
Salt City Underworld

Salt City is known as City ruled by two sisters. Their power reaches even further into Country but it's in Salt City that it's on the peack. With power enemies come too and it's about to get bloody in Salt City. With outside enemy will two sisters get together to win the war or will they fall further apart and have the hundred years old powerful family end. Stay with me to see.

Sin_Fall · Urbano
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4 Chs

Little Red Devil

*flashback dream*

-You never talk much 'bout mum' family. -Luna said looking at empty glass on table. She wasn't drunk yet but she was getting there. Dona in other hand was already leaning her head on table. She drunk too much and too fast, Luna knew of those nights when Dona needed to drown her demons. Sometimes Dona felt like an island to Luna, lonely piece of land in middle of ocean, deserted island. She tried to understand but could never put her mind on it, why did the first child of big family acted like lonely soldier? Why wouldn't she let Luna in on secret to her sorrow.

-I don't know much. -Dona slurred drunkenly. -Their not from City. Dad only told me about how they've met. She was pretty thief, stole his car and his heart with it. The rest is history. Dad wasn't head of family back then. Didn't even plan on taking over the lead. He was like Ace, youngest son, meant to be free. Then war happened and you know how it ended.

-It's weird that we know so little about them. -Luna sighed filling glasses again. -Don't you think so?

-I guess mum didn't want them in this kind of life. -Dona shrugged. -If you had a choice would you chose this mess?

-There's always a choice. -Luna said stubbornly. -I'm here 'cos I want to be. And you do have a choice if you want to leave I'll make it possible for you.

-Little Red Devil. -Dona smiled bitterly. -I can only sink with this ship, I wish you left with them tho. This is not happy life.

-I can only sink with this ship too. -Luna smirked bitterly. -I'm after all third child of this family.

-It doesn't mean shit. -Dona protested in her drunken voice trying to lift her head and glare at Luna. -Old story of superstition people. I was born first, it's my burden Little Red.

-'M not taking anything from you. Is it wrong if I want to share it with you. -Luna grumbled in low voice but Dona was too drunk to hear her.

-Do you think they're happy? -Dona asked suddenly. -Ace is growing up so fast. Sky's growing white hairs too.

-They're happy. -Luna nodded knowing that it still won't stop Dona from worrying. -Dad's loving new hunting equipment you sent to him.

-'S all I have left. -Dona sighed honest desperation coloring her green eyes. -Them being happy. You being okay. 'S all I need now.

-You should think more of yourself. -Luna groaned helplessly. Joker suddenly slithered from the floor up Luna' body to her neck, his favorite place to rest.

-That damn snake is trying to take you from me. -Dona pouted childishly. -Jealous motherfucker.

-Now, who's the jealous one. -Luna smirked patting Dona' red hair like she really was small kid. -Don't forget that Joker was your gift to me.

-I regret it Little Red. -Dona shook her head shaking off Luna' hand.

* end of flashback dream*

Dona woke up in cold sweat, breathing in panic like she had nightmare. Room was dark, heavy, black curtains were hiding sun that must be high up the sky. She groaned rubbing her face with hands, habit she adopted from long nights of work, then she pulled one hand through her hair in frustration another bad habit. She stumbled out of bed just now ringing of phone coming to her it must be the sound that woke her up.

-Damn it. -she cussed going in bathroom and ignoring ringing phone. The world won't end if she ignores it for a while. She took her time showering and washing her teeth. Then she lighted cigarette turning coffee machine on and then she looked at her phone. Two missed calls from Jack, one missed call from her head trade man and five missed calls from her head security man Sam.

-World might really be ending. -she groaned choosing to call Sam first.

-Boss. -his voice came from other side almost in panic. He was older man, working for her family since she was small child and she knew if he was panicking then shit was about to happen.

-Don't tell me. -she bagged weakly.

-I think we have outsider playing in City. -he said sighing. And she whined like a child.

-I said don't tell me.

-Okay. -she could hear amusing smile in his voice. Since her family left this life and business to safe haven she provided for them Sam chose to act as father figure towards two girls. Even after they broke apart, he would risk anything to protect both of them. -Should I take care of it?

-Don't leave bodies. -she sighed grateful that she had him in situations like this. -Just gather information for now. Make sure nothing big happens but don't spook him. I have a feeling shit's 'bout to happen. I have bad feeling.

-You dreamed of Little Red again, didn't you. -he sighed not waiting for her to answer because he knew her too well. -For mafia boss you're too superstitious.

-In this shit hell whole there's no such a thing as too much of anything. -she too sighed smell of fresh made coffee calming her a little bit. Chaos in this world was inevitable, she learned how to function in it. As long as it's in borders of Salt City Dona will be in control.

-See you Do. -Sam said shortly in soldier alike voice and with that he ended phone call having a lot to do.

Then she lit another cigarette and called her head of trade man. Derek Hilton was ex officer of criminal investigation department. Once upon a time he tried to bring family down by going undercover. People say that any dog can go rough and wolfish if they taste blood, there must be truth in it because officer Derek Hilton chose to leave police and stay in family. Now he was head of trade and one of her most trusted men.

-Boss. -he also said answering phone after first ringing, he was obviously waiting for her phone call. -I found goods. It's in Luna' old warehouse. I checked it out thoroughly, it was one of our own men influenced by third party. It's Adams but I can't find him.

-I know. -she said calmly, there was no need to lose her temper over that again. She had to look forward, to prepare herself for next attack, for next trouble she was sure would happen soon. -It's already taken care of. Somebody will deliver goods back to our territory don't trespass. I don't want conflict with other party.

-I'm not stupid Do. I know she's family and this shit was our man doing. I'm sorry that I didn't notice something wrong before. -he said sounding serious and guilty. -What about Toby?

-He's traveling around the world we won't see him again. -she said meaningfully, everyone in family knew what "traveling around the world" meant. -Just take care of goods when it's delivered and help Sam if he needs you.

-Will do. -he said also ending phone call. She didn't even finish her coffee and she was already tired again. She had to call Jack but she wasn't in mood for second hand information so she called Luna directly. Her sister had same bad habit of not sleeping at night but stealing few hours of sleep at day. They grow up together, they couldn't run away from similarities. So she wasn't surprised when Luna answered in raspy, sleepy voice.

-World better be ending for you to wake me up. -came growl from other side of line.

-Little Red, another long night huh?

-If you're calling to lecture me about Adams don't bother. I killed him and I'd do it again. -Luna said sure in her words. She didn't believe in regrets and sorry, if she did something she would own up to it without bowing her head. And this was something Dona taught her.

-I know. -Dona sighed. -I'm calling to tell you that we have guest. And also 'cos I can't deal with Jack right now. I didn't even finish my coffee yet.

-He's probably dealing with your lost goods. -Luna sounded disinterested but Dona was sure that she took peak into track, checked probably everything that was there. Curiosity was in their blood after all. -As for guest I've noticed it but I don't think I know more then you do. Just have bad feeling about that shit.

-Yeah me too. -Dona said new cigarette already burning between her fingers and buy Luna' sharp every second breath Dona knew that Luna was too smoking. Also something Dona taught her and she wasn't proud about it. -Now I know you love breaking rules but this one you shouldn't. You know we had a deal that dealing with visitors we do together.

-I know. -Luna said in annoyed voice, probably not liking Dona lecturing her after all. -So be useful and get some info on it. I have shit to do. And answer your fucking phone Jack's texting me. He doesn't know where to deliver your goods.

-Then teach your stupid men. -Dona faked annoyance to but was actually smirking. -They should know where meeting spot for that kind of shit is. Derek's probably waiting for him. And I do have shit to do too.

-Then goodbye. -Luna groaned.

-Yah! -Dona yelled. -Don't be brat. Don't forget to eat, don't skip your meals. I've noticed you losing a lot of weight recently.

-Oh, you're the one to talk. -Luna yelled too. -Smoke less, sleep more I've noticed you're coughing more lately. And Dona stop fucking calling me "Little Red" Bye.

-Bye Little Red. -Dona smirked and Luna ended phone call without another word. For a second Dona was just smiling looking at her phone then slowly her gaze darkened, jaw tightening in anger. Her mind wasn't in the room anymore but far away in Country of endless summer with her family.

"Don't get yourself killed. It wood hurt us all, I wake up in nightmares at night regretting ever bringing you in this life of bullets and graveyards. So don't let yourself killed. But in the end whatever you do you protect Little Red first, because if something happens to her, you'll wish that you have gotten yourself killed first." -those were words of her father when she called him three years ago telling him that Luna left family, that now they were divided and she was hurting enough to burn whole City in anger but she had to stay sane and protect Luna.


-Damn Dona and her men. -Jack thought reloading his gun and shooting without direction because he had no clue from where was other party shooting. He was sure that it was one man but he was so fast in changing his position that Jack' men were turning around like headless flies failing to protect themselves completely. It was too close to border to be coincidence and Jack called Dona immediately to call off her man but she wasn't picking up. And now it felt like he'll die here tonight. He was just coming back from meeting point, he handed truck with goods to Dona' guy named Derek Hilton and was about to deal with their own business. Dona was mostly trading with guns and explosives. It was half legal job but Luna she was dealing with drugs mostly controlling market outside of Country and making sure nobody sells it in her part of City. Those were big trades two of them head, there was a lot of smaller too, and after trades they controlled mostly everything in this City and a lot of shit outside of this City too. One could say that this Country was divided by two sisters.

One day three years ago two of them set down and divided family into two. Nobody knows why or how, the rest of them just woke up one day belonging to different sisters in City with already set borders and rules. Since then it was some cold war going on between them but never open fighting like this, one thing they both had in common was that they didn't like people of this City dying. So he was confused by this sudden attack on their warehouse but somebody this skilled could only belong to family and Luna didn't have reason to kill her own men so it had to be Dona, or somebody on her side going rogue. Before he got hold of situation and called Luna it was already over all ten of his men dead and there was unknown man to him standing in middle of dead people with both hands in the air.

-I have massage for your boss. -he said calmly like he didn't just killed ten people, like he didn't provoke Devil of Slat City. Jack came around wall carefully with gun raised towards man.

-You have no idea in how much shit you are. -he said coming closer and checking man for any weapons. He had non on him right now and he was still calm like nothing in this world mattered to him anymore. He let Jack tie him up without struggle and blindfold him too. He was too fucking calm and Jack didn't like it at all. He throw man on back seat of his car and then he had to call Luna and clean up group. In that moment Dona finally decided to found her phone and answer on hundreds of missed calls from him.

-It's too late Do. -he said the moment he answered the call. -Damage is already done.

-What? -she sounded confused. -Why the hell did you call me so many times? Did something happen to Little Red?

-Really? -he groaned in frustration. -You'll act like you don't know what happened? Adams was just one man, you killed ten of ours.

-Where's Luna? -she asked in kind of voice that meant "better answer without hesitation or else heads will fly".

-She's home. -he sighed. -I have to call her now. We had incident.

-What kind of incident? -she asked again.

-The kind that has your signature all over it. -he said in anger. He lost ten good men tonight and wasn't in mood for games. -Goodbye now.

He didn't wait on replay and hang up the phone. Luna can deal latter with it. He had shit to do now. So he called Luna glaring angrily at man tied on his back seat.