
RWBY/ Remnant Slayer

Glenn Buster is a boy who has never had anything since birth. Abandoned as a child by his family, he had to manage on his own to survive in the most disreputable streets that could have existed among bandits, murderers and other dangers. His dream of becoming a hunter was his only solution to leave this hell but all that was destroyed by a damn blonde bitch with glasses who refused his admission to the Beacon academy without even giving him a chance to prove himself. Now he had nothing at all, at least that's what he believed until he fell into a place that would make him something greater than a hunter, a being able to compete with the most powerful entity that inhabits this world. With this he will discover that an even older and more dangerous threat than the grimms threatens the world of remnant and that he is the only one who can protect remnant from this unknown danger. Info: -This fanfic is based on the original story of RWBY as well as the visual novel JPDE and CBLT so for those who do not know these games I invite you to inquire because the characters and the story of these games will be present in the story. - Several elements of the DOOM universe will be used and modified so don't expect everything to be identical to the games base universe. - As for the romance there will be some but no haren and for those who are only there for the lemon it is not planned in the story at the moment (May change over time) so if you hope to see a mc who fucks a new girl with each new chapter it's not here! I think that's all I have to say for the moment, if I have to add or modify things I will indicate them as the story progresses, on this good read!

caleb_flint · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 1

"Fuck it!"

It was the only thing Glenn could say after his dream of becoming a hunter died out, all because of a blonde bitch who refused him to take the exam so he could be admitted to one of the best remnant hunter academy "Beacon" because he had not yet unlocked his aura and his semblance and that he would have been, according to her, a burden for the academy.

Frustration, anger and rage were the only things he had left now that his only chance to leave his life as a poor delinquent had just disappeared.

He has always known the street from a very young age, being abandoned by his parents, he had to fend for himself to survive, which forced him to steal in order to be able to eat, find a place every night that was as close as possible to shelter and associate with any kind of criminal for only a tiny bit of money.

He grew up in these conditions for several years but that did not prevent him from always keeping hope that one day he would leave all this to become a hunter, at least until today.

He was walking through the streets of the Kingdom of Vale when he passed by a group of young people discussing how happy they were to be admitted to beacon or their weapons.

Glenn glared at them before continuing on his way, unlike them he couldn't afford to have weapons like a sword that can change into assault rifles or something like that. . He only managed to find a cheap old ax at a dodgy weapon shop that was ridiculous compared to their guns.

He preferred to continue on his way while swallowing his anger, the only thing he wanted was to leave this place as soon as possible, he had no reason to stay here, in fact he had nowhere to go now but everything was better than staying here.

As he walked he noticed something in the sky, something that was falling at full speed and eventually crashing further into the city. From what he could see it appeared to be some kind of meteorite. He hesitated to head towards the crash site but already several people headed in that direction like a certain girl dressed in a white, gray and green dress with black tights and boots as well as short orange hair tied with a bow. pink. Seeing all the commotion this was causing he decided to continue on his way.

After more than an hour of walking he arrived in the emerald forest, he sat down against a tree and put the hood of his green jacket on his head before laying on his crossed arms, in addition to this jacket he was dressed in black slacks and a pair of black high-top shoes that came up to the knees.

Under his jacket he wears a black jumper with the collar going up and on his hand he wore black mittens. For his face he was quite handsome with light brown messy hair and light green eyes.

A/N: (The mc was clearly inspired by zomu the creeper)

He sat there not knowing what to do, should he go back robbed to survive or work with the bandits or some other criminal like he has done in the past.

At this point the only thing he wanted to do was give up everything. Until now it was his dream of becoming a hunter that allowed him to hold out for so long, but now that that too was taken away from him, he no longer had any reason to fight against his destiny.

He stayed like that for a while thinking about what he should do now but was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a noise in the bushes around him.

He stood up and took his ax in his hands ready to defend himself if necessary and unfortunately for him he will have to use it sooner than expected when growls were heard and a beowolf came out of the bushes.

Seeing the beast approaching dangerously towards him, he put himself in a combat position ready to receive any attack. The beowolf jumped straight at glenn who, seeing him arrive, shifted to the side dodging his attack then brought down his ax right on the grimm decapitating him with a single blow.

The body of the beowolf fell heavily to the ground before disappearing into a particle in the air.

"Ha....haha....hahaha you see! No need for aura or semblance to kill these bastards! You fucking blonde bitch!"

His joy was short-lived when new noises were heard, he turned to see several beowolf and an ursa coming out of the bushes.

"You must be fucking kidding me!"

It only took a few seconds for a new beowolf to jump on him, he narrowly dodged and hit him in the side with his axe.

He turned to face the ursa who opened his mouth to bite him but glenn blocked him in time with his ax which was now between the teeth of the ursa who sent him flying over him making him drop the chopped .

Glenn landed a few feet further on the ground before getting up with difficulty after the shock of the fall. He sat up and seeing all the grimms approaching him he had no choice but to run for his life.

He ran without looking back avoiding all the trees and bushes that were in his way. He ran without even looking where he was going the only thing that mattered to him was to be the farthest grimms he could hear behind him following him closely.

He saw a log in front of him and jumped over it to avoid it but when he landed on the other side the ground collapsed taking Glenn with him. He fell for several seconds in what seemed to be an endless tunnel.

After more than a minute of sliding through this tunnel and bumping into all the walls, Glenn finally lands on what appears to be the ground head first.

He lay there for a while to catch his breath and try to understand what had just happened. From what he could see after that, chased by grimms, he fell into a hole that led to this place.

He stood up to look where he was. The place was pretty dark but he could see some pillars all over him with long pieces of dark red cloth tied over them with a strange logo printed on them.

He continued to look around when his gaze landed on what appeared to be an altar with lit torches around it. The first question that came to mind was were there people here who lit the torches and especially what was this place.

He walked towards the altar while remaining on his guard, after all he had no idea where he was and above all he had no more weapon to defend himself.

He arrived in front of the altar and what he thought was an altar was actually a tomb with several strange symbols engraved on it like those on the pieces of cloth attached to the pillars.

Glenn examined the grave but found nothing in particular on it, so he looked right and left before starting to push the top of the grave open. After all, there might be valuables inside that he could resell to make money, to the point where he was he had nothing left to lose.

He pushed with all his might and managed to open the tomb. When the top fell to the ground dust flew up blocking his view and making him cough at the same time. Once the dust had settled, he leaned over to see inside the tomb where he found what looked like some kind of armor that was both futuristic but far too damaged to be used.

Above that armor was something that caught Glenn's eye immediately, it was some sort of pommel or hilt but he wasn't sure.

He picked it up to take a closer look, but when he brought it up to his face to inspect it, the symbol that was engraved on it shone bright red, completely blinding Glenn, who suffered from an excruciating headache. it was like his brain was going to explode.

Several images scrolled past him at full speed like flashes of light with several strange symbols that he did not understand, places on fire and devastated, he could also hear horrible cries of agony.

He felt that his mind was going to drop soon but before losing consciousness he heard a voice as powerful as thunder pronounce these words