
Ryker: The Woman Slayer

Ryker Fox is a loser who never had a girlfriend since birth. He was constantly turned down by the women he wanted to date. He was never a choice or an option. Ryker joked that he wished a lot of women would drool over him one day. And they said, be careful what you wish for. Because he just woke up one day his life changed. Not only that, but he also unlocks the ability to capture the hearts of women. Now, all the women who insulted him before will pay a severe price because he’s Ryker… the woman slayer.

shounengirl · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

The Neighbor


As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the quiet suburban neighborhood, seventeen-year-old Ryker peered through his bedroom window, his eyes fixated on the commotion unfolding next door. Curiosity mingled with concern as he witnessed the familiar scene that played out day after day.

A group of teenagers had gathered in front of Maddison's house, their taunting laughter echoing through the air. Ryker's heart clenched as he observed the source of their amusement – Maddison, his childhood neighbor, who bore the brunt of their cruel jokes.

Her once vibrant spirit seemed extinguished, replaced by a fragile shell consumed by self-doubt. Maddison's crooked teeth had been the target of relentless mockery, rendering her an outcast among her peers. It pained Ryker to witness her humiliation, to see her endure such cruelty without anyone coming to her aid.

But today was different. Ryker found himself compelled to take action, to stand up for Maddison and confront the bullies who tormented her. His own insecurities faded into the background as a surge of determination coursed through his veins. He could not just watch those kids bully Maddison.

Leaving the safety of his room, Ryker ventured into the battleground outside. The air crackled with tension as the taunts grew louder, the bullies reveling in their perceived superiority. Ryker's heart pounded in his chest, nerves mingling with a newfound resolve.

"Hey!" his voice rang out, cutting through the jeers like a blade. The crowd fell silent, turning their attention to the unexpected interloper. "Leave her alone!"

Maddison's eyes widened in surprise, flickering with a mix of hope and disbelief. She had become accustomed to the isolation, the never-ending torment, and now, someone dared to defy the bullies on her behalf.

Ryker stepped forward, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside him. "You think you're so superior, making fun of someone just because of their appearance? Well, it stops here. Leave Maddison alone, or you'll have to deal with me."

A moment of uncertainty hung in the air as the bullies assessed the determination in Ryker's eyes. They exchanged uneasy glances, their bravado wavering in the face of this unexpected opposition. Slowly, they dispersed, their insults reduced to whispers carried away by the wind.

Maddison stood before Ryker, her gaze a mix of gratitude and astonishment. She had never witnessed such courage, such altruism from someone else. It sparked a glimmer of optimism within her that had been absent for a considerable time.

"Gratitude fills my heart," she whispered, her voice tinged with sentiment. "Never before has anyone defended me in such a profound manner."

Ryker offered a shy smile, his heart swelling with a sense of accomplishment. "You don't deserve to be treated like that. Nobody does."

From that day forward, a bond formed between Ryker and Maddison, forged in the crucible of adversity. Ryker's quiet strength and unwavering support became a beacon of hope for Maddison, helping her navigate the treacherous waters of her teenage years.

As time passed, Maddison's transformation extended beyond her physical appearance. The once timid girl grew into a stunning young woman, her confidence radiating like a newfound light. Her journey of self-discovery brought with it a sense of empowerment, but it also cultivated a sense of arrogance and entitlement within her.

Ryker remained by her side, offering encouragement and guidance, unaware of the change that simmered beneath the surface. His own feelings for Maddison deepened, fueled by the belief that their connection transcended the superficial.

Days turned into weeks, and Ryker continued to be Maddison's pillar of support. He celebrated every small victory with her, encouraging her to embrace her newfound beauty and confidence. The day Maddison finally had her braces removed, Ryker's smile mirrored her own.

"Maddison, you look absolutely incredible!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with genuine admiration. "You've made such remarkable progress, and your smile shines with undeniable radiance."

Maddison's fingertips gently grazed her teeth, her eyes flickering with a blend of astonishment and self-questioning.

"I guess... I still feel ugly," she confessed, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "Maybe it's my thick glasses. They hide my eyes."

Ryker's gaze shimmered with resolve as he considered her words. "You know, Maddison, in my eyes, you possess a unique beauty that transcends conventional standards. However, if you believe that your spectacles hinder your self-expression, there exists an alternative path worth exploring. Have you ever considered contact lenses?"

Maddison's gaze brightened with curiosity, hope rekindled within her. "Contact lenses? I never really thought about it. Do you think they would make a difference?"

Ryker nodded, his smile unwavering. "I believe they could enhance your natural beauty even further. They would show off the true sparkle in your eyes."

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