
Sage of the Ancients: The Katalonan's Revelation

The order and laws of the universe are not just limited to the cosmos but are also ingrained in the very fabric of human existence. By adhering to these principles, we can unlock the full potential of our own existence and harmonize with the natural order of the universe. The era of divinity is long gone, and industrialization and machinery have covered the remnants of the past. However, these godly tools have not been lost but are kept secret by those in power. Philip Cadence is an archaeologist working in the Philippines. During his work, he discovers that relics and artifacts contain not only otherworldly beauty but also forbidden knowledge that those in power seek to obtain. Will Philip be able to obtain this knowledge, or will he be exploited by those who seek such things? Disclaimer: This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents portrayed in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Certain real locations, businesses, or organizations may be mentioned for narrative purposes, but this should not be construed as an endorsement or representation of their actual practices, views, or opinions. The author holds no responsibility for any inaccuracies or misinterpretations arising from such references. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Mael01 · Fantasia
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11 Chs


Philip's voice trembled as he turned to Father Mathew, desperation evident in his eyes. "Father, what on earth am I supposed to do now? I've got this mysterious talisman, no clue where it came from, and a beast that's itching to make a meal out of me."

Father Mathew's expression softened, and he laid a reassuring hand on Philip's shoulder. "Fear not, my son," he said, his voice calm but firm. "There's someone more appropriate than me who can help you. Head to Raon Street in Quiapo, find an amulet shop by the name of Kabalyero, and seek out the owner. They may have the answers you seek."

With a heartfelt blessing and a silent prayer for Philip's safety, Father Mathew watched as Philip hailed a taxi, his resolve firm as he embarked on this new and perilous journey.

Philip's footsteps echoed through the bustling streets of Quiapo as he searched for Kabalyero, the mysterious amulet shop Father Mathew had mentioned. Despite his determination, the locals seemed oblivious to its existence. Frustration gnawed at Philip's mind, but just as he was about to give up hope, an old beggar approached him, his weathered face creased with age.

"Change for an old man?" the beggar croaked, his voice barely audible above the din of the street.

Philip handed over some coins and offered food and water, intrigued by the beggar's sudden silence. As if guided by an unseen force, the beggar grasped Philip's hand and urged him to follow. With a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, Philip complied, trusting his instincts.

Their journey led them to a quaint pub named Docente, where curious eyes followed their every move. Philip's discomfort grew, but the beggar urged him to stay calm. Approaching the counter, the beggar announced Philip's presence, drawing a frown from the lady behind it.

"Who sent you here?" she demanded, her tone laced with suspicion.

Philip hesitated for a moment before revealing Father Mathew's name. To his surprise, the lady's demeanor softened, and she led them to a hidden entrance in the basement.

Inside, Philip's eyes widened in astonishment as he beheld the vast array of artifacts and ancient tomes. Before him stood an old man, diligently grinding herbs, his presence commanding respect.

"The owner will see you shortly," the lady announced, gesturing for Philip to take a seat.

As he settled onto the sofa, Philip couldn't shake the feeling that he was about to embark on a journey unlike any other.

Lorenzo's eyes twinkled with wisdom as he approached Philip, the old beggar and the lady respectfully bowing and exiting the room. "Welcome, Philip," Lorenzo greeted warmly, his voice carrying an air of authority. "I am Lorenzo." Philip reciprocated the introduction, feeling a sense of comfort in Lorenzo's presence.

As they settled into conversation, Philip recounted the events that led him to Kabalyero, detailing Father Mathew's cryptic instructions and the mysterious talisman. Lorenzo listened intently, his expression shifting from curiosity to amusement as Philip spoke of the encounter with the aswang.

A hearty laugh escaped Lorenzo's lips, echoing off the walls of the room. "Ah, Father Mathew," he chuckled, shaking his head. "A man of many talents, but not without his limitations." Philip's brow furrowed in confusion at Lorenzo's cryptic words.

Lorenzo leaned forward, his gaze piercing. "You see, Philip, Father Mathew is indeed skilled in matters of demonology and exorcism. But when it comes to physical threats, well, let's just say he's more adept at banishing spirits than battling beasts."

Philip's jaw dropped in astonishment, the revelation shaking him to his core. Lorenzo's keen observation left him reeling, questioning everything he thought he knew about Father Mathew. "But why didn't he tell me?" Philip stammered, his mind racing with unanswered questions.

Lorenzo's expression softened, his eyes filled with empathy. "Perhaps Father Mathew thought it best to lead you here, where you could find the help you truly need," he explained gently. "You see, Kabalyero is more than just a shop. It is a sanctuary for those who seek protection from the darkness that lurks in the shadows."

Philip's gaze met Lorenzo's, a flicker of hope igniting within him. Perhaps, in this mysterious place, he would find the answers he sought and the strength to confront the challenges that lay ahead.

Lorenzo's eyes widened with concern as Philip revealed the talisman etched into his skin. "Show me," he urged, his voice tinged with urgency. Philip hesitated for a moment before reluctantly removing his clothes, revealing the mark left by the talisman.

Lorenzo's brow furrowed in shock as he examined the opaque tattoo, his fingers tracing its intricate lines. "This is... different," he muttered, his expression troubled. "Your descriptions were far too different from its current state."

A flicker of uncertainty crossed Lorenzo's face as he admitted, "At this point, even I have no clue what to do." Suddenly, a spark of realization illuminated his features, and he hurriedly rummaged through his collection of books, enlisting Philip's help in the search.

After what felt like an eternity, Lorenzo emerged triumphantly with a weathered tome, its pages yellowed with age. Flipping through its fragile pages, he located a passage written in Latin, the inscription eerily similar to the talisman on Philip's body.

"This scripture of the divine language cannot be used for evil," Lorenzo translated solemnly, his voice tinged with reverence. "It is permitted to exist by holy will. I hope that it will transcend ages and convey to them."

Philip's heart sank as Lorenzo revealed that the rest of the passage had been obscured by red and black stains, resembling spoiled blood. Lorenzo explained that the book had been tampered with, likely containing forbidden knowledge sold on the black market.

As Philip absorbed this information, Lorenzo offered a glimmer of hope. "It isn't necessarily that all hope is lost," he reassured. "We can create a way to utilize the talisman and implement preventive measures."

Lorenzo led Philip to the artifacts section, where shelves held an array of mystical items that seemed straight out of a comic book. Philip's eyes widened with excitement as he took in the sight of whips crafted from stingray tails and ancient swords gleaming with history.

Handing Philip a bottle with an unusual color, Lorenzo's voice carried a note of solemnity as he explained its purpose. "If the water starts to boil without reason, an evil entity is near. You also have this agimat," he continued, presenting Philip with a talisman adorned with sacred symbols. "It wards off evil influences, enchanted with prayers to keep you safe."

Philip nodded, grateful for Lorenzo's guidance, but couldn't help but voice his curiosity. "I know it's strange for me to ask, since I'm the one seeking help, but why are you going to such lengths for me?" he inquired, searching Lorenzo's eyes for an answer.

A warm smile graced Lorenzo's lips as he responded, his voice filled with conviction. "This is the purpose of Kabalyero," he explained. "We help people who suddenly find themselves thrust into the supernatural. If we don't, then who will?"

Gesturing to the chaos of the world around them, Lorenzo continued, "All that happens has a purpose. Like Father Mathew, who was once helped by someone from our order when he was deployed in the Visayas region. Now, look at him—a reputable priest and exorcist. It's his fate."

He placed a reassuring hand on Philip's shoulder. "All things move through fate by the will of the divine. It may not make sense to you now, but someday, when you achieve something significant, remember to help those like you in a similar situation, without prejudice."

As Philip prepared to leave the safety of Lorenzo's shop, he listened intently to Lorenzo's advice, clutching the agimat and bottle tightly in his hands. "Keep these with you at all times," Lorenzo urged, his voice tinged with urgency. "They're your best defense against whatever may come your way."

Philip nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I will," he promised, exchanging contact information with Lorenzo just in case. "And I'll visit you every week to check on the talisman."

With a final farewell, Philip bid adieu to Lorenzo and the lady at the desk, stepping out into the bustling streets of Quiapo. But as he exited the pub, he was met by the old beggar, Ramon, who had been waiting eagerly outside.

"Welcome, newbie, to the new world," Ramon greeted with a chuckle, revealing his name as he introduced himself as a wanderer of the streets. Philip couldn't help but return the old man's smile, struck by his unexpected camaraderie.

As Ramon headed back to the streets to resume his begging, Philip made his way home to his apartment, grateful for the guidance he had received but wary of the challenges that lay ahead.