
RWBY: Oscar the gamer

Oscar pine was chosen for manything, the last thing he expected was to have what is it called oh or right, a system yeah he didn't expect that he just hopes this is the craziest thing to happen to him MC: Oscar ship: Oscar x Harem so yeah this will my own type of system with it's one rules and everything, also yeah hope people like this

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Outros
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54 Chs

where do we got first

As the group gathered to discuss their next steps, Oscar took the lead, his mind already mapping out potential paths to success.

"Alright, team," Oscar began, his voice steady and determined. "Our mission is clear: find the Spring Maiden and bring her to safety. Along the way, we'll also need to confront Leo for his betrayal and ensure justice is served."

Merlin nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "Indeed. But where do we begin? The Fall Maiden's whereabouts are unknown, and Leo could be anywhere."

Artoria chimed in, her gaze focused. "We should start by gathering information. Perhaps there are rumors or whispers in nearby villages that could lead us to the Maiden's location."

Shiro nodded thoughtfully. "Agreed. We'll need to be discreet and cautious. We can't afford to draw unnecessary attention to ourselves."

Muelsyse glanced around the group, her analytical mind already at work. "We should also consider our strengths and resources. Each of us brings unique abilities to the table, and we should leverage them to our advantage."

Ruby, eager to contribute, spoke up. "I can use my speed and reconnaissance skills to scout ahead and gather intel. If there's trouble, I can signal for backup."

Oscar nodded, impressed by Ruby's initiative. "Good idea, Ruby. Let's divide into smaller teams to cover more ground. We'll reconvene once we've gathered enough information to make our next move."

With a plan in place, the team set out, their determination unwavering as they embarked on their mission to locate the Fall Maiden and confront the traitorous Leo.

So let me gets this correct your system gave you another mission. Ruby said looking at Oscar. Is this going to be a big one like your first quest, I mean you had to save beacon and meet so many people

Oscar nodded, his expression serious as he replied to Ruby's question. "Yes, Ruby, it seems like this mission will be just as significant as the first. Finding the spring Maiden and confronting Leo won't be easy tasks, but they're crucial for the safety of Remnant."

He glanced around at his companions, noting their determination mirrored his own. "We'll need to be prepared for anything. But with our skills and teamwork, I believe we can overcome any challenge that comes our way."

Ruby smiled, her eyes shining with determination. "I'm with you all the way, Oscar. We've faced tough odds before, and we've always come out on top. This time will be no different."

With renewed resolve, the group pressed on, ready to face whatever trials awaited them in their quest to protect Remnant and bring justice to those who betrayed it.

"According to the mission brief," Oscar began, "our first objective is to locate the Spring Maiden. The system hasn't provided us with her exact whereabouts, but it does suggest potential areas where she might be hiding or seeking refuge."

Merlin, his eyes glinting with curiosity, interjected, "And where might those areas be, Oscar? Any specific regions or landmarks that we should consider exploring first?"

Oscar scrolled through the data, his brow furrowing in concentration. "Well, based on the patterns of previous Maiden sightings and historical records, there are a few places that stand out. One possibility is the Emerald Forest, known for its dense vegetation and secluded terrain. It could provide ample cover for someone trying to lay low."

Muelsyse nodded in agreement. "The Emerald Forest sounds like a promising lead. Its vast expanse offers plenty of hiding spots, and if the Spring Maiden is trying to avoid detection, she might seek refuge in its depths."

Artoria chimed in, her voice resolute. "Then it's settled. We'll head to the Emerald Forest and begin our search there. But we must remain vigilant. Leo's betrayal has put us all at risk, and we can't afford to let our guard down."

With their destination decided, the group set out, their determination unwavering as they embarked on their mission to locate the elusive Spring Maiden and confront the traitorous Leo.

I say we aks around a few near by towns. Artoria said looking at Oscar. I mean the ones far away from hunter school with low hunter, if anything I know from my life people like the maiden will probably stay there. Artoria siad looking at everyone. I mean if she was at The emral forest ozpin or anyone from beacon would have already found her

"Artoria makes a valid point," Oscar acknowledged, nodding in agreement. "Searching nearby towns with fewer hunters could yield valuable information. It's less likely to draw attention compared to a large-scale search in the Emerald Forest."

Shiro folded his arms, considering the suggestion. "Scouring the towns might provide us with leads that could lead us closer to the Spring Maiden. We can gather intel discreetly without alerting any unwanted attention."

Muelsyse tapped her staff against the ground, her expression thoughtful. "It's a strategic approach. We can cover more ground and gather information from the locals without raising suspicion. Plus, if the Spring Maiden is trying to keep a low profile, she might seek refuge in smaller settlements."

Ruby, always eager to contribute, added, "And we can use our status as Beacon students to our advantage. People might be more willing to share information with us, thinking we're just on a regular school assignment."

Oscar nodded, impressed by the team's collective insight. "Alright, let's split up and start our inquiries in the nearby towns. Keep your eyes and ears open for any signs or rumors that could lead us to the Spring Maiden. We'll reconvene at a designated location once we've gathered enough information."

With their plan in place, the group set out, each member ready to play their part in the search for the elusive Spring Maiden.

As the group split up into their respective pairs, Oscar found himself walking alongside Muelsyse through the bustling streets of a nearby town. The sounds of vendors hawking their wares and townsfolk going about their daily lives filled the air.

"So, Muelsyse, have you ever been on a mission like this before?" Oscar asked, breaking the silence between them.

Muelsyse adjusted her glasses and shook her head. "Not exactly like this, no. My experiences have been more... unconventional, to say the least. But I'm always up for a challenge."

Oscar nodded, impressed by her confidence. "Well, hopefully, our search will yield some results. The sooner we find the Spring Maiden, the better."

As they continued walking, Muelsyse glanced around, her sharp eyes taking in their surroundings. "It's fascinating to see how different this world is compared to mine. The architecture, the culture... it's all so different."

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing," Oscar agreed. "But it also means there's a lot to learn and discover. Who knows what secrets this world holds?"

Muelsyse smiled, a glint of excitement in her eyes. "Indeed. And with our combined skills and knowledge, I'm confident we'll uncover the truth about the Spring Maiden."

With renewed determination, Oscar and Muelsyse continued their search, their minds focused on the task at hand. Little did they know, their journey would lead them to unexpected encounters and revelations that would shape the course of their mission.

As they wandered through the town, Oscar and Muelsyse asked questions, gathering information from the locals. Some were helpful, pointing them in the direction of nearby settlements where the Spring Maiden might be hiding. Others were less forthcoming, either out of fear or ignorance.

"Seems like finding this Spring Maiden won't be easy," Oscar remarked, frustration evident in his voice.

Muelsyse nodded in agreement. "Indeed, but we must persevere. Every lead, no matter how small, brings us closer to our goal."

Just then, they stumbled upon a quaint tea shop tucked away in a corner of the town. The aroma of freshly brewed tea wafted through the air, inviting them inside. They decided to take a break from their search and entered the cozy establishment.

As they sat down at a table by the window, Muelsyse noticed a group of elderly women chatting animatedly at a nearby table. An idea sparked in her mind.

"Let's ask them," she suggested, gesturing towards the women. "Elders often hold valuable knowledge about local legends and folklore. They may have heard tales of the Spring Maiden."

Oscar agreed, and they approached the women, introducing themselves and explaining their quest. The women listened intently, nodding knowingly as they shared stories passed down through generations.

After hearing their tales, Oscar and Muelsyse learned of a nearby village where sightings of a mysterious woman matching the description of the Spring Maiden had been reported. With renewed hope, they thanked the women for their help and left the tea shop, eager to continue their journey.

As they made their way towards the village, Oscar couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation. The prospect of finally locating the Spring Maiden filled him with a sense of purpose, driving him forward despite the challenges they faced along the way. With Muelsyse by his side, he knew they were destined to succeed in their mission, no matter what obstacles lay ahead.

Artoria and Shiro walked through the bustling streets of the town, their footsteps echoing against the cobblestone pavement. They observed the locals going about their daily lives, occasionally stopping to ask questions about the Spring Maiden.

"This town seems lively," Artoria remarked, scanning the shops and stalls lining the streets. "But I fear our task may prove more challenging than we anticipated."

Shiro nodded in agreement. "Indeed. The Spring Maiden's whereabouts remain a mystery, and without any solid leads, our search feels like finding a needle in a haystack."

As they continued their exploration, Artoria's keen eyes caught sight of a small temple nestled amidst the buildings. Intrigued, she suggested they pay a visit, hoping to find someone who might offer insight into the Spring Maiden's location.

Upon entering the temple, they were greeted by a serene atmosphere, the scent of incense lingering in the air. A wise-looking monk approached them, his gentle smile welcoming.

"Welcome, travelers," the monk said, bowing respectfully. "What brings you to our humble temple?"

Artoria explained their quest to find the Spring Maiden, hoping the monk might have information that could aid them. The monk listened attentively, his expression thoughtful as he considered their request.

After a moment of contemplation, the monk spoke, his voice calm yet resolute. "I may have heard whispers of a woman with powers akin to those of the Spring Maiden residing in the nearby mountains. She is said to possess great wisdom and is revered by the locals as a guardian of nature."

Artoria and Shiro exchanged glances, a glimmer of hope igniting within them. Could this woman be the Spring Maiden they were seeking?

"Thank you for your guidance, wise monk," Artoria said with gratitude. "We will journey to the mountains and seek out this woman. With any luck, she may hold the answers we seek."

With renewed determination, Artoria and Shiro bid farewell to the monk and set out towards the mountains, their hearts filled with anticipation for the journey ahead.

Let's go and meet up with the rest first. Shiro said looking at Artoria. After all I am pretty sure they found something as well

Meanwhile with Ruby and Merlin they were asking finally, finding a few huntsmen team who told them a woman who they fought

So she has raven black hair and holded a sword made out of dust. Ruby said looking at the team. During the fight you guys lost because strange things kept happening

Merlin nodded, intrigued by the description. "A sword made out of dust... That's rather peculiar. It seems our Spring Maiden possesses unique abilities."

Ruby glanced at Merlin, noticing the gleam of curiosity in his eyes. "Do you think she could be the one we're looking for?"

"It's possible," Merlin replied thoughtfully. "But we can't be certain until we investigate further. Let's continue gathering information from the locals and see if we can uncover more clues."

With their newfound lead in mind, Ruby and Merlin thanked the huntsmen team for their assistance and set off to explore the town further. As they walked, Merlin couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious powers of the Spring Maiden and what role she might play in their quest.

Back with Oscar and Muelsyse, they had been conversing with the townsfolk, learning about recent sightings of a woman matching the description of the Spring Maiden. Oscar's keen observation skills and Muelsyse's charming demeanor helped them gather valuable information from the locals.

"It seems our efforts are paying off," Oscar remarked, glancing at Muelsyse with a grateful smile. "With any luck, we'll soon be one step closer to finding the Spring Maiden."

Muelsyse returned his smile, her golden eyes gleaming with determination. "Indeed. Let's continue our search and see where it leads us."

Together, Oscar and Muelsyse ventured deeper into the town, their spirits high as they pursued their mission to locate the elusive Spring Maiden. With each step, they drew closer to uncovering the truth behind her mysterious powers and the role she played in the unfolding events of their quest.

After a while the whole group meet up, as they were ready to tell what they had learn from there searches. Gathering in the town square, the group exchanged glances, each eager to share the information they had gathered during their investigations.

"I'll start," Ruby began, stepping forward. "Merlin and I spoke with some huntsmen teams who encountered a woman matching the description of the Spring Maiden. She wielded a sword made of dust, and during their fight, they experienced strange occurrences, indicating her unique abilities."

Merlin nodded in agreement. "Indeed, it seems our Spring Maiden possesses formidable powers. However, we still need more information to confirm her identity and whereabouts."

Artoria and Shiro exchanged a glance before Artoria spoke up. "Shiro and I learned from the locals that there have been recent sightings of a woman with raven-black hair, fitting the description of the Spring Maiden. It appears she has been on the move, possibly trying to avoid detection."

Oscar and Muelsyse shared a knowing look before Oscar addressed the group. "Muelsyse and I discovered similar information. It seems our target is actively evading detection, which suggests she may be aware of the danger she's in or the role she plays."

Taking in the collective findings, the group fell silent, each contemplating their next course of action. It was clear that locating the Spring Maiden would require careful planning and strategic maneuvering.

"We'll need to stay vigilant and continue our search," Oscar declared, his gaze sweeping over the group. "With our combined efforts, we'll uncover the truth behind the Spring Maiden and the role she plays in the events unfolding around us."

Nodding in agreement, the group reaffirmed their commitment to the mission, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead as they pursued the elusive Spring Maiden and the answers she held.

To be continued

Hope People like this ch and give me power stone also today we have a new fanfic out it is called Doki Doki Kamen rider