
Saiyan Overlord Naruto

This is fan-fiction. all the original characters and stories belong to their original author. this is just a wish-Fulfilment fan-fic. the MC is insanely OP. I just take some ideas from other fan-fic. Smashed them together then add some my idea. So I don't expect everyone to like this. Read if you like or find it interesting. and if you don't like it then don't read and comment. English is not my main language so there will be grammar and spelling mistakes. do point them out if you find any. I will try to edit them. constructive criticism is welcomed. but don't comment rudely.

AeTheSilent · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


Chapter: 08

Konoka street in front of the Hokage office. I am still hungry. I think I'll try out the famous Ichiraku Ramen. So I start to walk. I have all the memories from the previous Naruto. So navigating around the village is not a problem. After walking for twenty minutes I reached my destination. In front of me now is a small ramen stand. With a banner that says Ichiraku Ramen. And I can smell the fragrance of the ramen from outside. It smells delicious. The smell making me feel more hungry. So without wasting any more time I went inside.

"Welcome to Ichiraku. Oh, it's our number one customer Naruto. How are you doing? I heard you had an accident." Teuchi asked.

"I am doing fine now. Just got out of the hospital. And I am feeling hungry. The hospital food is really bad. I need some miso ramen to refresh my tastebud. I will start with three bows of extra-large miso ramen." I replied.

"Hahaha. Ok then. Three extra-large miso ramen coming right up." Teuchi took the order and went in to prepare the ramen.

After a few minutes, Ayame arrived with my ramen.

"Here is your ramen Naruto," Ayame said.

She put the ramen on the counter in front of me. And I start to eat. The test is delicious. I finished all three bowls in no time. And asked for more. By the time I am done eating. I had eaten 25 bowls. It seems to wish to be a Saiyan also gave me its stomach.

"Wow, Naruto you broke your previous record. Where did you keep all this food." Ayame asked, amazed by how much I could eat.

"Hehe… what can I say. I am a growing boy after all." I said.

After talking with Ayame for a bit. I paid the bill and come out of the restaurant. After getting out of the Ichiraku. I started to walk around the village.

But where ever I go people will look at me with fear and hatred. Some call me a demon. There are also some no-name ninjas among those people. I am not let them go unpunished for their crime. So I put all the people that tried to actively harm me or humiliate me in an Illusion. Where they will experience the same life as Naruto when they try to sleep. They will suffer the same pain for the rest of their life.

After that, I went to the Hokage mountain top. And sat on top of fathers head. And looked at the village. From up here, the village looks really beautiful. After spending few hours here. I start to walk again. This time the destination is home.

When I entered the small apartment. What I see is really horrible. It's dirty, there are lots of empty cups of cup ramen. Scattered all around the apartment. This needs a thorough Cleaning. And who is there better at cleaning? Then the assistant butler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick 'Eclair'. So I summoned him along with a maid, not the Pleiades.

"Lord naruto, It's an honor to be in your presence. How can I assist you?" Eclair said with respect and bowed. It looks very comical.

"This place needs some cleaning. I am sure you know what to do. Just don't go outside." I ordered Eclair to start cleaning.

Then turned to the maid. She is still in a bowing position. When she felt I am looking in her direction. She raised her head and said with the utmost respect.

"Fith here at your service." Fith said with stars in her eyes.

"I need you to take care of this place until I moved to another place. You also take care of the cooking. And shopping for necessary ingredients. And no need to worry about the expense." I ordered.

After giving them their order. I took out a hundred thousand Ryo and handed it to Fith.

"Ask for more if you run out of money," I added

"Yes, Lord Naruto." Fith answered.

I then summoned another Shadow Demon. and ordered it to stay with Fith and protect her if any problem occurred. And after few minutes Eclair finished with his cleaning. Now the place is sparkling. The flora and wall are shining almost like a mirror.

"Good work Eclair. You can go now." I said.

"It's a great honor to receive praise for the Supreme being," Eclair said with another bow and left.

After that, I got a telepathic message from the Shadow Demon. That went to search for the land of Whirlpool where Uzushiogakure was. They have found the place and there are no intruders there.

So I made a wood clone with my wood nature. And opened a gate connected to Uzu and arrived there. After arriving in Uzu I closed the gate.

This place is in ruins now. I then start to explore the place. Even after its destruction, the place is still beautiful.

It seems the Shadow Demons had found a hidden library full of books and scrolls. Under the destroyed Kage tower. The library is protected by a powerful funijutsu barrier. So no one was able to take anything from there. But the Shadow Demon can go in and out without any problem.

The door is hidden behind a funijutsu. But when I placed my hand over the seal and inserted some of my chakras. Another seal appeared in its place. And when I dropped a little bit of my blood. The seal despaired and a door is in its place. After opening the door I found a staircase leading underground.

So I followed the staircase and went inside the Library. In here all the advanced knowledge of funijutsu is stored. There is also the basic here as well. I collected all the books and scrolls in my inventory and went out.

Then I looked for a good place to summon the Tomb of Nazarick. It didn't take too long to find the perfect place. The place not very far from the actual village. It's behind the Kage tower about a hundred and fifty meters. There is a large open area surrounded by lush forest and some mountains.

So I used the place to summon the Tomb of Nazarick. And in the place of open area is now the Tomb of Nazarick. After the summoning is complete. I started to walk to the entrance of the Tomb of Nazarick first floor.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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