
Sacred Moon Alpha

Seperated from his parents and his clan right from when he was born; Ryan, unaware of his true identity, grew up and lived with a couple, James and Stella Smith, in New York City.. Ryan's foster parents ain't rich nor poor but they made sure that Ryan never lacked anything and he was grateful for that.. He thought that he had a normal life... not until he turned 18, something unimaginable happened... What will happen when Ryan finds out that the people he'd known all his life and considered as parents aren't his real parents?.. What will happen when Ryan discover his true identity?.. What do you think happened when Ryan turned 18?.. Stay tuned to find out

Anthonia_Charles · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter fifteen: Identity revealed

★★The werewolves camp★★

‰‰‰‰Ryan POV‰‰‰‰‰

I groaned as I woke up with a throbbing headache. I massaged my aching temple "ah what happened to me?" I muttered as I looked around and spotted a lady with white hair talking with a guy who was shirtless and his abdomen and right shoulder was bandaged. I turned and spotted Serena sitting at a corner, faced down while playing with her fingers. Suddenly she looked up and met my gaze "Prince Ryan!" she said as she stood up and came to where I was and placed her hand on my forehead, checking my body temperature..

The white-haired lady and the brown-skinned guy suddenly stopped talking and looked at our direction "you're finally awake my prince" The lady smiled as she walked towards me. I used to the opportunity to check out the lady; she was extremely gorgeous, she had white flowing hair and purple eyes, pointed nose, pink kissable lips.. she was, no doubt, very curvy and busty {•_<} .. She was wearing a long,body hug, white gown that has a slit by the side and the gown brought out her beautiful curves.. She was an epitome of beauty.. She looks so young but I could tell that she was way older than me.. Damn! I wonder if every girl in this camp is as beautiful as Serena and this mysterious goddess in front of me "Who.. are you?" I asked, very eager to know who this beauty in front of me was. The lady chuckled nervously "Ah forgive my manners my prince.. I'm Alexa and this man beside me is John" she patted the brown-skinned guy on his shoulder gently.. The guy crossed his arms; staring at me with an expressionless face.. I averted my gaze to the lady "how long was I out?" I asked. "hmm about a day or so" she said..

I faced down and held my head.. I've been out cold for a day.. what exactly is happening to me?.. Ever since I came here, I can't comprehend what's been going on with me "Wow.. my prince, you've grown up so much.. I remembered when you were still a cute little baby, when I held you in my arms.. you were so adorable.. And now look at you, you're all grown up and also added another year to your age" Alexa suddenly said as my eyes widened.. "what wait?! .. she knew me since I was a child?!! how?.. I've added another year to my age?!. Holy shit! how could I have forgotten?!. today's my birthday.. But wait, how does she know?" My head was filled with questions that required immediate answers.. I decided to ask her the most important among the questions in my head..

"How did you know that today's my birthday?" I arched a brow.. she chuckled "oh sorry.. I forgot to tell you... I'm actually a witch.. A White witch to be exact.. I used my psychic powers to read your mind.. That was how I knew today was your birthday" she smiled.. I sighed heavily.. I wasn't surprised because I've met alot of creatures and I'm no longer doubting the existence of other supernatural creatures.. I looked up "Miss Alexa, since you said you were a White witch, can you help me with something?" She nodded "anything for the young prince" I sighed and stared at my palm "why.. do I feel strange?.. why do I feel like... something's changing in me?.. Ever since I got here.. I don't know but.. I feel different.. what do you think is happening to me?" I asked, hoping she'll give me the answer I was looking for.. She smiled and walked towards me. She sat down on a chair beside the bed where I laid and faced me "The answer to your question is very simple.. it's because the time for your true power to be unlocked draws very near" i looked up and met her gaze..

"powers?!.. what are you talking about?" I stared at her confused "my prince.. you may not know it but.. you're a werewolf.. An alpha at that.. blessed by the moon goddess with unimaginable powers" she said, still maintaining her gentle smile.. My eyes widened in shock "were.. werewolf?!!.. you're saying that I'm a werewolf?!" I asked as I straighten up from the bed. She nodded. I scoff and crossed my arms "I don't believe you" she rolled her eyes "well if you don't believe me.." she drew my right arm and pointed at a spot "believe this!" I looked at the spot she pointed and saw the full moon tattoo. I always had that tattoo ever since I was little. I was curious and asked my parents about it but they never told me so I didn't bother "do you believe me now my prince?" Her voice ever so gentle "Ok I've gotta ask, why are you guys always calling me 'prince'?" "that's because you have the blood of a royalty flowing through your veins" I scoffed "that's absurd, I've been with my parents all my life and they never told me anything about us being royalty" I crossed my arms as I leaned on the bedstand while Alexa just rolled her eyes and spoke up "That's because, those aren't your real parents!" she dropped the bombshell "excuse me?!! what did you just say?!" I asked, getting confused already..

"you heard me right! your real parents, the king and queen, are both dead!" she said and stared at me as I tried to comprehend what she just said.. "My parents.. aren't my real parents! Why would they keep such a thing from me?!Why didn't they tell me that I'm not their real son?!! I'm not even a complete human! My real parents are.. dead.. So that means I'm an orphan".. My head was clouded with so many thoughts that I didn't notice that I was crying.. I don't know why tho, maybe it's because of the sadness I'm feeling about losing my real parents Or the anger I'm feeling towards my other parents for keeping such a big secret from me Or the confusion I'm feeling right now about this whole situation. I looked up and stared at Alexa "I don't understand.. what happened.. to my real parents?" I asked, wiping the tears off my cheeks. Alexa sighed sadly "it's a very long story" "I don't care.. I still want to know!" she sighed heavily "ok fine... I'll tell you"