
Sacrifice (in love with my sis lover)

This is a story about love ,betrayal,trust ,it a story about a twins (Jamie and Josephine) who struggle to be with who they love leading to them switching identities just for Josephine to be with the one and only person Jamie ever loved Will jasper ever find out about this dangerous sacrifice? Will jasper be able to forgive Jamie when he finds out? And Will Josephine ever find her true love or will fight just to be with jasper? FIND OUT “I can’t believe that you both have been playing around with my feelings”

classic_adesua · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


<p>"Jamie,Jamie ,"her mother called .<br/>" mom what's wrong?,"Jamie asked .<br/>"Do you mind going to get me something at the market there is nothing at home,I am tired and hungry ,"her mom said .<br/>"Sure mom, " she said as she collected the money from her mom .<br/>"Thanks my love, "her mom said smiling .<br/><br/>**. **. **. <br/><br/>Jamie was walking along the lonely road,it has always been lonely cos people rarely that the risk to follow that part due to it was uncivilized ,it was still bushy but it was the quickest way to get to the market .<br/>Jamie eyes caught something it was France and Mira kissing shamelessly with France caressing her .<br/>"Mira what are you doing her all alone with France, "Jamie said pretending not to see anything .<br/>"N....o ,no we were just talking ,"Mira said feeling uneasy .<br/>"Just talking in....<br/>Interrupted by France .<br/>"Jamie good Evening,it a pleasure seeing your beautiful face and your sexy shape ,"France said smiling .<br/>"Thanks,it not a pleasure seeing you her with my friend,so you can go now, "Jamie said .<br/>"I'm not going anywhere,Mira do you want me to go ?,"France said .<br/>"Hell no ,besides he is not disturbing ,"Mira said and Jamie was shocked at her outburst .<br/>"Now I know the rumors are true ,"Jamie concluded .<br/>"Rumors?what rumors?,"Mira asked. <br/>"Seems like you don't know it all over the community,it no longer a secret everyone knows about you and France secret relationship ,"Jamie shuttered .<br/>"How does it concern you or everyone,Mira my love let go ,you know how jealous girls can be especially the uncivilized ones, "he said as he held Mira and walk out on Jamie .<br/>"Mira ,I pray you don't regret what you are doing ,"Jamie shouted .<br/>"Don't mind her ,she is just jealous ,"France said .<br/>"France,you can say whatever you like,I don't give a f**k ,"Jamie said as she walked away .<br/><br/>**. **. **. <br/><br/>"What took you so long ," Jamie mom asked .<br/>"Mom ,I'm so sorry,I met Mira on my way to the market ,"<br/>"So you decided to stand with her and jest away your time ,"<br/>Jamie explain what happened to her mom<br/>"So you were unable to talk to her ?,"<br/>"Yes mom, "<br/>"Mom we will talk later my friends are already waiting for me ,it the moonlight play time ,"<br/>"You can go ,"her mom said as she quickly ran off.<br/>**. **. **. <br/>Girls are seen under the moonlight dancing as the men beat the drum while some were seen playing games,some gisting everyone was just busy doing their thing .<br/>"What took you so long, ?"Favour asked. <br/>"I'm sorry, "she apologized .<br/>"Apology accepted ,"<br/>"Ladies,guess what ?,"<br/>"..."<br/>"Fine ,I saw Mira and France kissing, "<br/>"That's a lie ,"<br/>"Why would I lie about such a thing,it gonna be unfair ,"<br/>"I didn't I told all of you but you all Think I was lying,though it was just my instinct that tells me so but I know my instinct never lie to me ,"comfort said .<br/>"You won't believe France called me stupid and said we are jealous uncivilized girls ,"Jamie said .<br/>"What actually happened?,"Kate asked .<br/>Jamie explain to them .<br/>"Here comes the two love birds ,"Favour said as they turn and saw Mira and France coming .<br/>" what are you all saying about me because know I am the latest news among you fools,"Mira said .<br/>"Just hold it there,if we're actually gossiping about you what will you do uhn, well there is nothing better in you that we can gossip about or did u expect us to gossip about the way you were Kissing France in that lonely path today ,!"Kate said .<br/>"Gross that's irritating."Jamie said .<br/>"My love let leave this jobless uncivilized idiot, "France said ,as they walk away .<br/>"Wow the strange civilized boy is making Mira go crazy and she has lost her sense to think,well that's not my business,I will advise you to maintain and respect your self during the moonlight play if not we will gang beat you and you love right here and no one will do a thing about it or question us ,"comfort said .<br/>"It a simple advice but it will save you from a lot of trouble if you stick to it ,"Jamie said.<br/><br/><br/> <br/><br/></p>