
RWBY World Chaser dropped

Watch Jack take on the world of RWBY with previous knowledge of the world. And him later explore worlds.

JackbladesFF7 · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs

Arrival to Beacon

Yang tackles Jack and Ruby. "I'm so happy both of you will be attending beacon with me." They are currently on a ship heading to beacon with other students.

"Yang I can't breathe." Jack says trying to claw his way out of her grasp.

Yang releases them "I expected this from Jack but I'm so proud of you Ruby. Now we can both stop him from going out of control if it happens."

"That won't happen anyways" Ruby says looking at Jack with puppy dog eyes.

Trying to change the conversation "I wish I was there when you guys fought Roman." Yang says.

Jack says "It was no big deal they weren't that tough. They still escaped though."

"Well I want to see more excitement from you two about being here. Your both incredibly skilled so don't worry either." Yang says rubbing Jacks ears and patting Ruby's head.

Then a hologram appears stating the news about what happened last night with Roman and the robbery ending with the news caster saying he is still at large. Then a image of Glynda Goodwitch appears.

"Who's that?" Yang says never meeting her before.

"That's Glynda Goodwitch she was with us last night when Ruby got accepted to beacon." Jack says explaining a bit.

Glyndas hologram speaks "You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world."

Ruby speaks up after her speech. "Look you can see signal from here."

Jack looked a little exited to see it as he has never been there. "So that's where you two went."

Ruby says "Yeah we learned a lot there I heard that Qrow decided to leave after we both got accepted to beacon." Then they saw a boy with yellow hair throwing up on the ship.

"Well the view isn't for everyone I guess" Yang says.

"You got some puke on your shoes Yang" Jack says grossed out.

"Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross" Yang says as she hops toward Ruby.

"Ew ew get away from me." Ruby says

Jack starts to laugh watching his scene and turns his head towards beacon. Thinking about this is the beginning.

Strength 150

Battle intelligence 200

Vitality 100

Charisma 200

Worldly intelligence 200

Agility 200

Aura 500

Semblance (unlocked) (Dark version if user is higher or lower in aura than opponent user can switch auras with person. Balance version if users sees two people with a higher and lower aura he can take the higher auras and feed it to the lowers auras until they are balanced. Light version user can use his own aura and feed it to another's aura.)

Dark (Unlocked) (Lets user turn into Grimm with more strength and agility. Also allows the user to not feel responsible for what happens as he fights in an animalistic style.)

Light (Unlocked) (User can activate silver eyes at will to help others or himself against Grimm)

(A/N please say how I can improve my writing.)