

Roc, the strongest of his tribe is on a quest for revenge. Against a draconian monster that slaughtered his entire tribe and he will stop at nothing to find and kill it. This is a dark fantasy adventure tale set in the prehistoric times.

david_obiora · Fantasia
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1 Chs

1. The screeching sky

My name is Rocc, strongest of the Village Ukk and the tribe Glugg. The story you are reading in this cave is mine. Drawn by my own two hands and at this point in time, I have not fulfilled my quest. I have killed many men and many beasts but my goal still remains. I haven't found it yet. THAT GREAT BEAST of my youth. The BEAST that destroyed my village and killed every person in it, leaving me the last survivor and with a memory of itself. A memory that haunts me till this day and will go into my grave with me.

But I am adamant. I believe its only a matter of time till we meet again. Me and THE GREAT BEAST. I will kill it. With. My. Fists.

33 Summers ago...

I was born in Ukk village. However, then, according to my mother, we were not a village but wanderers. We had travelled from across the Sea. Till today I am yet to see the SEA. I plan to see it when the GREAT BEAST is killed.

27 Summers ago... My naming ceremony.

This ceremony took place as soon as the Rainy Season had ended. Every boy and girl my age gained their names 6 summers after they were born in this ceremony. I was no different. Us boys engaged in hunting while the girls weaved baskets to house our catch. That day, I went on the hunt for the biggest beast I could find. By the time all the other boys and girls had gained their names, I found the it. A Red Beast*. But I wasn't after her. She was too big to kill. I killed her child instead and dragged her to the village chief. Every man, woman and child stared in awe at my blood soaked form and my strength( I killed the beast cub with a stone). Chief gave me his name, Rocc. He was very proud.

17 Summers ago... The day of the GREAT BEAST

It was a normal hunt. Every man my age arose early in the morning looking for beasts to kill but to no effect. It was as if the beasts knew we were coming and escaped from our wrath. But we did not lose courage or hope. I laughed. My friend, Brall, advised we increase the size of our hunting ground. Older than me by 7 Summers, I looked upon him as extremely wise and held him in high esteem. I was far stronger than him or any in my hunting party but he was wiser. We went up stream. It was a new experience. Strange beasts roamed the earth. Tall and brown. Hairy and some thorny. All living together in harmony. They saw us but hostile they were not. Rather, it was as if they were unintelligent. I would have killed one if Brall had not said a word. We had finally found prey but Brall advised we look for competition. Beasts that we could hunt with honor not these simple- minded beasts. I agreed. The others grumbled. But we continued uphill. I remember rocky mountains and more strange animals. Some we killed as they attacked. We also fetched fruit for the women of the village in labor and the working women. Some our mothers and some our sisters. I fetched a beautiful fruit for a woman I loved. Pala by name, she was beautiful in every way. If she did not die, she would have birthed my children.

Our first mistake was the EGG. Hungry and tired from our journey, we found an egg at the top of the hill. Bigger than Bok, the biggest in our group and sitting upright in the middle of the forest; the sight seduced our senses and we gave in. We dined and swam in the delicious juice of the yolk and even fought over the shell. When it was over, we decided to return home with what we had left over. That was our second mistake. Too satisfied to think, we didn't bother to wash ourselves in the stream on our way back to the village and the mother of the EGG we embezzled, followed us.

Yes, the GREAT BEAST followed us.

A normal evening with women cooking what we had brought back and old men telling stories was interrupted by her screeching. The skies turned black and the playing children turned to tears instead. Lightning struck a hut but no rain came. Instead the screeching became worse with more lightning falling. The sky was screeching. The calm evening became tensed and as I clutched my spear I knew something was coming. And I knew that I was unprepared to face it. The Chief, who had governed us since my birth, suggested we leave the area as it was now unsafe. He cited how in the past, the elements attacking symbolized that the gods were unpleased with our actions and so in order to appease them, we were to move. What a foolish idea. But the people bought it. I tried to argue with the Chief stating that I could protect the village from whatever was coming. I was strong but he refused and he was the first to die. Striking him with lightning, THE GREAT BEAST made her entrance. Two wings wider than our hunting grounds and village put together blocked the sky and she was all we saw. I stared into her eyes and saw fury but I was fuming too, for she had killed MY CHIEF. I threw my spear into her side and many men of the village followed my action. Spear after spear we threw, arrow after arrow, but she would not fall. She was the most powerful beast we had ever encountered. In retaliation, she began to strike the villagers in groups as they ran. Especially children. Infuriated, I wondered why this was happening, what we had done to deserve this. I even wondered if what Chief Rocc said about the gods was true but instead of prayer, I wept bitterly. A deed I had not done since my naming ceremony when I was stabbed by the Red Beast Cub horn. I fell on my knees. Weak and powerless. Watched my people die around me and when it came to my turn, it was as if a surge of power overcame me. ''I AM ROCC OF UKK!!! THE STRONGEST OF THE TRIBE GLUGG. YOU SHALL FEEL MY WRATH BEAST!!!, I shouted as I charged at the BEAST. With tremendous speed, I climbed a tree and leaped towards her, bearing my spear. Unfortunately, I missed my bearing and fell on her wing. Trying to brake my fall, I thrust my spear into her wing and began to march on her wing. Stabbing as I went. In response, via screeching, she raced through the air at tremendous speeds trying to shake me off but I was rigid and serious. I planned to eventually throw my spear at her skull but her flight was a restriction and an annoyance. As we reached the skies, I was enamored by the beauty and softness of the clouds and warmth of the Sun; distracted, a gust of wind knocked the air from my chest and I fell to the abyss with my spear following behind.

I woke up impaled by my own spear and bleeding profusely. Bones broken. In a forest I did not know.

And yet, I didn't feel pain. No. Anger consumed me. I was going to find and kill her. I was going to kill THE GREAT BEAST.

Hi there! Thanks for reading. This inspires me to create more!

Anytime you see * it means that it will be explained here.

Here's the first one:

- Red Beast is a Triceratops. With many horns and a sharp tail. He would have been impaled had he tried to kill the mother instead of the baby.

Thanks again for stopping by :)

david_obioracreators' thoughts