
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

New life

After 2 hours of biding, Shane was sold to a Tall Elf Woman with White skin, long black hair, and golden eyes, Shane couldn't help but stare at the woman's shape, she had a perfectly round face, with huge melons and an hourglass figure, she wore a white short gown revealing her white long legs, the woman looked at Shane with absolute disgust.

The woman told Shane to follow her, as they were walking, Shane realized that the people of the town were greeting the Elf Woman with respect and she also noticed the two guards following her from behind, something told him not to make any funny move or else he wants to die.

Shane continued walking behind the woman and after a few minutes they got to what could be described as a mansion, he saw a lot of guards standing in front, just by their presence alone, Shane could already tell that those guards were freaking strong, the Elf Woman entered and the guards bowed.

Shane followed the Elf Woman into the mansion, he saw a lot of people dressed in maid outfits, the building was huge so Sarah knew that it would take more than one person to clean it, so it made sense to him to see a lot of maids, they entered what looked like an office mixed with a library, the woman sat down on a long sofa chair that was close to a desk with lot of papers on it.

The Elf Woman looked at Shane and sighed, Shane just stood there waiting for the woman to say something, the woman picked up a bell and rang it, a few seconds later a blonde woman wearing a maid outfit came into the office and bowed, she then said " Ma'am you called for me"

Although the blonde woman could see Shane, she paid no attention to her, the Elf Woman pointed to Shane and said " He is new, put him through the procedure and clean him up, he fucking stinks make sure you do something about his hair they look disgusting, he will be attending to my daughter when she comes back tomorrow, is that clear?" she was busy reading something in the paper that was in front of her, she signaled them to leave.

The blonde maid bowed and gestured for Shane to follow her, as they were about to leave the office, The Elf Woman looked up and asked " Boy do you have a name, I know most slaves don't have one, if no I will give you one"

Shane nodded positively and said" My name is Shane Myers ma'am", the Elf Woman looked at Sarah with a cautious look and continued her reading, and Shane followed the blonde maid.

When Shane got outside, he almost slapped himself 'Geez I almost fucked up, I should get used to calling myself Shane Myers to prevent any situation like this', the blonde maid saw that Shane had a worried expression on his face so she tried to reduce his worries " Don't worry Shane, Madam Ellen is a kind and generous woman, it's her daughter you have to worry about" said the blonde maid.

Shane just nodded along and asked "Why should I be worried about her daughter, she said something about me attending to her daughter" The blonde maid smiled and said " Don't worry, you will see tomorrow, I don't want to spoil the fun for you and we are here, this is your room" she showed Shane his room, it was a small sized room, it had a bed, a single wardrobe, a deck and chair and a door leading to a bathroom.

Shane looked at the bed and saw a clean pair of clothes.

The blonde maid pointed to the bed and the clothes on top, and she said " That's your uniform, it must be on your body every time, it might be a little big at first but there's a resize enchantment on it so it will resize to fit you, Take a bath and do something to your hair then come meet me in the main hall, you will not miss it"

Shane nodded and moved inside the room, he was about to have the privacy he had been longing for when the blonde maid stopped him and whispered softly to Shane " Please don't make me wait for you" Although she was smiling while saying it, Shane knew that it wasn't a request more like an order.

She turned around and Shane watched her walk into the large hallway, Shane locked the door to his room, and looked around, finally, he was alone, he immediately went into the bathroom, which was just as small as the room, with a single bathtub and a mirror.

Shane went towards the mirror trying to check out his new look, but with the amount of dust and sand on his face, it was impossible to say if he was handsome or not, so he pulled off his ragged clothes and stepped into the bathtub.

To say Shane wasn't surprised by the presence of a bathtub in this world was a lie, because the world leans towards the fantasy setting, different races and slaves, Shane just got into the bathtub and pushed the bottom on the tub, instead of the usual shower, the tub glowed bright green light in a runic pattern, and the water rose from inside the bathtub.

Shane looked to his left and saw soap and a black soft sponge, he picked them up and proceeded with his bath, five minutes later he came out of the tub, took the towel from the hanger, and placed it on his shoulder, he walked towards the mirror and took a good look at his new face.

He looked at the mirror and saw his reflection, he had pale skin showing signs of malnutrition, with long black hair with a few strands of blue and some tips being blue, the hair reached his shoulder, he picked up a pair of small scissors that were hanging beside the mirror, spending his previous life alone with his grandparent made cutting his hair a simple task.

A few minutes later he came out of the bathroom, Shane walked towards his bed and picked up the butler's uniform, just like the blonde maid said, the uniform was a little bit big at first but a second later it resized to Shane's size, fitting him perfectly, he wore the black shoes that were left for him inside his room.

Shane walked out of his room and headed towards the main hall, on his way there he noticed that some maid would stare at him and whisper something to the other maids, but frankly, Shane didn't care, Shane just wanted to get this over with, after walking for some minutes he saw the tall slender blonde maid, with long ears, indicating that she was also an Elf, she had a dark skin color with red eyes, without any doubt, Shane knew that she was a Dark Elf.

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