
Sagittarius Voyage: Epic

In a secluded state, where strict laws inhibit entry and exit, an incident forces three teenagers - Adonna, Klein and Rwby beyond the safety of their walls. Accompanied by the mysterious Davy, whose identity raises more questions the more they get to know him, they adventure into a world of developing inventions and unique creatures called Astrid Beasts.

M_Bello · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

EPISODE 1, PART 2: The Carnival and the day after.

The gates of Dona had begun welcoming in visitors from around the Consortium of States. This was an everyday spectacle throughout the five days before the Carnival. Citizens would typically gather near the gates to spectate the parading entourages, convoy of carriages and exotic attires. What they couldn't see was what laid on the other side of the gates:

About majority of Dona's constabularies stationed there with their muskets strapped behind their shoulders. Compared to the horde of visitors seeking access into Dona, those with the proper permits were rather a small fraction. Those who passed the search, got their permits stamped and were allowed through the gate were even fewer as a single banned item found on anyone led to their permits sent into a bowl of fire kept just for such.

For the Carnival, Adonna, Klein and Rwby planned a hamster show. A theatric performance by trained hamsters, which didn't move out their cage when Klein opened them. Not even when he placed treats on the floor in front of them, they wouldn't come out. He pulled out a baton, waved it like a concertmaster to direct them out and only then did they move out to raid the treats.

They hadn't lost their training. Klein chucked.

Bear pounced out, spooking his hamsters back into their cage. Still, the dog bowed low while snarling at their cage.

Klein trained Bear as well. He complied aptly to his commands to quieten. To roll. To sit. To remain still while he directed the hamsters out again.

Adonna's home hadn't seen so many occupants for long enough they spent the rest of the afternoon dusting the rooms in order to set up for rehearsal of their play and Rwby's workshop.

"The neglect this place has suffered." Commented Rwby from beside an opened window. The only one of them who wasn't coughing from the cloud of dust thanks to her gas mask.

Adonna returned a side eye at her woollen jacket. "The neglect your sense of fashion has suffered."

Bear had it worst from the dust as it had him sneezing over and over.

Klein meanwhile voiced his concern about the purple fingertips. It's already fading away as he inspected his hands. "But what if those boys get too antsy and report to constabularies?"

"Why would they? They know they aren't really poisoned. I was just haggling with Finney and Benney telling them that. Now they'll be curious if we had gotten the bulb. I'd tell them yes but we need another. They'll jump right on the chance to do it and for much cheaper."

Klein was at a loss for words.

Rwby added to Adonna's explanation. "None of those boys' fathers is part of Innovatus Consortium of course. How could you not even tell she was clearly acting?"

"Smart, right?" Came Adonna.

Klein finally lost it. "That's the polar opposite of smart. What is wrong with you two? Why did I even think you had a plan or something? They believed you that we poisoned everyone. If they tell–"

"Uhm…" Rwby called their attention peering out the window. "I… think they didn't get the joke."

Constabularies right below them. At least a dozen of them.

Klein and Rwby quickly cowered under the window when one of the constabularies raised her head up.

"It's no problem, no one was poisoned. We just tell them the truth." Adonna – as usual – remained nonchalant to the situation.

"Adonna, gassing the entire Schoolhouse itself is an inexcusable offence! And you already confessed to it!" Klein panicked. "Unbelievable, you two."

"Uhm… Klein." Rwby called again.

Klein could just tell it was more bad news.

Behind the constabularies outside were his family. His father holding his mother from interfering with the constabularies while the both ramble on some explanation.

Klein, Rwby, Adonna and Bear raced downstairs towards the backdoor. But it too was thudding hard from constabularies trying to access. They backed away on tiptoes.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I will tell them it's all me." Cried Rwby.

Klein quickly shushed her. He whispered. "Won't matter. We won't be able to do the show without even one of us – especially you."

Adonna's face all of a sudden lit up with an idea.


Constabularies were barking from outside then issued out a final warning for her to open up otherwise they break in with force… as if they weren't already attempting to break down both doors.

It didn't take long for the door knob to pop out onto the floor as the back door gave in.

Constabularies flooded the house. The empty house. From the rooms to the attic… empty. From rooftop to the basement… everywhere empty.

But the teens could hear their muffled steps and voices through the walls from within a dark, dusty library with the flame of a single lantern being all they had for lighting. This small library packed so much dust, Bear began to sneeze.

A constabulary on the other side of the wall stopped in his tracks. He stood still and quiet, unsure if he indeed heard something or it's just his ears.

Behind the wall Adonna covered Bear's snout with Rwby's gas mask while the rest of them almost held their breaths in fearful anticipation.

It startled Adonna and Klein when Rwby suddenly moved. She tiptoed towards a wall, casting the lantern light where wired cans hung from the wall. Each had the name of a room engraved in the wall over it.

She blew the dust off the can connected to ground floor living room and stuck it to her ear. She could hear voices reporting that the whole place was empty.

Klein took the can strung to the room just outside the hidden library. He heard a voice telling another to quit standing there like a tree, then followed by receding footsteps.

They waited in that dark library, listened for what felt like forever as constabularies reach the conclusion that they had ran away, pondered on possible places to investigate and elected to station eyes around Klein's home, Rwby's and this one should they return. The voice of Klein's mother was protesting that no way her son would do something so despicable; there must be some sort of misunderstanding.

"We can only know for sure when we find them." Replied a familiar constabulary.

"It's that Ferron girl. She should be with her father – not here! Minds like hers shouldn't be left unsupervised."

"Mr Ferron left her under my Wardship." Replied the constabulary.

"Then you've not been doing your job, Constabulary."

All the cans finally went quiet.

"This is bad! So, so bad!" Klein paced around. "The two of you are so, so unbelievable. "You, your mum is gone. You, your dad is no around. You two get to do whatever you like without disappointing anyone. I can't just–" He paused, sighed then apologised right after.

"What now?" Asked Rwby.

"It's our last Carnival performance, Rube. We must manage no matter what."

"Give it a day or two, everyone would realise no one's poisoned. We can just hang in here 'til the heat dies down." Suggested Adonna.

"Speaking of 'here' what is this place anyway?" Asked Klein, while curious Rwby had already begun exploring around.

"Wayneroyal Annals. Mum used to read me these literature when I was younger. I'd forgotten all about it 'til I discovered the hidden door recently. Apparently our family has this silly tradition of going beyond the walls for adventure from age 16. Then document their quests and add to these literature." She hissed, called it a stupid tradition once again in bitter mutter.

Klein's bushy brows shot up in realisation. "Adonna, was that why she…"

"Who cares why she left?" she interrupted him sharply. "All I know, I won't participate in that nonsense. Ever!"

"You're too broke to pay the toll fee to exit Dona anyway." Rwby commented.

"I'd still raise the money before you could invent something that hasn't actually been done before, Rwby."

"Just wait 'til I invent Automatons."

"Those are just stories, Rube. Self-operating machines are impossible."

"For now. Electricity will make it possible. Just wait and see!"

"I have been waiting to show you two this place. Remember I said they documented their adventures outside Dona?"

"It's all stuff about the outside world…" Klein realised. "Astrids?!" 

Rwby's curious eyes caught sight of something interesting on the shelf that housed souvenirs. It's a box topped with a lightbulb. "And exotic inventions…" Awe melodised her voice as she blew and rubbed the dust off. This bulb came a surprise because it's widely believed the Innovatus Consortium invented 'lightbulbs' no more than months ago before showcasing it on streets of Dona. Yet here was an old box with a lightbulb.

Rwby inspected the device closely 'til the Aha moment came. She understood the use of the coils, the crank, the wires, and soon the bulb lit up the library.

Meanwhile, Klein's curiosity about Astrid Beasts guided him through the library's literature.

Adonna on the other hand only engaged the pages out of boredom. She half-heartedly skimmed through the volume which contained Wayneroyal family tree. It's her first time reading this. The inner part of the front cover was already occupied by a text that read every Wayneroyal must have their personal adventure beyond the walls, so Adonna flipped over to the back cover to scribble her dog's name: Bear Wayneroyal. There, her eyes caught a sight of Chiron of the Sagittarius constellation, and that was when her eyes sparkled with keenness.

It's called the Sagittarius Legend.

They say if you follow down the direction of the Sagittarius arrow, your heart's treasure awaits.

That's all there was about it.

Klein almost couldn't believe seeing her digging through the library for any other mention of the Sagittarius Legend. He teased the fact that she despised her family's adventures yet he'd never seen her this desperate.

"Not desperate. And yes I hate the adventures, it's just… this one... there must be someone who found it or at least attempted. Just curious, that's all."




For the next couple of days they would remain constricted within the house. Each busy in their own field. Rwby replicated electrical lighting fit into the mini theatre she'd built for their show. When Adonna wasn't rehearsing with Klein, his hamsters and Bear, or knitting mini costumes; she'd hole up in the Wayneroyal library for hours.

On the eve of 22nd November,

Fireworks began popping and illuminating the sky in bright, iridescent patterns. You could smell the aroma of barbeques interweaved with confectionaries from far. Sky lamps hovered over the city's wide main street that extended miles far with lines of decorations and variety of stages and stands. Only the youths of Dona hosted in the annual Carnival. Be it the Plays, Dances, Musical shows, Puppet shows, Firework shows, or of course Buffets; all were hosted by the youths – most of whom represented in their schoolhouse uniform.

"After tonight that's it… we become just spectators." Said Adonna, eyes following a wandering man sporting exotic fabric that seemed to change colour depending on the shade of light bouncing off it. "Just like him."

"Uhm… you got expelled so you're actually supposed to be a spectator right now."

Adonna's face pouted in a frown.

They reeled their items on a handcart boldly like they'd never done a misdemeanour in their lives, knowing there wouldn't be a single constabulary at the Carnival as always.

They set up the mini theatre. Uncaged costumes hamsters. Klein wore a concertmaster hat. Adonna took her ocarina and tabla drum. Rwby ignited the Boiler engine she created, and with its steam came all the bulbs alive. Cupped in painted glasses yet so bright, the colourful lights drew everyone's attention.

The hamster play began.

Directed by Klein, commanding the hamster's sequences by flapping around his baton.

Adonna, hidden inside the theatre itself did various voices for the costumed hamster cast. She had the most talented vocals you'd ever harken, doing variety of voices – male and female, old and young – for each hamster as they acted. She additionally mouthed some sound effects that she couldn't mimic with her drum or flute.

Bear acted the villain of the play as a grizzly bear. Adonna nailed his loud growl so well to send chills down the audience' spines. That even had some glancing about for an actual beast.

So many heads stopped to watch their play – if not because of the play itself, the colourful resplendence of the lightbulbs was enough to fascinate eyes only familiar with gas lamps. Then the best part of every Carnival: Rwby weaving through the crowds, filling her container with bountiful donations.

Throughout the Carnival you'd never see a single constabulary as they were otherwise stationed all around the city walls or patrolling during this critical period of the year. Because of this so many underhanded transactions exchanged hands around the Carnival that evening.

Davy lurked at the mouth of an alley there. Leaned against a wall, his black weathered hat comfortable atop his head while he watched an interesting tap dance in the Carnival. Across from him was his contact, a pipe-smoking grunt who kept analysing him with a scowl. Davy passed him the pouch containing that pulsating crystal that left him peeking inside with awe.

"Expected him to come by himself. So the Hangman trusted you with this?" asked the grunt.

"Not many people can swim 4 miles underwater, gaffer."

This man disappeared into the crowds, leaving Davy to await the arrival of two men from the other end of the alley. These would be the buyers.

Words were exchanged between them and Davy while he kept his eyes at the feet of the tap dancers. They handed over the payment of diamonds so red they made the colour of blood look like a knockoff. Only after verifying the amount did he retreat from that alley.

From among the spectators of a puppet show his contact returned to that alley to deliver the buyers their purchase.

Davy caught the colourful electrical lights from the Hamster show. The first sight in Dona that dilated his black eyes. In that moment of distraction, he didn't realise when one of the buyers sunk a knife into his contact's belly right after confirming their item. Then they rushed him too. One knocked him down, while the other snatched away the Blood diamonds before he could throw a punch.

One hared through an alley. The other man mingled into the thickest crowd.

Davy – by default – pursued the one that required less effort. He jostled through the Hamster show's audience 'til he detected his target.

Adonna was doing her part within the mini stage, the play going ever so well when Davy came tackling his target and two crashed into the stage, demolishing everything.

The hamsters ran to Klein.

Bear attacked Davy. He clutched the dog's snout shut while it drooled all over him, growling and wriggling in aggression.

As the other man upped and ran, Bear broke away from Davy to sic him instead. In so doing, Bear ripped a bite of something in the man's grip that left the dog choking and coughing.

So he escaped.

Adonna picked herself out the demolished stage. She, Klein and Rwby huddled around Bear. Davy on the other hand – rubbed his face in defeat. His target had already fled too far for him to even attempt to chase.

As their audience dispersed, Davy went over to retrieve his hat, which had somehow wound up near Adonna's foot. Their dog was somewhat better now, whimpering on the floor, so he called their attention saying, "Sorry about your show."

Adonna returned his hat, apologising for the bite mark left by Bear's teeth on his forearm peeking through torn sleeves.

Before they could exchange anymore words, Rwby sighted a certain constabulary coming their way. "It's Officer Feal!" She recognised her guardian at once.

And Klein's father along with him.

It's time to face punishment for her misdemeanour, Rwby accepted.

Davy was gone before they turned.

Klein had Adonna leave with Bear and the excess of money they'd made, so he stayed back to face his father too.





That night of the 22nd November,

Since she brought Bear back home, the lights of her home remained lit throughout. Anyone outside the window could've seen her restless shadow moving up and down the manor past midnight.

She strode back into the Wayneroyal library for a compiled note in which she had scribbled theories about the Sagittarius Legend collated from different literature, glued land maps, nautical maps and sketches of star patterns.

By dawn, she left home so fidgety even the howl of morning breeze spooked her. She only had her packed bag and Bear looking shabby and unnaturally browner.

At some point she stopped at a lonely alley, threw out everything from her bag except her notes, and then stuffed Bear inside it. "Quiet" She instructed. 


She flashed her citizen tag and was allowed past the backgate to Dona's Port Market. There, she'd approach a lonely sailor.

Just requesting a ride aboard his ship made this bearded man's voice tense as he glanced right and left. "Are you crazy, girl? Tryna get mine vessel sunk, are you?"

She pleaded that she had enough money to pay but he wouldn't take the risk. He explained how the navy searched every ship authorised to run business at the annual Port Market before and after, and if caught carrying prohibited items or stowaways, they wouldn't just have their pass revoked. "You got money, go pay the toll at the other gate easy. Don't bring me trouble." He added.

The totality of Adonna's money – including everything they made from last night's Carnival still fell short of the toll fee.

The sailor stroked his beard. "Don't tell me you like one of those crazy Wayneroyals on about adventures? Why you even wanna leave Dona? Why will anyone wanna leave Dona in fact? Like you lot don't know how bad it be out there."

She didn't have a specific destination; she only pointed a direction across the horizon when the sailor asked where she was headed anyway.

Someone suddenly called it the direction of Chiron's arrow.

"You're the man from last night!" She recognised Davy.

"Man? Just how old do you thing I am?"

She didn't answer. In fact it didn't seem like she even heard him with her dark eyes staring off at the ocean. She startled when he grabbed her shoulders. Easy enough to tell she was afraid from the way she trembled. Though it wasn't him she was scared of as she followed along when he pulled her away from the sailor who had just begun stroking his beard in considering her offer… or rather a way to swindle her.

"Running away from home and this is your plan?"

"Who – who said I was running away?" She snapped back.

"Oh really?" He analysed her head to toe. "Heavy backpack filled with who-knows-what. You keep glancing left and right like you just stole something. You look exactly like a runaway. Anyone with two eyes can see the naivety in you. Asking to be stowed away so openly. Imagine one of your constabularies heard? Or someone heard and reported? Or imagine he took advantage? Took your money then sold you out to your constabularies anyway?"

Adonna thrusted her chin. "Your constabularies, you say? Spoken like someone not from Dona. Which, if that's the case, then how'd you get allowed outside this gate without citizen tag?"

"Wrong! Got a special tourist pass. You on the other hand, this is your first time coming out here, hmm?"

"Wrong! I – I have been outside the gate before! Have you ever changed those clothes on you, hmm?"

Davy chuckled and placed a hand on one of her shoulders again. "You've quit trembling. That's good. Now then, where are you headed precisely?"

She could only point towards the very direction she pointed the sailor. That's when he realised she truly didn't have a particular location she was headed to. "Could it be–"

"Direction of Chiron's arrow, yes. I want to find the Sagittarius Legend." She interrupted him and her words struck him speechless and unblinking for a moment there. "What is it? You already seem to know about it, don't you?"

"Yes." He admitted. "Just haven't met many others who actually pursue it. It was just a mindless guess what I said earlier. You don't even look like an adventurer."

"Hmm… are you?"

Davy was. In fact, he had his own pocket notebook in which he kept a folded sheet containing captured constellation since mid-august when it was most visible across the night sky. Because, according to him, the direction of the Chiron's arrow that remained the only popular clue to the Sagittarius Legend shifted some degrees every year. Moreover, this so called 'Treasure of treasures' can only be found during the Sagittarius season each year as the legend described: between 22nd November to 22nd December every year.

This was new information for Adonna's notes. "So, many of them must've followed the wrong direction from the start!" She pinched her chin when in thought.

"Who is 'them'?"

Time flew fast as the two chatted by the dockside, meanwhile – from afar – the blockade of navy Cruisers cleared a merchant sloop for passage drifting towards port.

Her name, Wayneroyal, struck a familiar cord with Davy. One of the most notorious pirates, whose name still echoed the seas beyond the Consortium of States was called Wayneroyal.

With Adonna's incuriosity to her family matters, she didn't know nor cared if this late pirate was a relative. She first claimed to seek the Sagittarius Legend because it's the one quest many Wayneroyal adventurers failed on due to its clues being so vague that its reality resides between myth and fiction. Next, she rambled on about how she's not taking up the quest to uphold her family tradition or anything, but because the Sagittarius Legend promised – or rather hinted the treasure of treasures awaited somewhere down its path. "What of you? Why are you after it?" She quickly shifted the question from herself. 

Davy was left somewhat confused. "Everyone would be "keen" about the Treasure of treasures. Sounds almost like you don't know exactly why you want it though."

"I know – I know! Of course I know." She stuttered. "It's because… it's for… since I found out about it, I just – I can't explain but it's like holding my breath whenever I try to not think about it."

Perhaps someone else would've been left all the more puzzled by her blunder of an explanation, but Davy just smiled and patted her shoulder. "We'll find it." He said. His expression like that of someone who understood her when even she didn't understand herself.

At that time she was just relieved that she didn't think much about it. She smiled back, meanwhile that merchant ship in the background finally moored at the Port Market, stealing Davy's attention.


Blasted foghorn cut their conversation short. Saved Davy from having to answer her repeated question asking why he sought the treasure.

That sailor had reconsidered Adonna's offer and came to ask her to break up their 'little tryst' so they can discus business.

Her checks flushed.

Davy snapped back. "Bet we remind you of yourself and the Missus before she left you, huh?"

A suppressed laugh escaped Adonna's lips.

"Don't do business with him." Davy whispered. "Come aboard my ship instead. In fact I'm not the only guy on about the Sagittarius Legend among us. Just pay the captain and you're good to go. He'll figure a way past the navy's search."

Davy took the bag off her back. It weighed heavier than he expected and surely felt movements inside, yet he didn't ask about it just as she said nothing about the mean-looking men staring down at them from that sloop – scary enough to give her pause. Instead she stuck close to Davy and followed him aboard.

Disguised as merchants were pirates of the ship he came from: the Hangpole. In fact, everyone aboard was a familiar face for Davy except the Captain who looked pale and sweaty while Deron, the pirate captain, kept him close.

Adonna's instincts were quick to tell her these men couldn't be merchants even just from the way some were toying with the commodities aboard. The eyes reading her were unnerving. 

Davy's return seemed much anticipated by the crew from the comradely welcome, it almost deceived her that he might've been the captain, until they came face-to-face with the actual captain himself.

Even when wearing a shirt, Captain Deron wore it so carelessly that not only his noose tattoo peered out but also a tiny text under his throat which read 'CUT HERE'. Adonna's nerves chilled at his presence. 

"That's my mentee. Got yourself a Donnan sweetheart already." Came the one called Knob. Even in disguise, he wore that black bandana of his over his face. "She's a cutie. But, ya know… we didn't hijack a vessel just to see her." His eyes abruptly transformed into a glare. Like Deron's.

The captain nodded for them to follow him below deck.

There, he had only one question for Davy. His Diamonds. 

Davy stammered to explain what happened at the Carnival. How the buyers made off with both the item and payment. But swore he'd pay the captain back, starting with Adonna's fare, his own savings back on the Hangpole and anything more he could raise henceforth.

Deron paced around the ring of his crewmen in bloodcurdling silence.

Fear had strangled Davy's voice now. "And – and I'll find you the Sagittarius Treasure – you know I will Deron. Deron?"

"And you left the city without tracking them down?" Deron finally spoke.

"Your contact… Bony. They nicked him. I – I had nothing to go with."


Between Deron's shout and the hard smack he took, Davy's ear rang as he was knocked to the floor. Movement stirred from the heavy bag on his back. Derron picked him up by the neck. Adonna came clawing at the captain's hand to let him go.

Deron released him, only to raise Adonna like she weighed an infant's mass, hung her to a hook on the wall by the shoulders of her jacket and returned to beat Davy some more.

When he braced his fists in a fighting stance, the Captain even chuckled at his weakness before the clobbering began.

Knob wanted to say something but the one crewman bigger than Deron himself raised a palm to dissuade him.

Only sound in his ears was Addona's vicious cries while he took punches to the ribs, slaps to the face 'til he found an opening to land his one and only hit on Deron. His balled fist only barely tickled the Captain's cheek.

Deron showed him what a real punch to the face felt like when he retaliated, knocking him out cold.

Everything went black.

But only for few moments.

When he came to, only Adonna's torn jacket hung on the hook. She, however, was helplessly torn between the men taking her money, those digging through whatever remained inside her bag, those delivering her notes to Deron, and those denying her access to the Captain who was examining her brown dog, wondering why it was inside a bag.

Deron finally pointed someone over to some chains and ordered for her to be tied up in them. He kicked Davy on the floor to jolt him wide awake to hear him give the order for his men to throw Adonna overboard.

"Captain!" Knob protested.

The Captain stooped over Davy with the key to her chains between his fingers. "I been soft with you on this crew, eh? How will a marshmallow like you achieve that grand goal of yours? Do not save her. Captain's order." He tossed the key right in front of his face.

Before the key could bounce a second time on the hard wood, Davy snatched it and raced out the cabin. As fresh air swept his face, he realised the ship was already in motion.

And there Adonna was, gagged shut.

The pirates pushed her off the moment he arrived.

Davy scoffed the key in his mouth and dived after her.

Those deadbeat, card-playing constabularies at the Port Market wouldn't notice if an emergency danced in their faces.

By when Davy pulled Adonna to the piers of the harbour unchained, the merchant sloop had already been allowed past naval blockade.

 Right after she coughed out water, she went rabid about her dog still with the pirates. She squealed so loud those deadbeat constabularies finally got up and rushed over.

Surrounded. Bombarded with questions. "Listen to me." Davy muttered to her. "There's little to nothing constabularies can do now. They are gone. But your dog isn't gone. That's not their ship and I know where they're headed next. But if these guys question me, I'd end up jailed because I'm not a citizen and came here through underhanded means. We will get your dog back. That's a promise."

All of a sudden, she squealed even louder to silence everyone. Then pointed to the water, crying that her purse fell.

Davy followed her lead in a sheepish voice. "She dived right after it. Good thing I was here… hehe."

Everyone scattered away disappointed. "Can't believe I threw a winning hand for this." One of the constabularies hissed.

It wasn't just constabularies or market people that her cries had attracted. Thanks to that, a familiar face found Adonna right when she turned a vicious look to ask Davy what now?

Relief relaxed Klein's shoulders upon seeing her.

What happened to her? Where has she been?

Klein overheard Rwby's guardian report finding her home in shambles, walls ripped, paint spilled and she still missing. So he snuck out to find her himself but she wasn't in the Wayneroyal library as he expected. "Wait. Where is Bear?" he finally noticed. On closer look, he realised it wasn't just the water in her soaked hair streaming down across her scrunched face.

She rubbed the tears away from her hard, unblinking eyes that turned towards the last two merchant ships left at the harbour that noon.

Davy suggested a better plan than to attempt stowing away on those ships. "The navy's inspection is too thorough. They will make out stowaways – no doubt. But I know another way out of Dona… through the other gate. But–"

"But you don't have a citizen tag to enter back in." Adonna finished.

"Wait. You're not from Dona?" asked Klein. He didn't understand the full situation but drew a deep breath and just offered his citizen tag to Davy.

"That's all great. But you do realise it means you will be out here for as long as I'm gone, right? You don't look the type that can pull it off. Besides, already know someone who can help."

Up next: Outside Dona.

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