
A threat

" Now, lets talk about the real matters at hand, yes? "

Ayami questioned as she walked toward a chair, being followed by Shu who sat on one next to her.

" Shu.. "

Ean said as he leaned forward a little, crossing his fingers as Shu himself simply looked over at the man

" There are three continental kings in our halls right now, they've come to discuss matters with you "

Ean added as Shu simply tilted his head, only to open his eyes a little wide

" I know, I can sense their energy; let's invite them in "

Shu ordered as he looked over to the door, pointing at a guard who would immediately grab onto the door knob to leave but was stopped by Ean who stretched out his hand

" Shu, wait, before we invite them in, I need you to understand that when these leaders talk to you, or question you I need you to answer very carefully, because right now you are in a very bad spot "

Ean explained as Shu would then lean back against his chair, staring at Ean with a calm expression

" Or what? "

He replied, making Ean sigh as he would then rub his forehead a little, acting as if he saw this coming

" Shu you have to understand that—- "

" What Ean's trying to say is.. "

Petra said, placing her hand in front of Ean's chest, interrupting her husband as Shu would then turn his attention toward her, tilting his head a little as if telling her to explain it at once

" Shu, you are in a very terrible position, not in battling terms——but the fact that you were gone for nearly four years makes those continental kings question wether you are a competent leader or not, so— "

" So what you're saying is, I should give off a good impression? Like the one I was supposed to make in the last high meeting? "

Shu said, interrupting the woman as he would then yawn a little, looking over at the guard

" Shu, you can't just take this as if it were another regular meeting with your nobles these are worldly problems, they as well as we are trying to avoid any conflict, we are trying to avoid a war similar to the one Romulus created; we all agreed to that fact when all the kings agreed to create the 10 laws of peace "

Petra explained, raising her boys a little as Shu simply chuckled, his killing intent raising as the woman began to sweat; as Ean would stand in front of her as if to protect from Shu

" Well it doesn't matter, I already invited them in,minutes before we entered this room "

Shu said as everyone would turn to the door, seeing an Elve walk in, along with a vampire and a mermaid, who's lower half wasn't fully formed into a fish tail, but rather she had feet with blue fish scales on them.

" Welcome, Queen of the Elves; Emma Everline. King of the Vampires; Loki Latoosm, and queen of the mermaids Flouray Flenlick "

Shu said, smiling at three people who had just walked in; they looked very peculiar each and every one of them.

The Elve had stars for pupils, and a green dress drenched in many flowers, but she had nothing for her feet.

The mermaid, was all bare footed, and was simply wearing a purple long sleeve shirt that wrapped around her upper body as if it were her skin; she had nothing for her lower body though, as her blue scales seemed to cover the necessary 'parts'.

The vampire king in the other hand wore kingly clothes, similar to that which Shu wore to the meeting which the old chief called for

" Thanks for the warm welcome King Shu, but I don't think you'll be so welcoming once we start our conversation "

Emma said as she went and sat down on one of the chairs, only for the other rulers to follow, sitting on the remaining chairs themselves

" So what brings you all here? "

Ayami questioned as the mermaid simply looked over at Shu who would only look back at her, staring deeply into her eyes with seemingly no emotion sipping from his eyeballs

" You know precisely why we are here "

Flauray replied, moving her attention to Shu's wife Ayami, who would only squint her eyes and tilt her head

" Do I? "

Ayami whispered, leaning forward a little, as if to challenge the words Flauray said

" Yes, Mrs Ayami, you do. We are here to question the way your husband rules, and before you interrupt me, Duke Ean "

Emma said as she looked over at Ean who had opened his mouth preparing to reply to her

" We have every right to come here and question him, for he has done almost absolutely nothing in his kingdom, which leads me to believe that he isn't qualified "

Emma added, as Petra simply blinked making herself known in the conversation

" isn't qualified for what ma'am? "

" Not qualified or fit to be a continental king, because to be a continental king means to follow the 10 laws of peace, which can't be followed if the king is never here to rule "

Emm continued as Ayami would then interrupt, standing straight as she would then place her hand on the table

" What do you mean he isn't ever here? He's done so much already, if you're concern that we humans will start a world war again, just because our king isn't in his continent then that just means you're paranoid, for he has sent replies to the many letters I her wife send to him in the stead of the nobles who wish to speak with him, and he has done very well by doing such, and has kept peace in this continent; I'd say he's very competent leader "

Ayami said, her voice raising as she spoke in behalf of her husband who seemed to only be staring at the other leaders, allowing them to talk

" And? "

Emma replied, raising an eyebrow

" That doesn't excuse the fact that he isn't in his kingdom, he should be here, after all someone's presence is what gives off authority, if he's never her then he's never there to represent his kingdom "

Emma added, raising her voice higher than what Ayami had raised her, making her frown a little

" So? "

Ean said, interrupting the two women who would then turn to look over at him

" Whatever happens to our kingdom is our problem to worry about, wether our king is competent or not, at the end of the day it is our problem to worry about, not yours "

Ean added, giving off a very demanding tone as Emma simply looked over at him

" Watch your tone Duke Ean, for Emma's importance outweighs yours by much—and you are wrong, it became our problem when this continent agreed to follow the 10 laws of peace; We've only shown ourselves here today to tell the king that he needs to do what the 10 laws require him to do, which in turn will help us maintain further peace into our coming years "

Flauray explaining, looking all around the table as she spoke so that everyone could understand what she was saying

" But what if.. "

Shu whispered as everyone would then look over at him, giving him all their attention

" I just decided to wage war upon the entire world? What then? "

Shu added, shocking everyone at the table

" Is that a threat? "

Emma questioned

" It might be, it might not, you can take it as you may—-actually yes, it is a threat, a threat to keep you all away from things that don't concern you. We promise to keep worldly peace, but you must stay away from our matters, for they are ours to handle and worry about "

Shu said as he would then stand up, walking toward the door

" You know that doesn't follow the 10 laws of peace, right? I can call a meeting with all the other continental rulers and we could wage war against your kingdom for not following 10 laws of peace, as stated in the book in which they were written "

Emma said, as if to threaten the man, but he simply stared at her with a calm expression

" But you won't do that, will you? You're too afraid that it will start a world war again so i know for a fact you won't follow up with that threat, besides, even if you did, I'd win, or have you forgotten who the strongest man in the world is? "

Shu replied, looking over at her with his emotionless looking self

" But you aren't the strongest, that title belongs to Fu Hanaku, also, you know very little about my might and what the other kings are capable of "

Emma said, standing up from her chair as she would glare at Shu

" Hmm, but I don't really care? "

Shu said shrugging a bit as he tilted his head

" And even if I am the second strongest, you forget Fu would side with me, for he and I are like brothers. "

Shu said as he opened the door, walking away and raising his voice to say " This meeting is over! " while he did so.

Leaving the three rulers to pounder about what Shu had just said.