
Knowledge is power

At the age of 8 Sonma Himura was considered a threat to an entire continent, and at 10 a threat to the entire world, truly a prodigy.

Every time he met with an obstacle he solved it with ease, it didn't matter what it was, there was always an answer.

Then at the age of 20 he met with another man, this man being the one who would in the future be dubbed as the strongest man, Fu Hanaku.

He was a prodigy, just like Sonma, the two got along, and treated each other like brothers, they slept together, ate together, laughed together, and grew together.

A few hundred years passed, and across that time lapse Sonma and Fu were trained by none other than Yorujo Himura, father of Sonma Himura.

Soon after they met with Romulus, this man was considered a prodigy as well but in front of Sonma and Fu he was simply another Martial Artist.

" Romulus, how about you set back and watch, you can't really keep up with us in sparring, so just take this time to rest "

Fu said, smirking as he moved stretched out his hand, patting Romulus's shoulder a few times

" Well, where were we Sonma "

Fu whispered, turning to look at Sonma who simply smiled back at him; few seconds later they disappeared, leaving Romulus by himself.

" Again, I'm left out "

Romulus said to himself, turning away from where he once stood, beginning to walk away, but the moment he took a step a crater formed behind him, and a few seconds later so did another, and another, etc.

Romulus began to train by himself, not bothering to spar with the two other men, he felt that he wasn't worthy enough to stand by them, first he needed to train, become strong and once he was strong enough he'd stand by them again, which he did.

Again, he was rejected, by the time he caught up, those two had already moved up enough to make their old selfs none visible, which was were Romulus stood at then.

Sonma then fell in love with a random demon he met, separating himself from the group his father, Yorujo Himura created. This made Romulus upset, but, he continued to train, now his only obstacle being Fu, but even with Sonma gone, he still wasn't able to keep up.

" I am no longer your teacher, I taught you all everything you need, how strong you grow, well that all depends on how hard you guys train "

Was what Yorujo said before his students parted ways. Sonma had died along with his beloved, so Yorujo couldn't find any more motivation to keep his group of elites together.

This broke Romulus, his goal was no longer there, his dream to once stand next Sonma as an equal could no longer be grasped by him.

Then, he met a man

" I see potential and ambition in you, you should be good enough to hold this amount of knowledge "

The man said, before placing his thumb on Romulus's forehead, which caused him to pass out, dropping like a branch from a tree on the ground.

The man left, and Romulus met with his comrades, leading to a fight that completely changed Romulus.

" That's about it; that's my father's story, or at least the abridged version, there's a lot of things that happen in between but—-uh, how's this going to help us defeat my father "

Arthur questioned, standing in a dark room with Ezra, and cabal, as for Ean, he was out in the city chasing behind Petra.

" How do you even know that much? "

Ezra questioned, looking down at Arthur who scratched the back of his head for a few seconds

" I don't know, I just do "

Arthur replied, staring at Ezra with his eyes wide opened before turning to look at Cabal who stabbed the end of his cane on the ground, beginning to draw something on it

" If Romulus was forcefully given knowledge like he explained earlier then, it's also possible that Arthur inherited a bit of it "

Ezra thought to himself as he paid close attention to what Cabal was drawing

" What's that for? "

Arthur questioned, leaning in a bit, tilting his head somewhat to take a closer look at what the man was drawing

" I'm going to summon a trade-trade demon. If what you say is true, then we can 'sell' him that knowledge for more knowledge. These types of demons are able to tell you anything you need to know, even if they don't know it themselves "

Cabal explained, completing the drawing before stabbing the ground with his cane, allowing the drawing to glow, and out of it came a demon, red skin, small horns and the body of a baby

" Hmm. Give. "

The demon said in a very creepy tone, as holes grew on its body, creating an atmosphere of fear which made even Ezra tremble, all except for Cabal, who was pretty used to it.

Black liquid began to spill out of the holes in the baby like demon, covering the ground with it. The baby soon opened its mouth, and out came a hand which grabbed onto Arthur's head, ripping out a cloud of blue energy, proceeding to return back to the baby's mouth

" Uh———Can't trade knowledge, the knowledge you are asking of me can not be shared. A deity is soon to be born "

The baby said, it's boy's echoing across the room, before it disappeared along with the mess it made, letting both Ezra and Arthur breathe

" You said he could give us any type of knowledge, so why didn't he give it to us? "

Arthur questioned, seemingly upset at the old man who held his chin carefully, trying to think

" If the trade-trade demon couldn't share with us it's knowledge, then it must mean whatever Romulus is up to is far from mortal reach. It isn't something we should be worrying ourselves with, instead, let's prepare, let's train, and become stronger, that is all we can for now "

Cabal said, walking to a passage of stairs at the corner of the dark room

" Now let's get out of this basement, I forgot to say this but, this place is cursed "

Cabal added before running up the stairs, scared for his life

" Wait what! Hold on a minute old man! "

Arthur yelled, running up the stairs right after Cabal did, and soon Ezra followed along, taking his time to walk up instead.