
It Begins

Xiao Lee woke up with a throbbing pain to the back of her head. She was extremely pissed off.

"Damn. Who dared to throw a sneak attack at ME?"

She was the most fearsome head of the group. Countless heads had been beheaded by her alone, and they included top, fearsome competitors from every opposing group from Korea.

She touched the back of her head and checked that there was no bleeding but as she looked around and down at herself, she realized she didn't recognize where she was and that she was in some strange, historical looking attire.

"Princess! Princess! Are you alright?"

A young girl in a servant outfit ran up to Xiao and tried to help her up. But seeing that she did not receive a response nor did she move, the servant started panicking and spouting gibberish.

"Oh no! Did the Princess lose her memory? Did she get hurt so bad. Oh no oh no I'm going to lose my head!!!!"

Xiao stared at baffled and bewildered. "Princess? Me?" She thought to herself. And then a tightness seemed to squeeze her heart and countless memories burned into her mind. "So I've somehow ended up in another girl's body..a princess too." Xiao calmly processed her thoughts and her surroundings. The servant continued to whimper and cry out over her life and began trembling. Of all the people she had to end up becoming, it had to be a pampered, spoiled princess. The irony was real for her.

"Shut your mouth Yan if you want to keep your head on your shoulders."

Xiao calmly moved her eyes over and stared down at Yan. She was supposed to be the previous owner's attendant. As soon as she heard Xiao's menacing threat, she zipped her mouth and heaved a relieving breath realizing the Princess was just fine as she remembered her servant's name and her personality was just the same. Mean and threatening. She did not notice the twinkling difference in her master's eyes but did not dare look directly at her for long as she was a lowly maid.

Having the previous owner's memories intact in her head gave Xiao a very big advantage in that she wouldn't get caught. However, she was from the modern times. Not some historical old age. But it wouldn't matter as she had trained with swords and the qin because her grandparents and parents had been so stern on teaching her old culture, customs, and wanted her to be talented. She was of mixed Chinese and Korean heritage but her grandparents raised her as if she had blood from the Chinese side only. She rolled her eyes at the thought of it. No more nagging elders in this era at least.

"Yan leave. I want to be alone. Go bring me an entire set of dresses. Only in white and make sure they are the perfect fit. I'll call you if I need anything else." Yan obediently bowed and left.

Xiao needed to figure out her next steps. She had a lot to do with this new body and position. It was a lot weaker than she'd like. As she found a mirror and peered at it, she realized the girl had an identical face to hers from the future. A small, high nose with pink, luscious lips, luminous skin with light brown eyes stared back. Her hair was shiny, long and elegantly pinned up with floral gold pins. The only difference here were that her eyebrows were more shapely, and that the previous owner dressed horridly.

"What kind of fashion sense was this?" She thought feeling miffed up. She felt baggy and disgusting from the brown dress that was way too large on her body.

The previous owner was ironically a bully and was hated by everyone. She tried to steal her sister's fiance, disregarded her own fiance claiming he was too below her standards, and refused to listen to anyone even her own parents.

"Well, I don't mind playing the bad guy. I've always been one." Xiao smirked and laughed to herself. She would do all the evil deeds possible even without someone asking her to do it.

The role she would be playing was the very same one she held back home. She feared no one. Everyone feared her. All her soldiers in the modern times saluted and trembled under her eyes. She had gone through tremendous training and rigorous studies to be the strong, terrifying leader she was known for. In this era, she would utilize all her skills and knowledge to create her own empire and dethrone even her elder sister. Now that she was in this body, she would never let anyone take what she desired and would lay waste to all beneath her feet. It was time for her to take a stroll around and see what she needed to throw out and what needed a lashing to fix.