

City mafia rule! Will you be a celebrity, hitman, senator, or FBI director? Join the mob and rule the city! Will you become a celebrity mobster, or the shadow rule?

senhordogamerplay · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


The moment I walked into the bowling alley, I knew things were going to be okay. Nelson greeted me at the door with a big hug and everyone else on the team was right behind him. There was a big "Welcome back Leandro Paulino Silveira" banner hanging on the wall. There was even a bottle of Peruvian wine for me from Don. It was an ironic gift that everyone laughed at. I enjoyed the party, and when it was over I looked forward to getting back to work. My time away had taken some of the heat out of me as well.

(Heat -75)

I found that the Family took care of that for me. I found a ticket for long-term parking living in a small apartment near Lucky Lanes. I took a taxi to the parking lot and found my Mustang waiting for me. Tentatively, I looked in the glove compartment. I was happy to see my .44 Magnum there too. Someone in the family must have moved it for me.

Dirty stinky rotten rotten cops. I was taken aback when I was arrested and I was carrying $3,700. Someone helped me with my money when I was being sued and took $1,500.

(Lost $1500)

My no-show job as assistant manager for Daria Airlines' new international cargo storage department was back and better than ever. I got a substantial raise as my various business ventures had their funds laundered through my weekly paycheck.

I hadn't paid tax in the past and the IRS had never audited me, so why would I start paying now? We had barely gotten together before my arrest, so Taylor was very happy to have me back. We'd wasted a lot of time not revealing how we felt about each other, so Taylor didn't want to waste another second.

"Do you want to marry me?" she asked.

I replied: "Yes".

The wedding was a loud and raucous affair with many guests. Taylor wouldn't have it any other way. She was a who's who of criminals and ex-convicts. Sadly, none of the family members attended the wedding. I don't think they approved of Taylor. My parents didn't like her either, but they still came.

(Taylor Ratio +20 and Criminal Reputation +20)

My life as an associate was about to end and I had no idea. I was lying in bed when I got a call telling me to leave. Jimmy the Carrot was waiting for me in his own car with Dana Pipes and Freddie the Rose in the backseat. I was told to come in. I had no choice, so I did as I was told.

There were no laughs, conversations or smiles as we drove through the quiet streets of New Daria. By this time I was sure I was being beaten. I tried to hide my fear when we pulled up outside an abandoned warehouse and was told to go inside. I almost pulled out my .44 Magnum at that point, but I was afraid I was no match for the three of them.

I entered the building. I saw dozens of men and women inside, including Don De Luca and Four Finger Nelson. There was a table with wine, a .38 revolver, a dagger and a picture of an old woman.


"This is a friend of ours," Don De Luca said as I entered.

Jimmy, Dana and Freddie joined the others. I saw Don De Luca set the painting on fire and pass it around. Each person in the room quickly moved on to the next until everyone had touched them. He barely made the circuit in time before the flame completely turned him to ash. I lost a lot of words as they were being said, but to my relief, I saw a few proud smiles and realized that I wasn't being defeated after all. My attention was brought back when I felt something cut my finger. I looked down to see a drop of blood splatter on the table next to the revolver.

"This blood means we are family now," Don De Luca intoned, still holding the dagger he had used to slash my finger. "You live by the gun and the knife and you die by the gun and the knife."

That was the day I became made. I was actually a member of the Life Sketch Family. I was untouchable. I thought I would need to kill someone to complete the ritual, but then I realized they assumed I had killed the couple who had accidentally taken drugs from De Luca's son. They assumed I had met that requirement. We all went to a restaurant after that and enjoyed a great meal despite the late hour. I was given a nickname to commemorate my achievement.

The name came as a mockery of my time in prison, because I certainly wasn't an angel.

(Criminal Reputation +10)

"Leandro Paulino Silveira o Anjo" was how I became known among the Family. Don De Luca took me aside and had a short heart-to-heart with me.

"Tall or short, fat or thin... only two things matter," he said. "Your ability to win and the respect you instill in others. Don't let me down."

(Respect +10)

When I started spending my money, I kept these words in mind.

it was good to be back. I found myself enjoying the freedom of driving down the street and going wherever I wanted. Prison had been difficult. It was good to be outside. Now that I was a grown man, things were even more exciting. It felt like everyone knew me and treated me with more respect.

One day I was stopped at a red light when I felt a jolt. The idiot in the car behind me had hit me! I got out of the car and saw the other driver, a beautiful red-haired girl in her early twenties, too. I could immediately tell that there was no damage to my Mustang. She had barely hit my bumper.

"I'm very sorry!" said the woman. "I was reading a text I received. Stupid I know, I should be paying more attention."

I said, "Get your checkbook.

Her smile lit up her beautiful green eyes. She nodded and we exchanged phone numbers. Her name was Ashley and she was a travel agent. The date went very well and I felt very attracted to her. She was smart, funny and sexy and had traveled the world.

(Persuasion +5)

Things were going great... until Ashley found out about Taylor. The fact that I was a married man didn't sit too well and that was the end of it.

A few weeks later, I found a business card under my Mustang's windshield wiper. It was for a local nightclub called Fullers. I was about to throw it away when I saw the name: Jeff. It appeared that he had been released from prison and had reclaimed his nightclub from the Smirnov Family.