

"Son, what happened?!" Lady Shamira felt weakness as she immediately dropped onto the ground and hugged Kalin, wanting to comfort him from whatever it was.

Kalin, on the other hand, was like a child, incessantly and silently crying.

Numui's eyes were all over the place, looking for some clues but didn't find anything except for the ashes underneath the bed.

'Did Avion Teller do something?!' but he quickly dispersed this thought. If that his thought is true, Avion would be breaking the contract and he would face backlash from it.

By then, Numui would feel it as the other party of the contract.

'Then who!?' he asked with anger in his eyes. They felt that it was at least a Rank Cee Elesp that was cast. Meaning, a Rank Cee Elementalist broke into their home and tried to harm their only son, Kalin!

But his question was soon answered when Kalin replied, sobbing.

"I-I'm sorry... I just want to try casting an elesp for once..."
