
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

C9 - Food for freedom

Shane woke up early the next day, when he opened his eyes, he saw Eve's face extremely close to his causing him to flinch.

Eve jumped back and stood straight, "Good morning, Shane how was your night" she asked feeling a little bit embarrassed because of what she was about to do, actually she wanted to see Shane's face clearly so she moved his hair away from his face.

"It was fine ma'am, am sorry that I slept on your sofa" Shane replied, he stood up from the sofa and adjusted his uniform, it was already bright outside, and he could hear voices and people moving outside, he was slightly embarrassed that he woke up so late.

"No problem, today you will be going out with me and Elroy, so get something else to wear and I will call for you when am ready" Eve replied while looking away from Shane, she was still not comfortable looking directly into Shane's eyes because there was this charming feeling that was making her have lewd thought about Shane.

"Yes Ma'am, I will go and prepare and Ma'am am sorry to be rude but can I be granted permission to use your kitchen" When he tasted the food made by the cook of this mansion he found it lacking, the food was just too blend, no aspect of it pleased him.

Shane decided to cook his own food and with the knowledge of his previous life, he would try to recreate some delicacy, which was why he asked for permission to use the kitchen because well this is a noble household you can't just do things without permission.

Eve on the other hand was a little bit surprised by the request because to her knowledge Vampires don't need food, so why was this vampire asking for permission to use her kitchen, so she asked "I thought vampires only need blood to survive, I didn't know you guys also eat normal food"

'there it is again, why would they think am a vampire, wait is it because of my skin, or could this be the reason people were whispering yesterday' he inhaled a good amount of oxygen and exhaled before replying "Ma'am with all due respect, I am not a vampire, I am a human, if it's because of my skin color you could just say life as a slave isn't a comfortable life" he bowed after he finished talking.

"Oh, really you are a human, then why do you look so pale, I was trying to check your fangs before you woke up..."


Eve realized that she had said something, she wasn't supposed to say, so she quickly tried to change the topic "Yes you can use my kitchen but on one condition"

"What condition ma'am" Shane had a feeling that he wasn't going to like what the condition maybe but he still asked

"I must taste anything you cook and if it is not as good as the maids you will do anything I ask you lewd or not" she replied with her cheeks turning red.

"Well I can't say it would be better than the trained chefs but I will try my best to please you and I am already your slave so I can't resist any order given to me by your ma'am" although Shane said all that but on the inside he was having another conversation with himself.

'What the fu*k those she mean by lewd, why would she think that way, please don't tell me she's one of those sex slavers, oh god what have I gotten myself, but on the other hand it will not be bad to at least try it out

And there quality of food in this world is completely bullshit, even a 5-year-old in my formal world wouldn't eat it, so am quite confident in my cooking skills, I just hope they have all the necessary ingredients

"Hey, what are you thinking again" Shane was brought out of his thoughts with a knock on his Head.

"Ouch that hurts, ma'am you know that you are way stronger than me, so that simple knock could kill me" he wasn't lying though in this new world where people have magical powers and super strength, a single knock from a higher rank individual can kill.

"I said follow me and if you manage to impress me with your cooking, I will speak to Mom so she can remove the slave mark on you, how do you like that seems fair right," Eve said while walking towards the door, Shane on the other hand was just rooted to his current location.

Not fully because of what Eve said but because of what he read after she said those words.

*DING* Main quest - Cook your way to freedom

[Description - you have been offered an easy way to regain your freedom from the shackles of slavery]

Main task - Prepare the most extravagant meal Lady Eva has ever tasted.

Side task - prepare a unique meal


"Are you coming or what, I don't have all day" Eve was starting to get annoyed because this freaking butler of hers always seems to enter deep thoughts

"Yes, ma'am I will not disappoint you" With his freedom on the line how would he not try his best, he was thinking of making a sandwich for himself and Lady Eve but now he knew that he would have to bring out the big guns.

He followed Lady Eve to the kitchen on their way there, they ran into some of the guards he fought the previous night, it was clear that they were still angry but seeing Shane following Lady Eve they dared not make a sound they just bowed and left.

When they got into the kitchen, Shane was amazed 'They fucking have everything I need although not everything, I can make the rest myself but first I will have to test the water

I will first make a simple rice and chicken stew let see how they will react then I can go for a 3-star meal'

Shane entered the kitchen and immediately got busy, Eve told him to continue and she left saying she would be back in a few minutes to which Shane didn't care because right now his freedom depended on the food he was about to cook.

'Rice check, life chicken check, seasonings check but not all check not the seasoning from my previous life are present here, but I will have to make use of what I can ohhh they have curry leaves too, that should help, now let's get cooking' Shane wasn't a chef in his past life but as a self-proclaim Alpha male what was the best way to woo a lady, a man that can cook good food, handsome had had a nice body build, everything Shane had in his past life.

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