
Too Much

"everything is so different" can be heard in the room that was cold as ice, dark as dark night without any light. The girl was sitting on her bed, thinking what she did wrong? where everything get faded?. she was crying since the day the love of her life decide to left her without any reasons, they were like heaven match made, seeing them together everyone get jealous because how much beautiful they look together, they used to understand each other, love each other, everything, everything was perfect until he decide to left her alone even after knowing she Loves him more than anything but still he let her go. it's like a nightmare for yumi that she can't even forget.

"yumi, open the door "

her mother said because yumi has locked herself in the room.

"No, go go away"

yumi said while laying on her bed, her tears were still falling, the memories they made together were going on her head she was seeing him everywhere, she was hearing his voice in her head.

"yumi, nothing is going to change if you behave like this so stop this all and come out"

her mother again said getting tired of her own daughter's behavior. hearing her mother yumi wiped her tears and open the door just to see her mother's worried face, seeing yumi here mother hugged her tightly and said

"god, you finally open the door"

"how did you feel mom? "

yumi said and her mother break the hug and look at yumi and said

"what? "

"now do you know? when we love someone and they suddenly left or get hide somewhere, the pain we feel, you feel that same pain"

yumi said while her tears started streaming down her face, seeing her crying her mother hugged her and she feel the pain that her daughter is going through

"it's okay, don't cry.

her mother said and calm down yumi and took her to kitchen to feed her something.

" Mom, why someone left us when they know we can't live without them? "

yumi said while looking at her mother

"because they don't deserve us "

her mother said and started to make her eat all the things up.

"if he would have loved you more than anything he won't left you like this, so why are you crying for that man who isn't for you?, so get up, fresh up and go out, I know it's not easy but at least try"

her mother said and yumi nod her head and went to her room. her mother is right he doesn't deserve her, she should get move on like he did. "he was just a mistake yumi nothing more " she thought to herself.