pure white pupils makes me think otherwise.

Immediately I get a little excitement thinking I'm in freaking Naruto! Then I get a little bummed thinking maybe it's Boruto. Then happy again since I'm a Hyuga.

So now I am currently Ren Hyuga or Hyuga Ren I guess. Japanese stuff.

Now if you're from my original world you're now thinking who the hell is that? Well who knows?because I don't. Now I'm not having an identity crisis I know that's me now but I've never heard the name while watching or reading Naruto. Which automatically means I'm some random nameless Hyuga ninja that never got screen time and most likely died silently off screen. Not exactly the best start to my new life.

Are you thinking? That's still not that bad bro, Byakugan! Lucky! You'll rule the world!

I thought the same until it hit me.

FUCK it's Naruto!

Let me make this clear.

I am somewhere from screwed to super screwed.

I was born in year 41 of Konohagakure to the Hyuga Clan. AKA it's been 41 years since the establishment of Konohagakure. How do I know that? My birth certificate is being filled out and basic reading of numbers is not difficult with my minor delving into Japanese in college, I could be considered semi literate, elementary school level, but literate. This means the Second and Third Ninja war will come my way though which has me wondering how to miss the draft.

I am likely part of the Hyuga branch family if the markings my new father is trying to hide are anything to go by. So there's a messed up seal on my forehead I have to look forward to. I mean the Uchiha wouldn't have been hunted down like a bunch of pigs waiting for slaughter with a similar seal but it's not exactly the seal of friendship either right?

Then there's the important bit. This is now my world. A world with a ridiculously short life expectancy, a disturbing view on child soldiers, and that power of friendship non-sense doesn't apply to me. It's not like I can become the Hokage without a single guaranteed, it's definitely my fault, kill by having my Jounin instructor kill st—… save me from killing. I can and will be killed if I am not willing to kill my opponents. Which with the upcoming wars is like every other human being on the planet… so fun times.

After wallowing in self pity for a while I once again took notice of my new parents. This was quite frankly jarring as internally I knew I had a family on my original earth but somehow I can't remember their names or faces… actually a lot of people that should be nameable for me are not. ie coworkers, friends, pets, family these are absolute blanks and yet I seem to have perfect recall on tv, movies, pop culture and many mundane things.

Despite knowing very little about my original family's traits though, I don't feel anything about this new one when I look at them. No sense of kinship, security, love or anything. It just feels like their existences are wrong and I'm cheating on my original family. Like the clear expectations and love in their eyes for me is wrong and should belong to someone else. There's a clear disconnect for me. Yet they keep smiling and bringing me into three way hugs.

I don't really know what my new parents deal is but they somehow went into a monologue about my name mid hug. This sappy moment of naming me went on for what like felt forever culminating with my name being, Ren. This was the name that meant, with out the hour long speech, that I'm proof of their love. So my kanji for the name Ren can be translated as the word love, not blossom. Not sure which is worse. Ren doesn't sound that bad right? British people call everyone love so it can't be that bad. Not sure who I'm trying to convince here.

That nonsense aside what I was really interested in was the sweet juicy gossip that dropped on my lap.

Yeah I smelled a scandal! A great love affair! A modern day? Romeo and Juliet! Compared to my original family this was some juicy shit!

During the hubbub of the naming monologue I once again noticed dear old dad has the cursed seal mark of the branch family which is why I assumed I was a branch family member. Dear old mom on the other hand doesn't so big question is what the hell am I?

A secret love child? Or a boring regular love child?

Tune in next week….

I'm joking again.

I had no way of deducing my parental situation, but I was hoping to have some sweet origin story that would bring the almighty plot armor to my side.

I mean I was born on January 25th of the 41st year of Konohagakure and a certain little blond boys birth would also be today, that had to be an auspicious sign right?

This was my experience and thoughts coming to this world 2 years ago. I was dead freaking wrong auspicious sign my ASS!

January 25th 43rd year of Konohagakure

-Hyuga Ren



https:// www.twitch.tv/ alexdmercer03

https:// www.p@treon.com /peerlessevolution

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