
same thing, but a new day

a story about two women falling inlove but suddenly one just leaves.

pdwebb123 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

chapter 1

Out of all the women I have slept with,I truly only loved one. The first women I ever dated, the one I said 'I love you' too for the first time.She is gone now, Alyssa is gone and will never come back, I know this but I keep hoping she will come back... Just for me.

Hi, I'm megan.A twenty-seven year old woman who just can't get over the past and move on, I won't accept what happened.

Women and men alike,they come and go as they please, but there are the many that don't leave.They stay just for who they love.

If only that could be what me and Alyssa were like, sadly enough she was just one of those women that left.

Let me tell you what happened between me and Alyssa.

But I will tell you from the start.


Bright red hair being shoved around by the harsh wind, this girl just trying to control her long locks.Pushing the strands out of her face.

I noticed as i was on my way to class,a thick woolen coat wrapped around my small frame. The ginger was standing there in her thin clothes, seeming like she never checked the weather forecast to see how cold today would end up.

I walk up to this girl, tugging a small band, a hair tie off my wrist and then offered it to her. She gave a soft smile when she saw me, taking the hair tie she pulled her hair up into a messy bun.

Not being much of a talker I was about to walk off so I didn't end up being late, suddenly the girl spoke.

"thank you" she said, her voice melodic.

I may not talk much but once even small talking starts, I cannot leave a conversation unfinished. "anytime, ma'am" I tried to keep it simple before i sucked myself into an hour or so long conversation.

Turning back to the women so I wasn't being rude in any way when being spoken to, her contagious smile reflecting on my own lips.

She vocalized another sentence, "Hey im Ally, well Alyssa" she held her hand out towards me.

Staring at her hand for a little moment I slowly reach out and grab onto it, giving a firm shake.

"megan" was all I said,nothing else.

"Its nice to meet you then,megan" her smile turning into a toothy grin, god I could already tell she was going to be a handful.


Alyssa and I walked to our classes, which turned out to be in the same campus building.

"so my friend was all like,thats so boring, when all she does is throw rocks at rats" Alyssa had been telling me about some of the odd things her friends say and do.

Listening very carefully to each and every word this gorgeous woman had to say.

I wished I had her amazing looks, here I am. Short fluffy brown hair, extremely tall and incredibly thin, I didn't have any beauty compared to alyssa.

I may have some curves,my chest rather flat but who cares, my hands were so much like a mans, I even get mistaken for a man so often it isn't funny.

Alyssa kept chatting on about all her friends,eventually the topic had fallen into about her family.

She came from a rich home, the perfect home.A white rich family, what most people wish they had.

Having rather dark skin did come with it's own complications, I may not have the darkest tone but I'm not the whitest either. Being a mixed person and all.

"we are almost there, what floor do you have your class on?" she asked.

I glanced to my side,down at the short female. "floor three, I take economics there." I say blankly.

Alyssa nodded to me, looking ahead towards the building around a fifty yards maybe even less. The building was tall, it had five floors, the main classes in it were. Economics, fashion, computing and math.

Everyone in building C, our classes building. Was better than most in these topics,building C was for the more professional students that had outstanding grades.


What felt like hours of classes had finally ended,the torture is over.

The evening was always the coldest part of the day, especially now even though it was mid spring it was blimey cold here.

Walking out the doors I hear a familiar voice call out for me, Spinning on my heel I see a certain ginger running out to me.

It's like within meeting each other we instantly became best friends, in Alyssa's mind atleast. I smiled watching her come right up to me with an energetic attitude.

"how was class?" I asked her.

Alyssa bounced up and down excitedly, "I got a project!"

Its like she had got injected with a mega dose of energy at this point,who is excited for school work?

I mean she is in the fashion district so it can't be that bad.

My eyes darted around a bit before landing back on her, raising a brow, "oh? what is your project for?" I question, curiousity filling me.

"we have to make something themed for this season, it is due at the end of the month." she not so clearly explained.

I didn't understand at all what that would mean, would it mean making clothes? and sort of pillow or something stupid?

I may have been smart but right now I was stumped on something so simple....

so hey this isnt going to be the greatest nivel on earth but im trying, i most likely will forget to update for a trillion years but i guess its fine as long as i do. just as long as i get writing, im also writing a completely different novel at the same time whilst im writing this one too..

I will mostly be writing lgbtq books as i am a queer and trans person that wants to put a slice of my own life into a book and i guess i just like sharing all these lgbt things i think of.

pdwebb123creators' thoughts