
RWBY: System

So i reincarnated in RWBY, it looks like im still fine after my death... Everything seems to be okay but... I have a system... ...And a stand? / / / / / Cover picture not mine. Though I edited it.

Toist_New_Moon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 6: Cleaning

A/TN: This month, I might have a chance to write chapters everyday...

Also I didn't originally pass my algebra test though I passed my second summative, but probably failed my quarter examination... so I basically dodged a bullet, but not the missile.


I dropped all of the boulders to the Goliath, causing a massive earthquake breaking and tearing apart a sizable chunk of the cliff adding more debris to the already defeated Goliath.

"I was going to ask you why we needed to run all the way here... but I guess I need to ask a different question." Ruby turned her scythe into a gun "Sorry, but we'll need to question you mister."


I carefully lowered my Aura and put my hands up the air to signify superior- I meant...

To not alert Ruby.

"Sooo... What am I in trouble for?"


We walked leisurely back to Tai's house beating up Grimms left and right.

Though in the end I wasn't really able to raise my level and stats, but... my skill levels broke through quite a bit.

<<Skill list>>

[Gamer: Max] [Taunt: LVL 7] [Dash: LVL 7]

[Swordsmanship: LVL 7]

[Hamon: LVL 3] [Spin: LVL 2]

- - -

The walk is mostly boring though because of the weak Grimms and how akward walking with my hands in the air all the time.

"Why am I raising my hands in the air for again?"

"I dunno it looked kinda funny when you did it before, and I technically didn't tell you to keep raising it." Ruby smirked.


"Fine milady, for what is that you would request of me?" I asked her historically.

"Oh why good sir! why must you rank of the earth and flowers of black dust? why not take a quick bath."

If I wasn't worn out I would clap my hands.

"I'm not helping you next time we meet another nevermore."


I somehow made a friend already.

The walk took around 25 minutes more until we stumbled back onto Tai's house.

As we entered through the door a figure suddenly went speeding and hugged Ruby.

"Ruby!!!" Yang cried out as she hugged her little sister "I'm so glad you're safe."

I looked at the background and-

"RUBY! I'm so glad my baby is safe." Tai yelled.

Hey! I wasn't done narrating yet, *Sigh*

"Dad! that's embarrassing!" Ruby said to her dad with a blushed face.

I would genuinely curse just to tease Ruby but I'm not in the situation to do that.

"That Grimm is a Goliath."

Tai, Yang and Ruby looked at me with a weird face

"Haven't heard of it?" I asked them, though I already knew they wouldn't have heard of the Grimm yet.

I started to talk about the Goliath and slowly added a fake background to myself, it wasn't full proof since I could still get a blood test and find some relatives in this world but that's unlikely.

I stated that I'm an orphan and never knew my real name and just happen to get a semblance after my home settlement burned down due to the frequent Grimm attacks.

That my name is Rey Nights and saying that my semblance grants me a the power of 'Eyes of truth', 'Unbreakable Body', 'Inventory' and 'Profile' saying that I'm a sort of video game character.

Though they still got surprised when I told them about that, though Tai was unusually calm saying that he's seen better.

"That's probably it I think, though the reason for the Goliath attack is probably because of unnatural causes I still wouldn't think it was because of an area affected by a disturbance that caused it, well anyway I'm going ahead if there's no more questions."

Tai looked at me fiercely and said "Well I'll forgive you this time because you saved my daughter Ruby but... Why did you cause such a great distruction?"

"Goliath an unprecedented threat that could've killed a large amount of people, a Grimm capable of a whole mini catastrophe in of itself, with above average strength though with a small size compared to other Goliaths,

anything less would have done nothing but cause it to irritate even more."

It was an enemy that couldn't exist with this world's logic and never would have if it wasn't for the system.

"That strength if compared to a fully grown Goliath would mean it's strength was triple than normal, there was no possible way to stopping it without a consequence...

I'm sorry."

The atmosphere went dark and everyone seemed down that they couldn't do anything to stop it even when they tried their hardest.

"Cheer up, the forest would return back to a good shape after a month... Probably."

I could fix the area within three weeks if I did my best while doing other stuff I have in mind, I could potentially do it in a week, however I most likely wouldn't be able to do it since this is still a Grimm infested forest.


"You did good kid, the damage is not as big if we let that thing loose." Tai complemented my actions.

However deep inside I know he's still contemplating on how to deal with the mess I made.

"I'll clean up the forest in no time." I made a promise, and I wouldn't break it for anything.

"And please trust me on this one."

Tai nodded and it seems like Ruby and Yang also trusts me on this.

"Give me a week I'll clean up the whole area, I promise."


After that I asked them about the date and requested some directions to Vale.

Turns out I have three weeks until the torchwick incident starts.

And Vale is actually not that far if I use dash enough times.

"Then... I guess it's cleaning time."

I have only a few ways on how to clean up the mess, but I'll try to fix it as fast as I possibly could.

~Cleaning Day 1~

So I decided to start by using inventory to clean out every single broken tree and all of those boulders I dropped.

It took me awhile but I eventually cleaned everything up since I still needed to actually find the messed up areas.

Also while I'm at it I used Hamon to re plant and make the place less... lonely.

There wasn't much flowers and fruits lying around the nearby area so I thought, why not?

It took me a little longer than I expected but I had fun doing it.

I also bought some of status points but I guess it was removed due to unbalancing or something as bullshit as that.

[Status points in the shop removed due to unbalanced strength of the host]

Yeah... Bullshit.

I also bought a lot of food and managed to get a lot of plant types which I could still plant.

Though I think I was a very lucky on getting the plantable drops.

[Banana(5), Strawberry(6), Apple(4), Pineapple(9)]

[Cake(3), Cupcake(2), Ice Cream(5)]

"Not too bad, but I'm going flat broke again if I don't spend my money wisely."

[Lien: 5430(4530)]

It's pretty beneficial that I could get multiple food drops per purchase but I think it wasn't worth 900 dollars.

"Uh... I think it's probably worth it considering I could have a whole farm and... Cake."


. . .

I planted half in the forest and saved half for my future permanent base.

I used Hamon to speed up the growth process since it worked for the trees.

After that I fixed all the cracks in the ground that I could find within today but I'm probably not even ten percent done.

A lot of Grimms was also in the way of the cleaning process, but Ruby and Yang helped out whenever.

They got suspicious of my Hamon but I just told them it's my personalized Aura,

Though it's quite impressive to have that kind of Aura, surprisingly they weren't even surprised anymore.

"You've shown more impressive things Rey."

"Yeah I guess I did."

I think I showed a bit too much, but it's whatever it's easier to get into beacon this way.

Though I didn't tell them the whole truth about everything and the capabilities of my powers, since it would actually be troublesome to explain everything then.

And most importantly I excluded the fact I have Spin.

Surprisingly though my they didn't ask about the party feature and never questioned how I'm able to fix the surroundings so quickly.

'Quickly' AKA I would actually be able to clean the mess in the week I promised.

After a long day of killing Grimms and clearing up debris we sat down and ate some food.

"Where in the world do you got these from?" Yang said.

"I bought quite a lot when I visited Vale."

"Since when?" Ruby asked.

"Yesterday, I was able to have time to buy for this week."

"I kinda feel bad now..."

Yang said with her mouth stuffed with desserts.

[Level Up]

[LVL: 8(9)]

[VIT: 44(45)]

[STR: 37(39)]

[Status points: 30(35)]

I found a nearby cave I could sleep in, however it's not enough to support as a new base but I guess I could live here for a while.


~Day 2~

I met up with Ruby and Yang near the edge of the grassland part of the forest, and agreed to meet up there if they weren't busy.

We went back to restoring the forest when there was a group of Grimms that attacked us while we where clearing up trees.

[Nevermore] 2

[Boarbatusk] 3

[Creep] 2

[Apathy] 1

Ruby and Yang weren't really sure why and how they found us... But I knew.

<<Daily Quest>>

Kill the Grimms: 8/8

[Reward] 200 Lien, [Settings]


The day was sort of smooth afterwards, there were only minor inconveniences and I managed to plant more fruits since Ruby and Yang was also busy keeping the place safe from Grimms

After a lot of Grimm killing I managed to get solid Lien drops after killing a whole lot.

[Lien: 4630(4950)]


~Day 3~

Almost half of the place is already cleaned up and since Ruby and Yang wasn't able to come to the forest today I was able to finish planting the fruits and berries.

Ruby and Yang said that they can't since they needed to buy something or whatever, but it's fine.

Though I was definitely going at a slower speed since there was a surprising amount of Grimms in the Area, and I was able to turn off daily quests using [Settings] since it was just a terrible nuisance.

The rewards weren't worth it for now, though the settings feature is quite useful.

I made the music twice as loud and played a whole bunch of break up music to laugh at the poor single men like me.

I didn't cry...



[Lien: 4950(5110)]


~Day 4~

[Shop level up]

I bought some new weapons and got a European long bow, a Modern looking katana and a Mideaval Longsword.

They quality was higher than my claymore however I didn't switch my main weapon out yet since I was already comfortable and familiar with a claymore.

Though I could use the katana since it has the ahegao faces skin.

"I honestly just want to use this to just utterly troll a whole lot of people."

Not my proudest fap.

I then opened out the shop interface to see if there was any new things I could have.

. . .

[Shop] Level: 2

-Semblance- 1000L

-Random title- 1000L

-Random weapon- 100L

-Food/water- 100L

-Random power up- 1000L

. . .

[Prices adjusted due to qualify increase]

"Wait... so my semblance could've been ass if I bought it before?"

[Yes and No, the semblance can still be as strong as when you bought it before however the semblance will not be as strong as you would awaken it naturally, and the price does affect the quality and growth speed of the semblance]

"Fair enough."

Fair but not really ideal if I want to get as strong as fast.

"Though I'm really curious about my semblance."

[Host's semblance is the second half of the representation of the soul, host's fighting spirit]

"Wait... don't tell me."

[A stand ability]

"It was sorta obvious but I thought I could just awaken one naturally... Wait... I'm a dumbass."

[You sure are]

[Lien: 5110(5395)(5095)]

[Purchase successful]

"I'm gonna eat something real quick before I finish cleaning."


~Day 5~

Ruby arrived however Yang is nowhere in sight.

"Sorry Rey, but Yang is busy applying to beacon that's why she wasn't able to come and help out."

"Don't worry it's alright, I'm almost finished it's only about a few places left and I somehow need to fix the cliff."

"Ok then! let's eat first then we'll go, I skipped breakfast..."

The rest of the day went on smoother than I initially expected, but I won't complain about that.

I also found that I could turn on something called


~Day 5~

~Day 6~

~Day 7~

The days went on until we finally cleaned up the forest and mostly restored the cliff.

As I sat down on my lonely cave I decided...

"I'm going to Vale."


Sorry for the wait.