
Saitama with sistem

A guy gets hit by truck-kun and reborn as saitama simple

NoZoner · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 1 I'm dead

Long story short I got hit by truck kun so I'm here in front of a god.

"Hey are you done with your monologue?" Man God has no patience.

"I GOT NO PATIENCE YOU WERE MONOLOGUE FOR 2 HOUR!! It's a miracle that I'm going to give you 3 wish."

"Well it's my first time." Well after that left my mouth I felt like a dumbass.

"You are a dumbass stupid." 'Wow hurtful.'

"Yeah yeah go on with your wish."

"Ok first I want to be reincarnate as saitama but after I got strong I won't lose my hair."

"Yeah that's two wish stupid."

"Well I can annoy you to the end of time so pls grant it as one wish." I got on both knee praying.

"Fine I'm a nice God so I'm going to allow it but it's a one time thing."

"Ok before my second wish does age count as a wish?"

"No.I won't count wanting your age as a wish."

"Ok nice to know. I want age to be the same as tatsumaki and my second wish is to be place near the facility where tatsumaki is held at also place me one year before the out break."

"Ok fine but you life will remain the same meaning the after you save her you will be teleport to your parents house and you need to study till the story begin like the original saitama."

"Ok thats perfect why do you help me so much.?" This God I can see he's has something on his mind.

"Umm I'm a good God obviously."

"Sure..... My third wish is I want system."

"No." 'Huh that was a quick reply.'

" What you haven't even heard the system function."

"I don't even need to read your mind to know it's overpowered."

"Wow reincarnating as saitama is not op." Seems like gods has double standard too.


"Ok hear me out first. The system will only has stats, shop and a multiverse travel function."

"Hmm sound too good to be true but I trust you." 'Thank for agreeing but what beard are you stroking you only have bare skin. Your beard dna is as bad if not worse than ksi.'


"Ok before you go you need to rate my work."

'So that's why he be treating me this good.

"Ok one star."


"Hahaha hahaha Man your reaction was amazing. But yeah I'm joking 5 star."

"Ok thank you almost force me to mess up your wishes."

"hehehe thank you for not doing that."


Hope you guys like it.