

"We interrupt this program for breaking news" "Good evening, I'm Christine Cooper with channel 9 news. Tonight at 8:52 busses 93 and 79 crash into each other. 21 injured, 3 dead." A woman waits for the reporter to say the names of the dead, with a frightened look on her face "Carter Robinson, Adam Lopez and lastly Liam Murphy" The woman, Emma Murphy, bursts into tears. Her son walks into the room for some snacks, he sees his mother crying and runs over to her "Mom? What's going on, why are you crying?" he says with a frightened face. Emma hugs Arthur and says to him "It's gonna be ok, honey... It's just that daddy wont be coming back for a little while. Don't worry" "He.. Is.. did he die?" his mom goes silent. He runs off and locks himself in his room while he's crying.

2 weeks later the funeral is held. Only 3 people came. After Emma and Arthur get home he once again locks himself into his room. He notices a strange lamp under his bed, Arthur thinks to himself "why the hell not" as he rubs it, suddenly a Genie appears. His skin is green with red markings all over it, his body is extremely muscular "State your wish" Arthur can't believe it, he can bring his father back "I... I wish for my dad to come back" he says. The Genie looks at him and says "There are 2 rules: You cannot bring people back from the dead and you cannot wish for more wishes" in the heat of the moment Arthur blurts out "I-I don't wanna die". The Genie snaps his fingers and says "Your wish has been granted"


Note: this is just a pilot and I will not be continuing this unless people like it. If you do, please let me know, and if you have any writing tips, share them with me, I am very new to this