
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantasia
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52 Chs

C30- Kai zone

[A/N= I want to thank everyone who is reading this book, I really appreciate it, please drop a review, or vote to motivate me to keep writing]


"Trash," Shelby said, and with only a clean swipe of his blade the 100 ants crumbled into dust "Am not here for foot soldiers, come at me Ant" he dashed towards the Chimera Ant in the middle of the Ant army without a care for the other ants surrounding it.

Within a split second, Shelby arrived before the Chimera Ant with his sword already aiming to slice off its head but the ant masterfully used its paw to deflect the sword attack, using its other paw the Chimera ant was able to deliver a strike directly at Shelby's exposed ribs.


Shelby was pushed back by the attack but he didn't receive much damage from the attack "Fufufu, you survived my first attack, you have my praise" the Chimera Ant said to Shelby's surprise.

"You can speak," Shelby said with a little bit of difficulty as his ribs hurt like hell, it had been a long time since he had received an attack that had hurt him this much from someone or something who wasn't the lord of the Town, although his ribs were still intact he knew he had not used his Kai to protect his body at the last second the Chimera ant paws might have gone through his ribs.

"Of course, I can speak, or do you take me as one of my mindless kin, I believe you came here to make me pay right, I would love to see you try" With a tap of its feet the chimera ant dashed towards Shelby, it paw aimed at Shelby's head but he was able to block the paw with his sword, with it other paw the chimera ant threw a left hook at Shel, he moved his head back a little evading the attack but to Shelby's surprised one of the claw manage to cut through the middle of his nose.

Blood dripped out of the open wound on Shelby's nose but before he could react a kick was delivered to his stomach, sending him flying into a building "Is that all you've got, disappointing and after your grand speech about making me pay" The chimera ant said unamused, truth be told it had not even expected a fight from the elf in the first place.

As one of the Ant that was personally 'Educated' by the queen, the Chimera ant's strength was beyond that of any being in this Town, although its energy reading placed it in the Bishop rank this Chimera ant was beyond that rank although it had not entered the Knight rank the ant was in the peak stage of the Bishop rank and it knew that all it needed to evolve, to be like its other brothers and sisters and have a place beside it queen was a hard-fought battle, he had rushed to this Town because it had felt some strong energy here,

But everyone it had faced so far was weak, too weak it began to wonder where the strong presence it had felt some days ago was, but first, he had to take care of the trash that was pulling himself out of the collapsed building.

"Fufufufu, you are still alive," the chimera ant said jokingly, clearly amused by the tenacity of the Elf.

"To be able to reduce me to such a pitiful state with just two attacks, *sigh*, I really have become weak," Shelby said pulling himself out of the building "But I will have to thank you" he added, the ring n his finger glowed and a golden round shield appeared on his left hand, the shield had a sword attached to it, Shelby pulled the sword from the shield and a pure black longsword with blue linings carved around it.

Shelby infused his Kai into the sword and the sword sharp began to change the blue linings began to drip a blue substance and as it touched the floor beneath it a melting sound was heard "To think I would finally get to use this Cursed weapon again" Shelby said, the shield attached with a sword that the sheath can never be removed from the shield was a weapon he had stubble upon years ago when he was still a common soldier serving under the Lord of Lazano town.

This CURSED weapon had helped him rise through the ranks relatively fast as the weapon boasted his Kai to a different level as long as he infused his Kai into the weapon, but as a cursed weapon, it had a massive drawback, the more he used the weapon the more of his kai the weapon drain away permanently.

Which led him to only use the weapon at critical moments such as this, without wasting any time the chimera ant zoomed towards Shelby sending out two punches at a rapid speed, *BAM* *BAM* Shelby was able to block the two attacks with his shield, as the chimera was able to attack again, it felt a sudden pain on its paws.

Seeing the ant hesitate to attack Shelby unleashed a fury of attack on the Ant, but the ant swiftly evades all the attacks with a mocking grin on its hyena face and the mocking laugh of the hyena could be heard on the battlefield, 'why can't I hit this damn ant, have I gotten so weak that I can't land a single hit' Shelby cried inward even without ffe the power up he receives from the cursed weapon he was still falling short.

How could he a 3rd-Circle combatant a Guard commander be so weak against a Bishop rank monster, there must be something wrong with the energy reading he thought because the speed and power the ant displayed were above a normal Bishop rank ant, "I guess I will lose if this continues" Shelby realize his shortcomings as the ant was faster and stronger than him even with his cursed weapon, he only had one choose to turn the tide of the battle.


Kai zone is a state focused upon oneself by a warrior, it is a state where the amount of Kai within the body of the warrior increases 10 fold for a brief moment, allowing the warrior to utilize their skills more dangerously, this state can only be established by a warrior through enough mental breakthrough and anguish.

Power the like he had never felt before flooded Shelby's body this power was more than the previous time the mixture of energy from the Cursed weapon and the Kai zone boasted his Kai amount more than his body could handle on a regular day "Kai art - Sure strike" Shelby unleashed his Kai art as he slashed the air between him and the Chimera ant and for the first time since the battle began the chimera ant tried to block the attack with his paw but an invisible slash cut through his paw drawing blood for the first time.