

City mafia rule! Will you be a celebrity, hitman, senator, or FBI director? Join the mob and rule the city! Will you become a celebrity mobster, or the shadow rule?

senhordogamerplay · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


Things got off to a good start when I helped Lisa fill garbage bags with expensive sports equipment. On a whim, I checked the cash register. It was locked, but next to it was a pile of credit card printouts. This was usually done electronically, but some companies still did it the old-fashioned way. I knew some people who bought these numbers and charged a lot on the cards.

Lisa's neighbor would be covered for the stolen goods, but carelessly neglected credit card prints would get him in a lot of trouble. It wasn't part of the heist, so the profit on that particular find was all mine.

(Smooth Ratio -15, Finance +5 and Earned $600)

I went back to work filling the garbage bag. I watched as Lisa carried the first load to a different door. It was closer to where we had parked but was clearly labeled with the message 'fire alarm will sound if door is opened'. It looked like we'd have to lug things back to the door we'd entered. I watched in amazement as Lisa stared at the message for a few moments and then flung open the door! The alarm immediately sounded.

There was a gunshot in the hall when Doug shot the security guard. Things went from bad to worse. We grabbed the few suitcases we'd packed and hurried out the door and into the van. We left without getting caught, but with only two bags of goods, it wasn't worth the danger. To make matters worse, Lisa and Doug started fighting over who deserved the most profit.

"But that idiot screwed up the whole plan!" Doug said angrily.

"You coward," Lisa said to Doug. "It was you who shot the old man and turned a simple robbery into a homicide!"

They both had their points, but I didn't want anyone else to take a bigger part, as that would dig into my own part.

(Lisa Ratio -10, Doug Ratio -10 and Earned $1,000)

It took a few days to figure out exactly what had happened, but after some thought I realized that Lisa couldn't read. She was illiterate.

I hope I didn't lead you to believe that my every waking moment was filled with crime and business. I had a lot of free time to devote to other interests during my years as an associate.

I liked the calming effect that martial arts had on me. After the trouble I had with the Sato Family, it made me want to learn how to protect myself even more.

(Fight +20)

My experiences with drugs made me well aware of the advantage that certain stimulants could give me. There never seemed to be enough time in a day.

I didn't think much of it at the time. I took amphetamines when I felt very tired, unfocused or unproductive. He has allowed me to accomplish so much more than I would have without him.

It felt good to run. I enjoyed pounding the pavement and jogging along the trails in the park. Also, I never knew when being in shape could save my life.

(Athletics +20)

Those early years were tough, financially. I was busy and had many new activities started that had the potential to grow into large operations, but I was always broke. That's why I really liked the one-off jobs like the heist that Jimmy The Carrot suggested. There was a truckload of new iPhones coming to town he knew.