
Chapter 88

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


"Pfff... He caught you there, Violet," one of Violet's friends said as she covered her mouth with her hand to stop herself from laughing.

"Hmph. He just caught me off guard" Violet huffed as she crossed her arms trying to look nonchalant, but her cheeks flushed with embarrassment gave her away.

Her friend opened her mouth to continue teasing her, but before she could say anything I started talking.

"Well Miss Paige, I didn't know you had such pretty friends," I said looking at the friend who was teasing her.

"Huh?" she replied intelligently.

I'm really starting to find it fun to tease these girls. I've done it at Ravenclaw, but the only girls at Ravenclaw I could play and flirt like that were my classmates, who are too young for me, and some of the older girls like Emilly, Alysson, Victoria, Penelope, and Elora Dunn, the Ravenclaw's reserve Chaser. And of all of them, Penelope is the most fun to tease, mainly because of her rigid personality, so it's always fun to see her reactions to being hit on.

"Had I known Hufflepuff had so many beautiful girls in her, I would have begged Sorting Hat to put me here" I said looking at the girls at the table causing some embarrassed looks and some blushes, "But I guess I'll have to be content to look at you from my sad and lonely ravens table," I continued in a resigned tone.

I then looked at the girls again, and with renewed vigor I said happily, "But well...I guess just being around such gracious and charming ladies is enough for me" and by my Empathy I could feel a wave of happiness, satisfaction, pride and shame coming from the Hufflepuff girls.

Probably because they are considered from the students' house of no good qualities, they shouldn't receive that much praise, so it makes sense for them to be happy for these simple praises.

"Damn, he's good" one of the older boys mumbled impressed. And the boys around nodded in agreement, looking at me with a mixture of jealousy and respect.

"This is the power of intelligence?" one of the boys asked no one in particular, noting something in a diary he had taken from some unknown place.

"Thank you" Violet, who has recovered from her embarrassment, said coquettishly. And I winked at her in response.

"Yes, that was very flattering," fourth-year girl, Beatrice Haywood, said truly gratefully.

"Hold on... You look familiar to me..." one of the girls said, gaining the table's attention, "Aren't you Ravenclaw Star!?" she exclaimed. And with that some of the students turned their faces towards me and started looking at me in surprise.

'How do they know about this nickname?' I asked myself suspiciously.

"The Star of Ravenclaw!?" one of the sophomore boys exclaimed, "That Ravenclaw Star?! What broke the house points records in the first month? The same one who became Ravenclaw Chaser and who defeated and killed the troll? That Ravenclaw Star?!" he asked looking at me in awe.

'Ugh... I'm going to kill whoever gave me that stupid nickname' I moaned in exasperation.

"Uhm, that Star of Ravenclaw" that same girl said, "I should have known sooner. First year, last name Night, sharp tongue, beautiful amber eyes with hair that looks like it's been tousled by the wind... Sigh" she continued, sighing dreamily in the end. She must have realized what she said then, as she started to turn red with embarrassment, which earned some giggles from the students around us.

"I think they can add gentleman and flirt to their conquests already," Violet said amusedly, not wanting to miss the chance to embarrass me and return the embarrassment I put her through.

As soon as she was done talking, I slammed my forehead on the table, grunting tiredly, "Don't give them any idea... The titles I have are bad enough, and if I add more I'll have more people looking for me when I pass through the halls"

"Awn... Don't look like that... If they piss you off too much, you can scare them off using that dark spell you used to disintegrate the troll" Violet said amused, obviously mocking me. And as I lifted my head slightly from the table, I stared at her out of the corner of my eye, which didn't have much effect on her.

"And speaking of troll..." Susan started to say, turning to me with narrowed eyes, "What were you thinking when you decided to face a bloody troll?!" she asked angrily as she slapedd my arm.

"Something like 'Die you bastard, die' and how cool I looked doing that," I said with a smile, which started to slowly fade under the intense gaze of the little Hufflepuff girl.

"How cool you looked doing that?" Susan asked dangerously.

"Eh... Well..." I started to look around for help, but everyone turned away. My eyes then dropped to the Gryffindor table, and an idea came to my mind, "It was Potter and Weasley's fault!" I said accusingly.

"Potter and Weasley?" she asked.

"Yeah. If it wasn't for their stupidity, I wouldn't have had to face the troll," I said, nodding, "So if you want to blame someone, blame the two Gryffindor idiots, not the cute and sexy first year of Ravenclaw" I continued shamelessly.

"Hmm..." Susan then started looking at Potter and Weasley, who were sitting quietly eating their breakfast.

Potter and Weasley, who were talking, suddenly felt a shiver down their backs, as if death were judging them.

'Phew! I managed to get out of this…' I thought as I wiped the sweat off my forehead. Glad Susan had found a new target for her anger. And from that I learned the valuable lesson that 11-year-old girls are scary.

And as I thanked the heavens for getting me out of an earful, I heard the students chuckling around us and a cough that sounded like something akin to 'whipped' which made my lips twitch.

'House of loyalty my ass' I thought, sending a slight glance to the Puffs.

"Well, changing the subject…what are you actually doing at our table, Ethan?" Megan, who was sitting a few seats away, asked me.

"Nothing much" I shrugged my shoulders, "I just wanted to sit at my friends' table from another house. And I was also curious to meet other Puffs other than you" I replied, "Besides, there's no rule that forbid students from sitting at other tables"

"Mm" Megan nodded.

"Why? Don't you want me here?" I asked sadly as I held my chest dramatically.

"What?... Oh! No!... That's not what I meant" Megan said trying to explain. But then she saw me giggling and realized I was teasing her, "Hmph... You're intimidating me" she said, crossing her arms and turning her face away.

'Cute' I thought amused.

"Don't be like that... If you accept my apology, I can let you fly in my Nimbus 2000" I said. And she quickly changed her attitude, turning to me with a hopeful smile on her face.

"Serious?!" she asked.

"Yes" I nodded my head.

"Yay!" she cheered, almost getting up from her seat.

"But don't tell anyone" I said to her softly, even though I knew the others at the table were listening, "The teachers can't know that" and she immediately nodded her head in agreement.

I then turned to the others at the table and winked at them making a silent gesture with my finger, to which they nodded with amused smiles on their faces.

'Glad Smith isn't here, or he could say something to try and get Megan and me in trouble,' I thought, knowing all too well the snobby boy's nothing Hufflepuff personality.



(End AN: Hello my friends readers, and maybe writers.

I couldn't post the chapters correctly because my brother spilled juice into the internet device, and now I'm waiting for the technician to come fix it.

Sigh... Why can't all kids be like Cele?

Well I hope you enjoyed the chapter!)