
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

C18- Death at hand

[Inside the inn]

"What are we going to do, should we just leave them, I mean they are humans, it is not like they would appreciate our help," Amocni said.

Since Mazs left, they had been thinking maybe they should help or not, on the plus side they would earn gold and the bounty for taking out such a powerful monster, and on the other hand, they could destroy the village and still not help in taking care of the monster, which would reflect badly on them.

They ordered drinks and Kimiko could be seen already drinking, while the others were on their first cup, she was on her third, and she would sometimes talk in her native-born Language, which was a sign that she was drunk.

Meanwhile, Dre because of his need for the soul to be able to stay in the physical world, being a vengeful spirit that evolved into a Phantom after years of roaming the world, he needed souls to help him control his own soul from getting corrupted by the vengeance inside him.

He had been taking the souls of his enemies and animals to help him slow down the corruption from taking over.

"I can feel the energy getting close, am almost there," Dre said as he phased through a wall, "So this is where the energy is coming from, it doesn't seem that strong, probably a 1st-circle which means we are equally matched,

I could go call the others but I will not be able to get the souls under it command, those guys are too good, I need those souls or I might become a Mindless" he thought, the more he thought about facing a creature equally matched with him, he felt excited, his idea was to kill the being in charge of the villagers already corrupted souls then absorb the soul into himself.

He phased downward, and after phasing for a few seconds he entered an underground temple, it was a giant temple "How is a temple underground, is that a person" Dre could see a woman sitting in a lotus position, with her eyes closed, Dre sneaked closer as he observed the temple.

He saw blood in some parts and an entrance located beside what could be described as a shrine.

"Do the villagers come here too?" he said as he could clearly see some villagers, going out of the temple, he continued to sneak closer in his invisible state, and he continued forward till he was a few feet away from the Woman sitting inside the shrine.

As he observed the woman, she suddenly opened her eyes she looked straight at Dre, Dre didn't move he believed that the woman wouldn't be able to sense him, because any being at his level wouldn't be able to sense his presence if he dematerialized.

"I know you are there, come out now and explain to me what you are doing here of all places?" the woman asked.

"Are you the one taking over the villager's minds?" Dre asked as he moved closer to the Woman, she had long white hair and, a thin body.

"You can sense my presence, but you have no idea where I am I thought you were on the same level as me, but this is just disappointing," Dre said, even if he defeated this person easily, it wouldn't matter, he would still get the souls.

What happened next shocked Dre to his bone, as the woman suddenly faced Dre and threw a punch across the air, Dre who was standing a few feet away from the woman felt a strong force slammed against him, and the force slammed him against the wall.

He fell on his knees while holding his stomach which was the area where he could feel the most pain.

"Bloody hell that was Magicka I need to contact the others" he tried to phase through the ground but something was preventing him.

"Ohhh, you were planning to run away ain't you, too bad, you will have to go through me to get out of here" the woman replied as she jumped down from the temple, she landed a few feet away from Dre.

"Now I will have to actually do the hard work myself," Dre said as he got up, he dusted off his clothes, even as a Phantom, he still wears clothes, as Phantom Dre looked exactly like a vampire, most people would often mistake him as a vampire, but whenever he got serious in a battle his, pale skin would turn Dark.

As he finished dusting off his clothes, his skin began to turn Dark, he was going into his Phantom form, and in this form, He would become faster and stronger, but with that transformation came a price, as long as he used the Phantom form, the corruption would take over his mind.

Making him attack everyone, be it friends or for, but presently none of his teammates were present and he cared little for the villagers present around the temple.

Immediately his whole skin turned dark, and a smile appeared on his face as he inhaled and exhaled, "It been ages since I used this form, but your earlier attack showed me one thing you are strong, so let's see who is stronger" As he finished his statement, he dashed towards the woman at lightning speed.

The woman was taken aback by Dre's speed, before she could move, Dre appeared behind her, grabbed her by the waist, and lifted her off the floor *Bam* he performed a perfect suplex, and the woman's upper back hit the floor with a force that created a small crater.

Dre pushed the woman off his body as he tried to get up, he had expected his attack to have knocked out the air in her lungs but as he stood up, he saw the woman's fist coming closer to his face.

The fist was already too close for him to dodge, so he braced himself for impact, he moved some of his Kai to his face.


The fist landed on Dre's face, the force was more than he had anticipated as his body shot like a rocket towards the wall.


Dre's body was integrated into the wall 'Damn, this bitch is strong, her fist carries more Magicka' he thought as he pulled himself out of the wall.

The woman didn't give him time to get comfy, as Dre could see her running towards him with her fist aiming for his head again, but this time he reacted faster, as he moved his head sideways the fist missed his face by a few centimeters the fist went through the wall.

Dre saw an opening and delivered a punch straight into the woman's ribs, the force from the punch pushed her back, but Dre didn't waste the opportunity as he landed punch after punch, the woman couldn't keep up with Dre speed, she tried to block but Dre speed proved to be superior although he was somewhat lacking in the strength department.

Most Phantom in this world would opt for the stealth-related class, like thief or assassin but Dre was the opposite, he went for the brawler class, there was nothing he enjoyed more than smashing his opponent's head with his fist.

Dre was dominating the battle, he had more stamina and speed, and the woman couldn't land a single punch on Dre.

The woman became furious, and she gathered all her energy around her chest area, Dre was too busy punching that he didn't notice the ball of energy, "Enough" the woman screamed as the ball of energy exploded.

The blast caught Dre by surprise the energy hit his body blasting him away Dre's body moved at a fast speed as he slammed into the walk yet again, but this time he was hurt, black liquid was pouring out of his body, his body had cut all over.

That attack knocked out a lot of energy from both the woman and Dre, but for Dre he was injured and was getting tired but he knew he could not give up now, so he channeled more energy from his Phantom form to heal his injuries.

Dre looked up his face darkened and a hint of fear erupted from within him, The woman was going through her own transformation, Her thin body became muscular and another pair of hands busted out from the woman's body, her leg muscles hardened, she went from looking thin and weak to looking like a bodybuilder who had spent most of her time using steroids.

She had no resemblance to her former self, Her skin had traces of black tattoos, and her height increased she stood at 7 feet, with four hands. Her energy increased from that of a 1st-circle to a 2nd-circle.

Her power increased by a Rank which was unbelievable for Dre, "I fucked up big time coming here alone" Dre thought as the woman dashed towards him at full speed.