
Salutary Resurgence

Free-Annihilation Day, also known as the "Gory Freedom", is an annual occurrence implemented by the Deci's "Supreme Legionnaires". Citizens, even non-jailed criminals, may kill anybody. They will not be given any charges or punishments. Shin Masameru, who is blessed with one blithesome family member, had witnessed him get slaughtered right before the occasion ends. Driven by his hatred and anger, Shin performed a Forbidden Rhythm, the technique that he was taught by his grandfather. It made him attained the Forbidden Clutch "Salutary Resurgence". By using his ability, Shin will set out on an expedition, focusing on his planned mission while carrying an ulterior ambition. —————————— Entry for WPC 198 Artwork: My Original Art

Seishi_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Unwanted Visitor

Right after Grandpa Makoto asked his serious question, the mighty gust blowing around the surroundings suddenly stopped. The whole place turned extremely quiet. The crickets were left chirping, making sharp and annoying noises. As a result, the atmosphere between the two of them became awkward.

"Really? You're asking me about this type of serious stuff? Of course, I don't want you to die. You're the only person who was always by my side since I was born. I can't afford to lose a good grandfather, although you're also a troublesome one. Now, this is so embarrassing." Shin did not have the guts to look at Grandpa Makoto after saying all those words. Instead, he stroked his hair without gazing at him.

Upon hearing his grandson's truthful response, Grandpa Makoto gradually opened his eyes as he put his right arm down on his side. He stared at the dazzling stars in the night sky. "I am blessed that I have a grandson," he gently whispered to himself.


Humankind has always exercised their natural talents or picked different aspects such as Martial Arts, Sorcery, Swordsmanship, and many more.

Makoto Masameru was the owner of the "Masameru Dojo". This dojo specializes in training its students in Martial Arts. Originally, four pupils were taking their lessons at the dojo. However, when the Free-Annihilation Day was implemented, fewer and fewer people joined and practiced at the dojo. As their business became bankrupt, the old dojo changed into a normal yet wide house. The dojo is also where Shin and Grandpa Makoto currently lives in.

The more time passes, the lonelier Grandpa Makoto became. It somehow had the same experience as getting put in quarantine. Other positive emotions like "happiness" were slowly vanishing.

Shin Masameru, who is his grandson and one of the trainees, is the only happy pill left to cheer him up every day. With him, Grandpa Makoto felt like all of his former students were nearby and having fun with him. He is so grateful that his grandson is always just right beside him.

"Ah!" Grandpa Makoto got goosebumps. He was so astonished that he had swallowed his saliva.

"What's wrong, Grandpa? You're sweating a lot." Shin reached his right hand out to Grandpa Makoto as he slightly lifted his body from the bench.

"Oh, it was nothing. The cold wind unexpectedly faded out, so it is kind of hot." Placed in his pocket, Grandpa Makoto wiped the sweats off his forehead with his handkerchief.

It was a lie. The temperature at their place was still the same as the temperature when it was breezy. For some reason, Grandpa Makoto cannot help but tremble in anxiety while standing still.

"You're lying! I don't know why you're sweating, but you're shuddering because of the chillness. I will get your thick blanket inside." Shin stood up and walked towards the dojo. He raised his right arm as a gesture of his brief farewell.

Grandpa Makoto watched Shin as he went inside. After all, his grandson's safety is his priority. He knew himself that heading inside the dojo was safe enough. He was more concerned because he had sensed a threatening presence close to them.

"Show yourself!" Grandpa Makoto shouted to nobody. Shin was in the dojo and the place was somewhat far from their neighbors' houses, so no one heard his holler and no one was disturbed.

A massive vertical crack materialized in front of Grandpa Makoto. It was floating above the ground and it was about 7 feet tall. Influenced by his instinct, Grandpa Makoto backed off a little bit from it.

Coming from the "crack" itself, an unknown man appeared and stepped towards Grandpa Makoto. He had cyan eyes that reflected the clear sky and had straight dark blue hair. He was wearing a black formal suit, which was usually worn during funerals.

"As expected of you, your 'Aura Perception' is certainly high class." The unknown man tossed his arms at each side with a phony smile. He was radiating a dangerous ambiance, and yet he was also giving out serene vibes to those around him.

"What do you want from me? Are you turning yourself against me, Abe Toujou?" Grandpa Makoto clenched his fists while he kept on shivering.

"You recognized me, huh. It's a pleasure that you still remembered me." The unknown man "Abe" bowed traditionally. "For your questions, I'll just answer that it is something like that. I'm being ordered to, though." Abe inserted his hands inside his jacket's pockets.

"Who the hell would want to finish me off? Is it 'Time'?" Grandpa Makoto's shivering had ceased.

"Silence. You're asking too many questions. Stop being so stubborn for once." Abe tilted his head to the right. "And, why would I tell you our information?" He was glaring at Grandpa Makoto with murderous intent. Potent blue auras were also discharged all over his body.

Due to the two individuals' confrontation, the quiet wind blew up again steadily and formed a mini hurricane in the area.

Aura was the base foundation of this world's power. It also has its other term called "Zeno". It was the natural way of exerting one's strength output. It has been with the people's existence since the day they were born.

To manipulate it in its free will, they must conduct its requirement. It was to direct all of their auras on their exterior, and then they may wield it. The "Aura Materialization" itself doesn't spend the stacked auras in your body, but the usage of aura to convert it into some certain energy is.

The expense of an aura depends on the power yielded by the user. The stronger it is, the greater the aura consumption will be. Every "Aura Production" has a limitation. When an individual first opens their "Aura Current", its power would start as a weak one. They will need to nurture it to ensure its strength progression. Most people train and use it often to further expand their "Aura Storage" up to its maximum count as possible.

The abilities developed by an aura with a high concentration will phenomenally generate either a hefty atmosphere or abnormal weather circumstances. It may deal some collateral damage around the affected area.

'This is unbelievably heavy for a piece of fabric.' Shin groaned to himself as he carried a thick blanket that weighed about 10 kilograms from the dojo.

After a few steps outside, Shin sighted the bench, and Grandpa Makoto, who was standing a few distances away from the said bench. The expression of relief was sculpted on his face since the burden on his back will be alleviated once he put it down.

However, it all changed when he saw the unknown man standing face to face with Grandpa Makoto. The genuine impression immediately altered into a facial appearance corrupted by fear.

Now, Shin understood why his grandfather was shaking. It was not from the low-temperature degree, but the reaction of someone learning the big power difference. He realized that the unknown man was a real representation of a walking catastrophe. Any moment right now would lead to chaos.

"GRANDPA! RUN!" Shin dropped the blanket onto the ground as he ran towards them. He was willing to sacrifice his young self for his grandfather.

"Oh, you're Shin, right? You've become quite a noisy kid, haven't you?" Abe bent to the left flank where Grandpa Makoto wasn't blocking his viewpoint.

"Heaven does not tolerate noisy kids. I'll make you ascend there right now so that you will still be accepted before you do anything more." Abe snapped his right hand's fingers. A compacted stream of wind headed straight towards Shin, but he couldn't see it as it was not visible to the naked eye.

A familiar silhouette teleported in front of Shin. It was exposing his back as if it was trying to defend and take all of the damages of the upcoming attack for Shin.

*Aaaghk!" The familiar man came into contact with the invisible slash-like assault and fell into Shin's arms.

"Hmm... Take your time talking over some stuff because this is the last time you'll have the chance to do so. You only have a 1-minute duration." Abe sat down on the bench and crossed his legs.

"GRANDPA!!" It was none other than Grandpa Makoto. Blood flowed freely from his back, and Shin's hands were now stained by the red pigment. A series of deep wounds on the back were endured by him. It was so fatal that the only body part that Grandpa Makoto can move was just his mouth to talk.

"Shin, perform the ritua—" *Ugha-KaGk!" Grandpa Makoto coughed up some blood.

"Stop speaking for now. You're bleeding!" Shin cried in panic. Looking for things that might help by looking everywhere was the only activity that he can do for now.

"It's a-alright Shin. I will just release you ri-right now." Grandpa Makoto was having a problem speaking as his voice was becoming very weak. "The lo-locked fragments of your memories will be un-unlocked again. Your head will s-start to be distress once it activates." Grandpa Makoto clasped his hands by closing them together as he resisted the pain.

"Memory Suppression — Phase Out!"