

Hello! I'm Aevynn, the creator, and as you can guess by the title, I'm postponing this piece. See, Sakura & Sovieshu is just a spin off. Currently, there is an ongoing series named The Leyuro's, but I have decided to take a hiatus from The Leyuro's to focus my efforts on my other pieces, which means also taking a break on Sakura & Sovieshu. There are reasons for both postponements and not just, "The Leyuro's is on break so Sakura & Sovieshu is on break". No, that is not the case. I may pull the curtain and let you spectacular viewers know, but for now, they remain secrets. I so dearly hope all of you understand, adios!

02/22/23- My birthday, will not update anything.

Indefinite Date for the Return of The Leyuro's: 03/17/23

Indefinite Date for the Return of Sakura & Sovieshu: 03/24/23

but I procrastinate a lot, so they're probably incorrect.

Keep an eye out to see if the true dates of return release!