
20. Bad Moon Rising.

Damon drove the car habitually, and we drove on the forest road for a while until we came to a house in the middle of the forest. I had no idea where we were going, and I could feel the need to heat treatment closer, but Damon was somehow cold and distant. I wondered if this was one of Damon's secret hideaways and why he brought me here.

As I gazed upon the quaint little cottage nestled deep in the woods, I couldn't help but notice the simplicity of the yard that surrounded it. It was just a small gravel patch, but it seemed to be enough for this peaceful abode. The warm summer breeze played with my hair, and I could smell the sweet scents of the herb garden that lay just beyond the cottage. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, letting the fragrances fill my senses.

As I opened my eyes again, I saw the birds chirping merrily in the trees. Their songs harmonized with the gentle rustling of the leaves, creating a beautiful symphony of nature. The sun shone brightly, and I felt its warmth on my skin. It was a perfect day, and the cottage seemed to fit right in with the tranquility of its surroundings.

I noticed that the windows of the cottage were adorned with curtains, and there were pots of flowers on the windowsill that added a touch of color to the place. The flowers looked like they were lovingly cared for, and their vibrant hues added life to the cottage's exterior. As I stood there, taking in the sights and sounds of the peaceful environment, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of serenity.

Damon got out of the car and waited for me. I got out of the car, enjoyed this beautiful summer day, and got a few ideas for heat treatment in the woods, too. Damon glanced at me coldly, and he pulled a key from his pocket and opened the door. I followed behind him. We went inside.

The house was quite small. There was a kitchenette, a living room, and a couple of smaller bedrooms. The floors were made of wood, and the floors had no rugs. The walls had worn-out wallpaper. I could smell a faint smell of passion fruit in this house; this was probably Damon's little hideaway of something like it. In one room came a woman—almost a duplicate of Charlize Theron. She had a flowy white summer dress, but something in her made the hairs on my neck stand up.

Her long blonde, almost white hairs were free and cascaded down to her back. She had not even hairband around them. She looked at me from head to toe. She did not tell me her name, nor did Damon introduce me. She looked at Damon; her expression was intense and almost loving, but something was not in this woman. It was like she had some kind of camouflage to cover up what she really was. Then she came and wrapped herself around Damon and kissed him passionately. Damon kissed her passionately back, wrapping himself around her. 

I was shocked. First, Damon turned the heat on me and then took me to meet his mistress. My heat needed treatment, and I was wondering what the fuck was going on. Is this some sort of game or lesson, perhaps? Damon smelled still passionfruit, so I had no idea about anything. I stood there, flabbergasted. My mouth was literally hanging open. 

They kissed for a while. Damon murmured something in that woman's ear when they broke off the kiss. She smiled and touched Damon tenderly. He moved away from her, came to me, took me by the hand, and took me into another small room. In this room, there was a normal bed, which was not very big, a table, and a worn-out old rug on the floor. There were brown curtains on the window.

He sat me down, and before I knew it, he had me chained to the bed. I could feel a spiked shackle squeezing around my left wrist, and he soon pushed me on my back and put a shackle on my right wrist, too. He pointed to the jelly tank on the other side of the room. His expression was angry, like I was some kind of nuisance right now.

He said to me in a very cold voice. "Now, Mimi, I suggest you try for once to be a good girl and do as you are told to. Behave yourself or... try to get loose... " He also took a syringe from his pocket and put it on the table. 

I somehow gathered that this had been one of Damon's hideouts, but this woman had moved in here, put curtains up, and put flowers and herbs, too. This bolted-down cot, almost with these strong shackles, told me this too clearly.

I decided to be nice. The handcuffs had some sort of rage inhibitor or something, and I couldn't even find my rage. I just kept thinking to myself that I should have god damn kept my head and gone to freaking Australia. I lay on my back in that tiny bed. Feeling my heat getting rather painful. But something in Damon's expression had made me not say anything to him, not just yet.

I heard Damon leave the room and go into the next room to fuck a woman. They fucked all night. The room was not next to me, but the woman squealed like a pig as she came, and she came many times, screaming Damon's name when she came. It was morning, and they went to have breakfast together like a couple in love. At that point, my heat was very painful. My heat was almost knotting.

I said still nothing. If he fucks me in heat and puts me in spiked cuffs onto the bed, and threatens me with jelly, then I will suffer and hope my heat will die off. I was way more than pissed off about Damon's behavior. I had no idea what world name this was all about. Was this some sort of twisted game to show that he could fuck me at parties, but then he had to have some other woman? 

I heard footsteps approaching this room. Damon, irritated, came, not saying a word. He grunted, took the cuffs off and put me on my fours and fucked me, and came. And for a long time. So long that my womb was literally aching after he had done. Then he put the cuffs back on, so I was on my back. He fucked me mostly twice a day, very clinically, but he really stuffed my womb, pressing it after he was done so that I could feel my womb stretching, almost.

This went on for a week. I was lying on my back now; my belly was actually bulging from the amount of cum that he had poured inside my womb, but nothing came out. Every last drop went into my womb and stayed there even when I tried to push it out of my womb.

My heat was always right on edge, almost knotting, and then it started to stink, so he noticed it, left it in the last possible moment, and it was to Damon like a big irritation to fuck me into shape. I was absolutely stuffed, and my lower abdomen felt very tight.

My belly was bulging, and this woman had brought the second day three small statues into the room, too. She put them on the table next to the bed and looked at me. I was naked from the waist down, so Damon could have access easily to fuck my heat so it would not get knotted.

After that week, Damon came, took the cuffs off, and let me dress myself. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the backseat of the car.

I couldn't understand what Damon said in the car. "Fucking heat, I don't have to deal with that anymore, but now it's for sure. She is now filled as can be." She just smiled and touched Damon very tenderly, possessive. I had a rather sarcastic thought that this marriage would be very short. I mean, we did not have any honeymoon, and he already had another. When would the divorce come?

But if that meant he was not going to take care of my heat, which was still very on, I would be in deep trouble. It would get knotted and lead to uterine infection, and when I get an infection, it is not a good thing. Never. But I was powerless to do anything about this right now. 

Then, the three of us went back to the house. Damon drove us in there. I heard this woman commenting about my car, and Damon was not able to promise her my car; too bad, as he explained to the woman that we still have a prenup valid, so what I bought with my money is mine, and he is not able to give it away. The woman was very angry about that, but Damon kissed her and murmured something about the future, so she calmed down.

Damon exited the car with the woman, locked the doors, and said to me, "Wait in the car and behave. " They went inside.

I couldn't get out. This is some kind of stronger model with bulletproof shatterproof windows, so I had no option other than to wait. After ten minutes or something, Damon came out, opened the door, and yanked me out of the car. Damon grabbed me and injected some kind of tranquilizer into my neck so that I was drugged. My legs wouldn't work, so he dragged me more or less inside. He took me to the living room.

I was left on the couch, barely awake; damn potent cocktail this is, not strong enough though to knock me out cold, but powerful enough to sedate me to be helpless. Damon went into the kitchen, and two other women came out of the rooms.

They came up to me.

"So this is it? " One asked. She was brown-haired, a little like Glenn Close, so she was not any supermodel.

Charlize Theron replied, "I feel much more fertile already. It must be working."

The women took hold of me, put their hands on my lower abdomen, and said a few words. Oh, fuck witches. Well, of course. Now I could smell their dunk scent, Black witches, as black there can be, but I was too drugged to be able to act. They dragged me by my armpits down to the basement, where there was a cage.

The cage was low enough that I had to sit in it. One woman opened the cage, ready, saying, "It is a good thing that Bran dear has been preparing for that freak, so we have a place where to put it. I know Damon drugged it, but we need our men, and Damon needs to be working, not drugging this freak all the time." Other women agreed wholeheartedly. One of the women took off my clothes and shoved me into the cage. I was naked, in heat still, sedated up to the eyes. It was silver and burned badly. I could smell my burning flesh. The pain was as bad as always. 

Witches sneered happily when they felt my pain. They, too, liked to absorb it. One witch said, "Bran honey is so inventive. Just looked at this thing. "

The witch pressed a button on the wall: silver, aconitum, and other herbs sprayed from the nozzles on the cage's ceiling. I tried to twist the bars to break them, but no. They were too strong, or then they were enchanted. 

The witches went away. Every hour, silver and herbs flew from the ceiling. No one brought food or drink. The witches had put three dolls in front of the cage and cast a spell. The pain was almost unbearable; My heat went into a tangle, then into a knot and a blind knot. Silver and aconitum hurt me terribly and then knotted, tangled heat on top of it, so my life was very unpleasant. I knew I was about to have a uterine infection. The witches told me I was pregnant and took the energy from it so that the pregnancy disappeared and sucked it into themselves.

Because Damon dear had filled me with his sperm, and I was ovulating and always conceived. Thus, the heat that I had gotten was fertile, and now this, I guess these witches had gotten men in their grip at some point, and I should understand that men are just victims.

In the midst of all my pain and suffering, I couldn't help but think about Damon's almost prophecy about witches. He had said he would be vulnerable to witches, and here we were freaking are. Witches sneered at me like I would be something that they had found in the bottom of their shoes, meaning I was nothing in their eyes; they put pain crystals near the cage, too. 

They said derisively, " None of them will survive. Don't worry, you won't miscarry. Now you're just in there in the cage and keep on fertilizing. As you can see, all the energy goes into those dolls, and they represent us. You make it possible for us to carry a child." 

Charlize Theron's copy spoke next. " As you can see, we are beautiful and powerful, young and attractive. Still, as we are black witches, nature's balance makes us rather infertile, like nature wouldn't want us to have offspring, so we have to be creative in order to get babies of our own; we need pregnancy force, the life force of unborn children, your children to be exact. You are the strongest creature of the universe, or so they say, so your unborn offspring would give the best chance to conceive." 

I was not going to say anything. According to Samuel and Colin, my abortion indicated that when my eggs were fertilized, something would go wrong at that moment already, so there were never even decent embryos inside me, just random cell mass. The witches were fucking Adam, Damon, Bran, and Samuel next to my cage.

They had the notion that when they somehow got me pregnant, and then when they robbed it of its energy, it would help them have children with men. The men just laughed at me. They said they loved these women. Damon said that when they were expecting a child, that was the only time he would divorce me.

Man berated and belittled me. I was a mere freak, not enough for any of them. I tried not to care as I knew that this was not men's fault; they were victims. Witches victims. I just thought about what our or mine future will hold. Well, at least it will hold some sort of recovery from all of this, and it won't be so easy or short either, but hey, this is just my life. 

The cellar was dark, dim, and smelled musty and sex. Couples sometimes went to have something to eat, and Damon told me how he would make all of Wagyu beef food for these lovelies, that these deserve some pampering, and that it was important to feed them well to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Feel free. I was in some sort of cocoon, just trying to cope. I was trying to be so the pain would not rack me all the time as much as possible. I was also trying to save my energy.

I was sitting in a cage, smelling my burning flesh, feeling uterine infection coming on more and more, feeling tired of this constant agony, and feeling how my weight was dropping at an alarming rate. And then I had to witness the constant fucking before me, the smells, the sounds, squealing, talking. Most of the time, I kept my eyes shut. I had been a little clever and managed to grow my hair even longer and thicker so I could use my hair to insulate myself a little from the burning of the silver. Eventually, I curled up into a ball, trying to use some of my hair to protect myself from spraying in the cage ceiling. 

Damon told me he was eagerly waiting to become a father and that his heir would be the strongest creature whom everyone would fear as they should in the entire universe. Until then, he said, I could help them with this. He said he'd keep me as a permanent pregnant woman until they had a child with his beloved, the heir. He was prepared to fill me even more if the need arose. He told me how it had been hard for him to try to fuck me for so long when all he wanted was to be with his beloved Katarina.

The irony was not lost on me by that woman's name. It seems all of those Katarinas or Katherines are not good for Damon, but maybe someday he will learn it, too. I wonder if Bran's girlfriend then maybe Leah? Damon glared at me as he spied on my thoughts for a while. Oh, I could think quite poisonous thoughts even when I was in pain. My rage helped me withstand some of it, and then sentences came to life; they were quite focused on Salvatore and his weakness, his brief lesson, too. I tried to hold on, tried to keep my strength up as much as possible, and really hoped that there would not come another miscarriage.