
Sacred Heart : Revenge against wisdom

This story takes place in a fictional world where mana and other inner spiritual forces permeate it, so we see many people looking for a goal for them, especially our hero Adam, who has no goal, ambition, or innate strength. He is depressed, but he encounters many other characters to understand him and give him value to his life

Mix_Screen · Fantasia
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Unexpectedly

The darkness is complete and the atmosphere is difficult. An evil organization gathers with shady faces, so that we do not know anything about it except for the leader's utterance, when he said: Now our mission will begin, so prepare to take that thing and we will get what we want.

In a world where magic, mana, and many different styles contain spiritual energy, on a continent called Gaia, and exactly in the city of Itergan, here our story will begin in the year 933.

About two parents who had a son named Adam Ethan, his hair was black and his eyes were dark, where the father's name was Andreh Ethan and the mother's name was Mary Ethan. They were originally childhood friends who got married after a great love between them.

After Adam reached the age of two, his parents discussed what their son should become. Mary said: When he discovers the source of his mana, he will be a mage who uses his mana well. I bet he will be talented because his parents were in the Hidden Holy Knights HHK.

Andreh: I know you have retired from the Holy Knights, but there is no sign of our son that he is naturally talented. When he grows up, let him learn martial arts first, and then you will release mana with time, because when natural elements and abilities disappeared from the world 400 years ago, people lost interest and forgot a lot. of stuff about occult science

So the king added the word hidden with the holy knights, I know you're betting on our son to be gifted because you're strong and powerful with a high level of magic.

Mary: Well, my dear, as you wish, you shame me when you say that I am strong, though I have not long fought against monsters

Mary's perspective

I loved my son very much and took care of him and his father who was going through strong missions and then he would come back. I wanted Adam to be like his father and see him surpass him on the level of strength because I bet on my genes, which I was very talented in the past. After a time had passed, Adam was not as I expected, he was lazy. And he is not interested in reading that develops his mind in magic, and he is not interested in martial arts, which his father sometimes forces him to master at a young age after returning from the tasks required of him. So I had the idea that I would include him in a regular school that would develop his mind and give him a passion for life, not the Holy Knights School, where I would persuade Andre to do so because my friend is a specialist in psychology

After quarrels with Andreh, which lasted about 5 days, I was convinced of my idea and he studies for two years with my friend and not in the largest school for teaching mana and martial arts at the same time because I wanted my son to be happy and direct him in a straight way so that he would trust himself and others. In his fifth year of age, he entered the school of my friend, whose name was Carla Prince, she was from a noble family, where Adam joined them for the first time in the class

Carla Prince's perspective

I was shocked when Mary told me that her son would be his teacher, because I expected him to go to a higher school than that, because his parents are very strong. On his first day, I was surprised because he did not greet his friends who welcomed him and sat at the back of the class. The human soul is difficult to satisfy, and they must understand each other in order to form a relationship, and I continued to explain until a 5-year-old student named Neil, whose surname was unknown, stopped me. He was a villager who lived with his grandmother, where he said: Do our dreams come true, my teacher, or is this a fantasy? I was surprised because of the age of this child, he asked a question of importance, so I wanted to surprise him, and after answering him, I told him what is your dream, Neil, and he said that he wanted to be strong to find something and a simple life in which I would die in peace. Class is over. Several weeks passed until I saw from a distance, while I was going to study, Adam was being harassed by some children, so I went, but Neil arrived before me, so I said: I wonder what he wants to do?

Neil's perspective

One day, I woke up in the morning to go to school, and a smile surpassed my face. She called my grandmother and gave me words before I went out. Take care of yourself, blond. I say, "Okay, my grandmother." On the way, I see my silent classmate who is sitting at the back of the class. I just wanted to shake hands with him, but five children attacked him and beat him, so I went. Hurrying I said to them why are you beating him he is my colleague so they said take care of your business blond then someone wanted to attack me I dodged him so I hit him in the stomach with the effect of my mana he hurt so bad another attacked me and said you dirty villager how dare you do this so I raised my mana limit and concentrated it in my fist so I grabbed his stick with my left hand I hit him On the chest I was piercing it, but the teacher grabbed my hand, that's enough!!!

I said yes, madam, after I saw her surprised, so I did not want anyone to know my strength because she felt my mana. As for the others, they thought it was a normal punch, so they ran away. Then I went to Adam, what do you think when you support, they beat you? But why do you always look so pale? Then I raised the teacher's interest in this question, as one of her features wanted to know his answer, so he said, "I want to die as soon as possible.....

Then I went to the teacher and asked about his marital status, is he alone? She told me everything about his family and why he joined the school

So I smiled a sly smile, so I wanted him to be my friend, not because he felt pity for him, but rather he considered him my shadow and the opposite of me in everything.

The teacher told me how for a 5-year-old child you master mana, so my response was that I read old books that my grandmother gave me, so I felt that she was convinced of my answer when I mentioned my grandmother, but the truth does not seem like that. Her wisdom, she said, there are two possibilities that he is a depressed person from an accident, or he has a psychological curse that someone wants to uproot. I thought a little, and then I will annoy him and make him my friend in order to talk to his mother. She seemed smart to me when the teacher explained that to me.

".. I wonder what this genius child is thinking.."