
Ryan in One Tree Hill (Please Shut Up)

Ryan Atwood's life changes when he has to move across the country and start a new life all over again. He will experience new things in the small town of Tree Hill. Romance. Friendship. Family. Everything goes to the creator of show, this is my take on it so don't expect a lot off accuracy.

BloodyEat_Delight · TV
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Ch3: Cars, The Town, and Computers

When they got back to the house Ryan started to put things away, she wanted to help him but he told her to go enjoy her stories while he did it. There were about twenty bags that he counted as he put them away, more then half was clothes while the other was things he would need for school.

Everything he got was in his usual style, he also got himself a new choker his last one was wearing out some. That was the one thing that he let himself get that wasn't clothes or school related, he just didn't this to end up being taken all away so he was on egg shells at the moment.

Speaking of he remembered the he still had the debit card so he went downstairs to hand it to her, "Granny Luna, I forgot to give this back to you." he said handing her the black card.

"Oh you didn't look at the name on it did you. I thought you didn't give it back because you already saw the name on it." she said before ignoring him and going back to her stories.

Ryan was confused looking at the card, his name was sitting right on it in bright white letters he was frozen from shock not even noticing it was there. He saw a playful smile on his grandmothers face that had nothing to do with the show as he looked back at her, shaking his head he could only walk away.

He thought that it would be easy living with her, and while it was, it was also hard since she seemed to like to do things at her own pace without asking him.

Standing at the bottom of the steps he was trying to decided what he wanted to do at the moment, he had three skills to test at the moment. He was shocked his grandmother didn't say anything about his change since his skin got smoother and his looks better but he brushed it off.

He had checked himself out in the mirror earlier and was able to see the slight differences in himself but he could also tell that it was still just him.

Seeing that she has done so much for him he decided that he was going to do something for her, so the first thing that came to mind was going to fix the Camaro. Walking to the garage he went inside and turned the light on, the three cars were all lit up as he moved over to the Camaro which was at the end.

As he walked further inside he saw that there was his BMX bike sitting on the side, he forgot that he brought that with him it was the furthest thing in his mind at the moment. Getting back to what he was after in the first place he went over to the car and popped the hood.

With his knew knowledge he knew what was wrong with it within minutes, it wasn't actually as bad as she said it was but that could just be because of the knowledge he had. The cars engine was flooded, needing a new one, the Transmission was shot and slipping needing a new one, the starter was also messed up.

Looking at it all he knew what he needed to do to get it fixed but he didn't have any of the tools or parts here to get it done, he would need to order the parts but the tools he could get in town. He also needed to roll the car into the drive way since there wasn't enough room inside of the garage for him to get it done.

Ryan went inside and found his grandmother laughing at the TV, "Granny Luna, I need to go into town and get some tools since you don't have any here. As for the parts to fix the car I can order those online later when I get back."

"What!?!?! You can fix it!!! That is good news, okay I will run you into town so that you can get it done." She said a wide grin taking over her face as she heard the news he just said.

"No don't worry about it. I can put the tools into my back pack while riding my bike into town, this will give me a chance to look around while I am riding." He said quickly while letting her sit back down.

She thought it over a moment before nodding, "Alright well go ahead and do that but make sure you are safe while riding that thing. Don't you worry when after taking your driving test you can start driving one of those cars right away."

Ryan could only smile wryly while hearing her words, "Alright well I am going into town I will be back soon."

He turned and went upstairs while grabbing his old empty backpack, he got a new one so he was going to use this one to carry the tools in. Going back to the garage he made sure he had his phone like she asked when he was leaving, he grabbed his bike and took off.

As he was leaving he passed by a man who was pulling into his driveway, Ryan didn't know why but just looking at the man he got a bad feeling from him. Looking at the license plate he saw that the car was probably knew since all it said was Dan Scott Motors.

The two locked eyes before Ryan sped off down the side walk, he didn't want to get any where near that man he didn't know why but he felt he just had problems following him

Shaking that encounter off he followed the way into town they drove earlier, he was actually riding into an actual town not like in California where there were shops everywhere and he couldn't say it. This place was an actual town where each place was right next to the other, a lot of the places looked like family owned business too.

Eventually he made it to Eddies Tool Shop which was next to a place called Thud Magazine, across from there was a Cafe which was called 'Karen's Cafe' he was going there next. Going inside the tool shop he saw that the place was small, there was plenty of tools some he saw he needed but the place was to small to walk around a lot.

"Welcome son, names Eddie call out to me if you need anything." The man behind the counter said to him with a friendly smile as he walked into the shop.

Ryan nodded and moved to get what he needed, he grabbed everything he knew he needed to fix it along with other things he might need for a later date. He was happy to see they also sold the type of fluids he would need for when everything was done.

He stopped buying things after his backpack was full, at the moment he was feeling hungry so he went to Karen's Cafe to grab something before he would head back to the house. He made sure to send his grandmother a text so she wouldn't get worried since he might be taking to long.

After riding over and locking his bike up he went inside, going in the place actually didn't have many people inside just two who were sharing a table at the side. There actually was a third who was a man sitting at the counter talking to the woman behind it, they both looked over as he walked in hearing the bell.

The woman shot him a friendly smile as he walked in, "Hey there, it looks a little early for school to be out don't you think?"

"Ah well I would be there but I just moved to town so I haven't enrolled yet, I am suppose to start tomorrow though." Ryan looked awkward as he scratched the back of his head looking sheepish.

"Well in that case I will serve you then. I didn't want to do it if you were just one of those kids who was skipping school because they could. My name is Karen this is my Cafe by the way, welcome to Tree Hill." She smiled while handing him a menu.

Ryan nodded and took a seat at the counter nodding to the man who was also sitting up there, "I am Ryan just moved in with my grandmother over on sixth street." he noticed a lot of the streets here were numbers or something really common.

"Ms. Luna? That explains it then, when she found out about you coming to live with her she basically went around shouting it to anyone who would listen. That woman is happy and proud to have you here." The man said with a smile joining the conversation, when he saw the look Ryan was giving him he coughed, "Sorry name is Keith Scott, she brings in her cars to me when they need work done."

Ryan nodded then ordered a grilled cheese and a slice of carrot cake before bringing out his phone, he needed to move his music over to it. They didn't talk to him seeing that he was into his phone, Ryan did it on purpose to since he didn't want them asking to many questions.

After eating his food he paid the bill leaving a tip before leaving, they head the clang of metal in his backpack as he lifted it but just raised a brow. He smiled shyly before leaving, hoping back onto his bike he was amazed that he wasn't tried even after riding back.

It seems that his looks weren't the only thing that changed about him, since his body was built better it seemed to increase his stamina more. The whole way back to the house he didn't sweat once along the way, instead he seemed to smell even better.

Thinking about it the woman also said perfect in her words, so it seemed to make him have a perfect body to meaning this little exercise was nothing for him.

Getting back to the house he set the backpack in the garage before letting his grandmother know he was back, he then went to move the car out of the garage. Shifting to neutral he let it slowly roll out while lightly hitting the breaks, thankfully they didn't live on a hill.

After it was out he spun the wheel before taking it to the side that led into the backyard, there was a gate right before he was going to enter the pool area. He parked the car under a arch that was in the driveway, it was the perfect place because just in case it rained he wouldn't have to worry about the engine getting wet.

Setting that up he started to place all the things he would need in the tool box, there were still some things he would need before he officially started though. He still needed to by a jack and things to remove the engine, he couldn't just lift it out bare handed.

Since he was limited at the moment he went back into the house setting the tools on the side, the car wouldn't go anywhere and no one could steal it either. "Granny Luna, I got the car ready but I will have to wait for the parts to come in along with buying some more tools later." he told her seeing that she was actually outside working on a garden.

"Alright well go inside and get yourself cleaned up. Enjoy the day I will call you down for dinner later." she said looking up from under her hat smiling at him.

"Alright." he said while going back inside, he got a message from Seth as he did, he was telling him about a boat ride he just took.

Ryan went back to his room and after a shower he went to his computer that was already in the room, it looked like a custom made one since it was a combination of different brands. As he sat down and started to look over the firewalls though he could tell it was a decent computer though, the information in his head working like wonders.

He started to change the firewalls making them impenetrable, he also found some software on it that was actually spyware, whoever set it up put it there. Shaking his head he hacked into his phone and set up something even stronger, knowing that more people were targeted by phones then computers these days.

Since he had his grandmothers number he did the same with her phone he also made sure to block all scam calls since he didn't want her to fall for it.

Unknown to him his fingers have been typing at an incredible speed and he got lost in coding, it wasn't until he was done that he came back to himself. He was shocked to realize what he just did since not even a day ago this would all be an alien language to him.

Wanting to know about this skill he dove into the internet and ended up hacking into multiple places, he didn't take anything but just wanted to see if he could. An hour later he was actually looking at the halls of the white house, no one even knew that he was in the system at the moment.

He sat there stunned seeing the president walk by, he scratched his head before getting out of it he didn't want someone to notice. Looking down at his hands he saw the damage they could do, he could do anything and be a real threat to the world.

Shaking his head he got rid of those thoughts, he didn't even know what he wanted for breakfast tomorrow let alone wanting to hack the world. No, he would use these skills only to help people where he could and make things better he had no interest in anything else.

Deciding that he went to the dark web and looked into it, there were plenty of request for hackers here and he saw some jobs he wouldn't mind doing. Looking it over some more he shook his head and closed the thing down, he didn't want to get started on any of that yet.

He also wasn't going to make an A.I, it was interesting yes but at the moment he didn't need one so there was no point in making one.

Instead he hooked his phone up to his computer and started to add all his music on to his Iphone, while it was being done he looked down at the pool in the back. Smiling slightly he went to grab a pair of the new trunks that he had bought while at the mall, he was going to go ahead and take a dip in the pool today.

Thinking about it he was wondering if he should cook something on the grill and have his food by the pool, he could see on not to far away from it. He would talk to his Grandmother later and see if she was okay with it, he might have to go to the store later though.