
Chapter 27: Unforgivable

Karz Flen stayed in his room, having finished changing into his gear.

He had put on his thick white hoody, zipped up the front, and finally pulled on his black gloves.

A mirror was mounted on the wall. Flen gazed upon his own reflection after he had changed into his gear.

Flen was not seeing his own reflection, instead it was Renta Henns – the same man whom he had called a friend and had trained with since the very first day in the Alpha Division.

The reflection of Henns was smiling wickedly at Flen, a smile so sinister and contorted that it made Flen`s stomach turn just by looking at it.

Flen begins to ponder aloud. Why would Henns, after all the work they have done with the Alpha Division, choose to plot the destruction of everyone within the Sea Rescue Division, even his own comrades and friends?

{why would you do such a thing, Henns}.

Flen started talking to the mirror, his gaze met with Henns`s smiling reflection.

{answer me Henns goddammit!}.