
Savage Saga Part 13 John Savage Vs The Ultimate Enemy

The story of John Savage picks back up right where we left off but soon the ultimate enemy will make their appearence. Can John Savage take down his greatest enemy? Or will he lose everything? Who is this Ultimate enemy? Find out in Savage Saga Part 13 John Savage VS The Ultimate Enemy.

Vindog_Lewis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Page 7

However after all of his fights with Sand Users he built up a resistence as powerful as his others as a result the battle only had one possible ending. From there John continues his win streak absolutely no one can defeat him Max was the only one that could. John was picked for national competion global copetion and greater ones but he could never lose. However that all changed due to an event that would inevitabley result in his end. In Space the body of the dead Demon Lord Savage floated before landing on a world on this world an indivual was running for their life from some Bounty Hunters. When suddenly the body of the dead Demon Lord Savage crashes down in front of them they look at it and smile. The body of Demon Lord Savage had remained perfectly intact throughout all this time which was perfect as this indivual had the lost skill Body Swap. Which allowed them to enter other body's however that body must be devoid of life as it would fail to work if the vessal already had a host. They changed bodies with Demon Lord Savage the Bounty Hunters looked on in horror upon seeing Demon Lord Savage. They started to attack blasting it however they were killed by the Feild skill. The person clenches their fist and says "I love this new body of mine" It soon spreads that someone stole the body of Demon Lord Savage and was using it. They were confronted by Jade who sensed that aura and keft John and Bella to investigate she sees him and says "Darling is that you?"