

The rest of Jin's squad was waiting outside the classroom. The other students were either getting their stuff packed up, and some were already leaving the Lecture Hall.

Many of them shot a glance of wonder and awe at Jin, they all had some complicated thoughts on the man.

Well, many of them except for Yang and Ruby; the latter was just chilling around while quietly whistling, and the former was humming happily while smiling.

They already know how much of a genius their brother was. He was a three-year Valedictorian in Signal for a reason; from his wits and to his strength, it was all outstanding.

All of them then saw Jin scratching the back of his head as he talked on with the Doctor-Professor. He also seemed to have an apologetic smile as he looked at Oobleck, who just nodded before saying some words to the Elite Student.

Some of the group was slightly nervous at the sight, particularly Weiss. But she refused to show it, and only had a calm expression on her face.

As for the events earlier, she really didn't know whether to be alarmed that he managed to have a debate with the Doctor for so long, or be impressed at his knowledge.

She'd barely been able to keep up with the discussion between the two. Not just because of the advanced topics, but also because of the brand new ideas that Jin just shared in front of everyone.

Grimm Evolution? Grimms being necessary in the world for the psychological aspect of humans? New Grimm abilities? And a Werewolf?! Heck, what did he mean by Werewolf? And where did it come from? Was it a Grimm? A Beowolf variant? Aren't Beowolves technically Werewolves?

Regardless of it all, that was the only random thing that the Elite Student said in class.

Seeing the group so silent, Pyrrha decided to start a conversation,"Well, Jin's rather...knowledgeable. I'm surprised that he was able to hold a discussion and have a debate with Professor Oobleck for so long. The contents was interesting...and troubling, however."

"But nothing he said was incorrect," Blake strongly added, though Weiss wasn't sure just why she seemed so insistent on that fact.

"You guys were able to keep up with that?" Yang asked, "I couldn't make do with most of it."

"Some of the concepts were fairly advanced," Jaune sighed.

"Yeah, their speeches were so dang long and their pace was so friggin fast. I'm not sure either of them even paused to breathe."

The others just chuckled at the blonde girl's words, but Ruby of all people, looked troubled.

"If Grimms aren't mindless, does that mean we're killing things that can think? Are we going to slaughter animals?" Ruby asked. The girl looked worried, but Weiss only sighed.

"Not at all," She assured. "Grimms are Grimms, no matter what and how their thoughts process. They are a threat to us and we only fight back, either they kill us or we kill them. All the two spoke of was the misconceptions that the Grimms are incapable of mental processing. It simply means that the Grimms have a reason for wanting to kill, and can perform limited reasoning and strategy. We already know that since it's documented that ancient Grimms have a tendency to retreat if severely hurt, and can even use tools in a limited fashion. It can be them using the terrain for a fighting advantage, or throwing some objects around to harm hunters in a distance. If anything, realizing this will make us all better prepared. Afterall, underestimating an opponent is a foolish mistake that can always get someone killed."

"So we're not killing animals like Zwei, then?" Ruby asked.

Weiss had no idea what this 'Zwei' thing was, but still shook her head regardless. "Of course not, it would only be more akin to putting down a ravenous monster that wants to kill and eat you."

"Like some evil monsters that only wants to eat people?"

"That's what I just said!"

"Ugh..." Yang tended to her own head, "Weiss...please stop with the long ass lines. I think I've had enough for today."

"Ms. Xiao Long, please watch your language." The Doctor suddenly called out from the side, which surprised the group and made themm all quickly turn to him in attention.

"Ah, sorry Professor..."

"Apology accepted! And know that there are many things that the instructors overlook here in this Academy. But Profanity, however, is one offense that we will never condone. Trust me young girl, you don't want the headmaster to hear you speak some swear words." Oobleck said.


"Guys, I think we should move away from the door..." Blake suggested.


After that little interruption, the group was now back into their little chat and they even had a mee topic to talk about. And so was for Jin and Oobleck.

"Now where was I? Oh yes," Oobleck said before slightly leaning in for a quiet talk. "Mr. Rose, I hope you don't mention anything to your fellow students about that particular Grimm you've encountered in the forest." He quietly spoke to him.

Jin was stupified of the sudden request, but he didn't show it outside and he just raised an eye brow.

'So Ozpin really saw that Werewolf, huh. He even told the staff members of the Academy about it. That's good, I guess, but why not let the students know? Its better for them to learn that monstrous existence for the sake of awareness and their safety, right?'

"Well, before I decide; Why would you tell me to do that? In fact, why would the headmaster order you to keep it a secret? Shouldn't you guys tell the students for the sake of awareness?"

"I also had the same thoughts," The Doctor pointed out. "But Ozpin didn't also tell us on the reason why, yet he insisted on us to just follow his instructions."

"Huhh..." Jin was weirded out, "So you would blindly follow his decisions?"

"Of course!" Oobleck answered, "Professor Ozpin may be mysterious in his ways, but you can always trust him on any decisions that he makes."

He continued, "I've believed in him for many years, and the man really proved himself to be capable and trustworthy. Trust me Mr. Rose, the man would never do any arbitrary decisions."

"Now that's a lot of loyalty there, Doctor," Jin smiled. "Alright, I'll play along for now."

Hearing his answer, Oobleck nodded in approval, "Well, that ends our talk here Mr. Rose, you're free to go now. Thank you for your time, and I hope you have a good day."

With that, Jin turned around and he began to walk off, his right hand waving in farewell.

"See you tomorrow, Professor. I hope you have a good day, too."


Jin was now walking out of the classroom, he knew that the others were just waiting for him on the hall near the classroom door, so he went there to join up with them.

But the first thing he saw while going towards his friends, was Nora having a wide grin while doing a bone-crushing hug at the poor blue-faced Ruby.

"Nora..." She wheezed out. "I already had enough love.....Someone...help..."

"Uhhh, Nora. I think Ruby can't breath anymore." Jaune spoke out in concern.

But Nora didn't listen and she strengthened her hug. Jin swore that he heard a bone cracking somewhere in Ruby's body.

Even Yang wasn't this ruthless.

Ruby was nearing death's doors until Nora saw Jin, which made her finally let the coughing and gasping girl go with a beaming expression.

"Look guys! Palpatine's out!"


"Nora...no," Ren scolded.

Being rudely greeted with a new nickname, Jin inquired, "Sooo...What's going on here?"

"We were talking about your deepest, darkest and embarassing stories!" Yang beamed out with a thumbs up.

"Ha-ha, I'm so embarassed, please don't tell them more." Jin sarcastically and lethargically said.

"Okay!" Yang smirked, "Hey, guys did you know that Jin was once molested by some homosexu-umph!"

Jin didn't let her finish her words as he instantly closed the gap between them and quickly covered her mouth.

Honestly he didn't want to remember that, and he definitely doesn't want anyone to know about that. But looking back at that memory, Jin didn't forget that he sent those perverts flying after their pedo act.

'She wasn't kidding...'

"Yang!" Jin hissed. "I swear, if you tell them anything about that, I'll be telling Dad about your drinking habits!" He blackmailed her.

"Oh, really now? If you do that, then I'll tell everyone about the bathroom tussle in Signal."

Huffing and pouting in defeat, Jin only mumbled some dark things about sabotaging a certain someone's shampoo as he let her go.

"She also told us about your Semblance too! Who would've thought that you were a Sith Lord instead of an Uchiha!" Nora exclaimed.

Hearing those words, Jin just weirdly stared at her in silence. He seemed to be in a daze for awhile before he was woken up with Nora's poking.

"Hey, Jin. Can I call you Darth Sidious?





"Nora, no..."


"Nora...stop...Those are not my names."

"They're just nicknames!"

This just made Jin helplessly groan, "Ren.....How do you stop her?"

"You can't...You just have to accept it." The man in question said.

Once Nora decides to do something she wants, then she will never stop, nor be stopped.

"Meeeeeehhh...How about Sparky?" Nora asked with an expectant smile.

There was no response from 'Sparky'. He just looked at her with a tactful deadpan face as certain memories played in his head. It was then that he heard some sounds from the side and then turning to the others.

Ren had an impossible to read neutral expression, Pyrrha merely shrugged, Weiss was snickering, Blake was reading a Webnovel on her Scroll, Jaune was chuckling, and his sisters were trying hard to hold in their laughter.

Couldn't be helped from them though, as there was a certain girl in Signal that similarly did call him with that nickname.

Seeing Jin not responding, Ruby smirked and she answered for him, "He'll take it!"

Hearing Ruby's unwanted opinion, Jin glared daggers at her and lifted his arms up in affront at the nickname. This made Ruby jump in fright as she let out a moderate 'Eep' of apology before hiding herself behind Yang.

"YAY! Sparky's a great nickname!" Nora cheered.

*Sigh* "She's gonna call me that forever and until the end of time and the universe itself...Is she?" Jin asked Ren, frankly disturbed of the bubbly girl's nickname for him.

The pink-eyed young man merely nodded his head in good-natured condolence before replying, "Probably."

"Anyway..." Weiss suddenly spoke out.

"What did you and Doctor Oobleck talk about? Also, did you get in trouble?" Weiss asked, eyes narrowed.

"Uhhh...Why would I get in trouble? He was just asking me if I wanted to discuss more about the different theories about Grimms in more details with him in this weekend. He said he's been looking for someone to talk to about some aspects of it, but most people here aren't interested in discussing Grimms as anything other than monsters to kill."

His words just Weiss' mouth fell.

"Wow," Pyrrha nodded to Jin, "You really know a lot about Grimms."

Jin smirked "Well, its only natural. I'm a goddamn genius, afterall."

"Know your enemy," Ren agreed. "I'll admit, I've read a fair bit in my time, but that discussion you had with him was way beyond in my ability to follow."

"Hm? What do you mean? It wasn't really that hard."

"It means," Weiss butted in, "That you and Doctor Oobleck spoke at about five hundred words per minute. It was almost impossible for anyone else to keep up, and reason why some people got it was because Oobleck slowed down towards the end to involve the rest of the class."

"Oh, yeah! And Weiss got angry at the middle of it too!" Nora called out.

"When is she not?" Jin smiled.


"Awww, Weiss," Yang wrapped an arm around her shoulder, "Why are you alWEISS mad?"

The girl herself just cringed at the pun, unable to hold back the groan coming from the deepest parts of her soul.

"Uh...Jin," Ruby chirped up.


"You can help me with the homework that Oobleck gave us, right?"

"Sure," Jin smiled before giving her a stern look, "But you're not copying anyone, okay? I swear if I found you copying someone else's work..."

Jin didn't finish his sentence, but the sharp silver gleam from his eyes spoke his intention if Ruby should ever not listen.

Getting the subliminal threat, the younger girl couldn't help but have a nervous smile while nodding her head.

Afterall, this little red riding hood loved to goof around, and she tends to not study at all. She was already like this in Signal, and even now that she's in Beacon, she still has the same kind of tendency.

But Jin was confident that she will slowly change, especially her childishness. But her goofing around nature will definitely not change, as well as her being hyperactive, open, honest and her playful attitude.

Because Sith Lords shoot Force Lightnings, ok.

Its like their trademark attack. Honestly, if one thinks of a Sith Lord or Palpatine, they would immediately think "UNLIMITED POWER!"

Padoru_Sabercreators' thoughts