
Saga Of Yoru

Oriont_Fedora1 · Guerra
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Guineo, foxtasea Village, 1800

Long time ago, Far in south, there is a small continent ruled by the guineo empire, Guineo Empire Is one of strongest Empire That time, Foxrasea Village is located in Guineo Empire territory, which is where all the inhabitants are enslaved by the nobles.

But Not for this kid named Yoru, yoru drove all the soldiers who came to his village, All the villagers warn yoru to stop annoying Empire Soldier otherwise yoru can get killed

Yoru say

"Hell No! dont get in my way! I will Protect this village from those jerk!"

And then Yoru Running Leaving the village alone, Villagers trying to stop yoru but they decided to just let he go, Night Has Come, Yoru was alone in cold dark forest, He makes a bonfire and sit in front of it.

yoru said to himself

" Why did they always get in my way? do they dont want some freedom from those jerk?? "

After realizing that he was lost in that forest

he waiting in front of the bonfire

" They Must be searching for me right now! nothing to worry! "

Yoru fall asleep and wake up after hear some explosion From Far Away, yoru who was curious Run to the source of the explosion.

When He realize that the source of the explosion was from Yoru village, He was running as fast as he can and run to his house.

"Mom! Dad! Where are u!"

yoru shouted

then he fell silent to see his village Destroyed and the pile of corpses of the villagers, Yoru Screaming Out loud that all the soldier hear him and chase yoru, seing all those corpses Yoru became crazy and run to all the soldier with some Axe.

Yoru Became a brutal Cold Blood Killer, Yoru Brutally Kill All the soldier while screaming.


All the soldier was scared to yoru and ran back to their camp, suddenly Yoru Holding them all from behind.

" Where Do you all think you going??? im not done yet! "

said yoru with his crazy face

yoru knocked down the soldiers one by one and cut off their heads while screaming out loud, One Soldier that survived ran away as fast as he can to his camp, Yoru That already tired back go the village and let the soldier go.

Yoru Back to ruins of his house Searching for survivor Villager, Suddenly Yoru Find His dying Father and said.

"Dont Worry Dad! I will bring u to Doctor right now! please hold on for a min! "

yoru run into Other Village, on the way, Yoru Father Wake up and said

" dont worry son.. u dont need to force your self... You are injured, forgot about me, save yourself first.. "

and then yoru said

"Dont worry dad! We will Reach other village in a few minute! Just please hold on for a min "

yoru father said

" My Life Is over now, Just leave me and save yourself before your wound get more bigger "


said yoru, crying

" Dont Worry My son, I know u can do it, Thanks for our time my son "

said yoru's father, smiling broadly


said yoru

" Dad? Hoi dad??????? wake up, we are almost there.. "

Said yoru

and then Yoru Realize that his father already die, He stop running and screaming out loud

To Be continued...