
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantasia
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52 Chs

C35 - Sephie

[A/N: If you like what you read, don't forget to drop a review and bless me with powerstones]


<<Demi-Human Continent Swis Tribe>

A teenage girl sat opposite a middle-aged-looking man, from the girl's reaction she was not pleased to see the man sitting before her, The Man had light blue-ish Skin with red scales around his open body, and his red eyes put fear in the teenage girl's heart.

The person she was looking at was indeed her Brother, her evil brother, He single-handedly destroyed their Tribe in just three days, Looking into her brother's eye the Girl was forced to remember what happened a few days back.

[3 Days Ago]

Inside a Long House type of building sat many people with different colors of skin with scales showing in some parts of their bodies, the people were drinking and dancing inside the longhouse were two thrones made out of wood, The difference between the two Thrones was obvious.

The Throne in the middle was more prominent than the Smaller one beside it, on those thrones were two people a man and a Woman, the Chieftain and his wife, who also were drinking.

The teenage girl was sitting at one of the long tables that were in the middle of the longhouse eating and chatting with her friends, the party had been going on for a while when a runner ran into the longhouse, causing everyone to stop what they were doing.

The runner walked straight towards the Chieftain, "My Chief, there is trouble, I bring news of a matching of warriors heading towards us, there are 3 days out" the Runner said as he kneed before the Chieftain who was almost 7 feet tall, his blue-ish skin had a type of glow to it because of his Shining blue Scales.

"Are you sure, what tribe Chieftain is leading the Army?" The Chieftain asked.

"No my Chieftain, it's the Exile Prince, and he is leading 150,000, Naga warriors toward us as we speak" the Runner replied, Making the whole crowd gasp.

It was a fearful thought knowing an Army of 150,000 Naga warriors was marching towards their location, led by the Exile Prince who betrayed the Tribe years ago during the Vampire Invasion, where he led the Vampires into the Tribe.

Slaughtering everyone who stood against the Vampire, although they managed to repeal the Prince's attack but it caused a lot of warriors and When the main Vampire army came they couldn't even put up a fight and they fell under the Vampire Empire.

But the Prince was already Exiled before the Vampire Army arrived, none heard of him again, but now out of nowhere, he appeared with an Army of 150,000 Warriors.

The Chieftain clenched his fist in anger "That bastard dares to attack my tribe, he dares attack me, I see now that sparing his life back then was a mistake" As he said those words he looked back at his wife and she shocked her head while sighing.

"When should we expect them and how is his force," the Chieftain asked as he sat back on his Throne.

"30,000 warriors of his force are 3rd-Circle Warriors, 500 Mages, while the rest are 2nd-Circle Warriors and 1st-Circle and Motals Warriors and they are expected to arrive within our border in 3 days" The Runner replied.

A Frown appeared on the Chieftain's face "500 Mages, where did he get that much, how many Mages do we have" he asked.

"My Chief the total number of warriors we have is 70,000, 39,500 3rd-Circle Warriors, 260 Mages, and the rest are 2nd-Circle and 1st-Circle Warriors including you the only 4th-Circle Leader to ever exist in the Great Swis Serpent Tribe"

The whole long house became silent, as the Chieftain continue to think about the battle coming to them, "Everyone, as you have heard, My Exiled son has returned to finish what he couldn't those many years ago, As you all know it was because of his actions back then that we fell under the tranny of the Vampire Rules,

Becoming nothing more than simply livestock to the Vampires, feasting on as they see fit, and now he dares show his face again, gather every man and child capable of fighting, we will march at sunrise" The Chieftain ordered and everyone inside the long house left in a hurry.

The young Lamia walked towards her Father the Chieftain who had a worried expression written on his face, seeing his daughter approach the Chieftain forced a smile "Sephie, what's wrong why do you look so down" he asked although he already knew the answer.

Soon he would follow his Warriors into battle against his own son, and only one of them would return alive, Sephie knew that her tribe was totally outnumbered, if it was only the warriors then maybe her Tribe could somehow pull it off but at the mention of 500 Mages, what if it was 500 Adept Mages or worse Master Mage then there is no way her Tribe could come out victorious.

Judging from her Father's look, she knew he had the same thought as her so how could he still ask why she was looking so down, "Father we both know why, an army of 150,000 warriors is currently heading towards us, with 500 Mages, do you expect me to be happy" Sephie replied with sadness in her tone.

The Chieftain only smiled "Don't worry my little serpent, we will return, and while we are away, the duty of Chieftain falls on you, you will have to lead the rest of the Tribe till your mother and I return"

"You are going with Mother, how Can I lead the Tribe, am only 15, and also a girl, the others wouldn't be happy about it, can't Mother stay behind, I don't want to lose the both of you" Sephie replied with tears dropping from her face.

The Chieftain said a few words to his daughter, then left the room in preparation for battle and so when the sun rose the next day, a total number of 100,000 Swis Naga Tribe warriors marched out towards battle, what happened in the battle Sephie had no idea.

She spent the next days looking over her Tribe, since most of the Adults had gone to battle, she was left with the young and Elderly Lamia and Naga on the second day of the battle, her Elder brother returned to the Tribe with her father and mother tied up as Slaves.

Her Brother won the battle and with him came 80,000 Warriors, he immediately took over the Swis Serpent Tribe and offered most of the Captured warriors to the Vampire including her Parents, She watched as the Vampire drained the life out of her Parent.

She couldn't do anything other than feel hateful towards her brother who heartlessly offered the Parent to the same Vampire he had brought with him into the Tribe, and now the same brother was sitting right before her, giving her a long speech about the good his actions were about to bring.

Telling her about how it was going to change the fate of the Swis Serpent Tribe for the better.