
RWBY: Oscar the gamer

Oscar pine was chosen for manything, the last thing he expected was to have what is it called oh or right, a system yeah he didn't expect that he just hopes this is the craziest thing to happen to him MC: Oscar ship: Oscar x Harem so yeah this will my own type of system with it's one rules and everything, also yeah hope people like this

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Outros
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54 Chs

welcome to Atlest

As in Beacon something was happening, as Wiess was training as she was trying to distract her self she finally became the leader of her team, but she had to lose her friend sure she at Atlets for when protection, as she was training something a blue light entered her body, Weiss's eyes widened in shock as the blue light enveloped her, and she found herself in a surreal landscape within her mind. Standing before her was a striking woman with white hair, wearing golden armor, and adorned with angelic wings.

"Hello there," the woman greeted with a serene smile. "I am the Ice Ruler."

Weiss, still trying to process the sudden turn of events, took a deep breath to steady herself. "Who are you? What is happening to me?"

The Ice Ruler stepped forward, her presence both calming and commanding. "I am a manifestation of your potential, a spirit tied to the power within you. You have been chosen to inherit my abilities and responsibilities. I am here to guide you."

Weiss blinked, her mind racing. "Chosen? But why me? What does this mean?"

The Ice Ruler's expression softened. "You have shown great strength and determination, Weiss. Despite the challenges and losses you have faced, you continue to strive forward. That resilience is why you were chosen. My power will enhance your abilities and grant you new ones, but it will also require you to bear new responsibilities."

Weiss felt a mix of awe and apprehension. "What kind of responsibilities?"

"You will become a guardian of sorts, protecting those who cannot protect themselves and upholding the balance between realms. This power is not just for you, but for the good of all," the Ice Ruler explained.

Weiss nodded slowly, absorbing the weight of the words. "I understand. I'll do my best to live up to this."

The Ice Ruler smiled warmly. "I have no doubt that you will, Weiss. Together, we will achieve great things."

As the blue light began to fade, Weiss felt a surge of power course through her. When she returned to the physical world, she felt different—stronger, more confident, and with a newfound sense of purpose.

Back in the training room, Weiss took a deep breath and steadied herself. She knew that she had a lot to learn and a new path to navigate, but with the Ice Ruler's guidance, she felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Meanwhile, the rest of her team noticed the change in her aura and gathered around, curious and concerned. Blake, Ren, and Nora exchanged glances before Ren spoke up. "Weiss, are you okay? What just happened?"

Weiss smiled at her friends, her eyes shining with a newfound determination. "I'm more than okay. I think I just unlocked something amazing.

Meanwhile in Weiss mind the ice Ruler spoke again

Also you must be ready. The ice Ruler said looking at her. You must get strong fast before all the Monarch get there vessel.

Wait what. Weiss said inside her head. What is a Monarch

The Ice Ruler's expression turned grave as she explained, "The Monarchs are powerful entities, each representing a different aspect of the Grimm. They seek vessels to inhabit, granting them immense power and influence. If they were to succeed in finding vessels among humanity, the consequences would be catastrophic."

Weiss felt a chill run down her spine at the gravity of the situation. "So, what do we do? How do we stop them?"

"We must gather allies, strengthen our defenses, and prepare for the inevitable confrontation," the Ice Ruler replied. "Your newfound power will be instrumental in this fight, but you must also trust in your comrades and work together to stand against the darkness."

Weiss nodded, determination burning in her eyes. "I won't let them succeed. I'll do whatever it takes to protect Remnant."

The Ice Ruler smiled, her approval evident. "I have faith in you, Weiss Schnee. Together, we will face this threat and emerge victorious."

With renewed resolve, Weiss returned her focus to the physical world, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. As she rejoined her team, she knew that the path ahead would be difficult, but she was determined to do everything in her power to protect her friends and her world from the looming threat of the Monarchs.

the Atlesian airship touches down on the landing pad of the bustling city of Atlas. Winter Schnee steps off the ship, her expression a mixture of determination and concern. She scans the group waiting for her, her gaze settling on Oscar, Ruby, Shiro, Artoria, Merlin, Melusine, and Ozpin.

"Welcome to Atlas," Winter says, her voice firm but welcoming. "We have much to discuss, but first, follow me."

She leads the group through the city streets, the towering buildings casting long shadows in the early morning light. As they walk, Winter fills them in on the latest developments in Atlas and the current state of affairs in the kingdom.

"Things are tense here," Winter explains, her eyes scanning the crowd for any signs of trouble. "With tensions rising between the kingdoms and the threat of Salem looming, we must remain vigilant."

Ozpin nods in agreement, his expression grave. "Indeed. The situation is dire, but with the combined strength of all of you, I believe we can face whatever challenges lie ahead."

As they reach their destination, a secure facility nestled in the heart of the city, Winter turns to address the group once more.

"Inside, we will discuss our next steps and formulate a plan to confront the growing threats," she says, her voice resolute. "But remember, we must work together if we are to succeed."

With that, she gestures for them to follow her inside, the weight of their mission hanging heavy in the air. As they step through the doors, they know that the road ahead will be fraught with danger, but they are determined to face it head-on, united in their resolve to protect Remnant from whatever darkness may come.

Alright that enough.

As voice came as everyone saw it was iron wood as he looked the students.

I will have one my own man takeing Team A.S.M.M and Ruby and Oscar to Atlest Academy. Iron said looking at them. Just be careful many students may not accept you sense what happened in heaven is know by everyone

Ironwood's words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the challenges that lay ahead. Ruby and Oscar exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them.

"We'll be careful, sir," Ruby said, her voice steady despite the uncertainty swirling within her.

Oscar nodded in agreement, his expression determined. "We'll do whatever it takes to prove ourselves."

Ironwood nodded, his gaze lingering on each of them in turn. "Good. Remember, you represent more than just yourselves now. The eyes of Atlas will be upon you."

With that, he turned and strode away, his footsteps echoing in the silence that followed. Ruby took a deep breath, steeling herself for the journey ahead.

"Let's go," she said, her voice soft but determined. "We have a lot of work to do."

As they followed Ironwood's lead, Ruby couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that gripped her heart. But she knew that with her friends by her side, they could face whatever challenges awaited them at Atlas Academy. Together, they would prove their worth and show the world what they were capable of.

As the main 5 were with iron as he interduce them to a man with white skin, Blue eyes brown hair and the front was spiked up as he looked thr team.

This is Clover Ebi. Iron said looking at the group. He is one of my Ace Operatives to be corrected there leader

Clover Ebi greeted them with a warm smile, his demeanor calm and collected despite the gravity of the situation.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," he said, his voice steady and reassuring. "Ironwood has spoken highly of your capabilities, and I look forward to working with you."

Ruby exchanged a glance with her teammates, a sense of relief washing over her as she took in Clover's welcoming presence. Perhaps with his guidance, their transition to Atlas Academy would be smoother than expected.

"We're grateful for the opportunity," Ruby replied, returning Clover's smile. "We'll do our best to live up to your expectations."

With that, the group prepared to depart for Atlas Academy, their minds filled with anticipation for the challenges and adventures that awaited them in their new home. As they followed Clover, Ruby couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism blossoming within her. No matter what obstacles they faced, she knew that together, they could overcome anything.

Know let's talk. Iron wood said looking at Ozpina ns Qrow. We have must to discuss

Ozpin and Qrow exchanged a glance, their expressions grave as they turned their attention to Ironwood, ready to address the pressing matters at hand.

"What's the situation?" Ozpin inquired, his voice calm but tinged with concern.

Ironwood sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly under the weight of their shared responsibilities. "The fallout from the recent events at Haven has been significant," he began, his tone somber. "There are growing tensions among the students and faculty, and some are calling for drastic measures in response to what happened."

Qrow nodded, his expression grim. "I've heard the whispers," he said. "People are scared, and they want someone to blame."

"Indeed," Ironwood agreed. "Which is why we need to act swiftly and decisively to maintain order and prevent further unrest."

Ozpin nodded thoughtfully, his mind already racing with possible solutions. "We'll need to address the concerns of the student body while also reassuring the public that we're taking steps to ensure their safety," he said. "But we must tread carefully. Any misstep could escalate the situation further."

Qrow leaned forward, his gaze intense. "What about Leo's actions? Surely there are consequences for his betrayal," he said.

Ironwood nodded, his expression steely. "Leo's actions will not go unpunished," he said firmly. "But for now, our priority is maintaining stability within the academy and the kingdom."

As they continued their discussion, the trio delved into the complexities of their roles as leaders and the challenges they faced in the wake of recent events. With each passing moment, it became clear that their decisions would shape the future of Atlas Academy and the fate of Remnant itself.

"We need to consider our next steps carefully," Ozpin said, his voice measured. "Leo's actions have exposed vulnerabilities within our ranks, and we must take steps to ensure that such betrayal does not happen again."

Ironwood nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We'll need to review our security protocols and strengthen our defenses," he said. "But we must also address the underlying issues that led to Leo's betrayal. We cannot afford to ignore the discontent festering within our ranks."

Qrow leaned back in his chair, his brow furrowed in thought. "And what about Oscar and his team?" he asked, his tone cautious. "They played a significant role in uncovering Leo's treachery. We can't just leave them to fend for themselves."

Ironwood considered Qrow's words carefully before responding. "You're right," he said. "We owe it to Oscar and his team to offer them our support and protection. But we must also be mindful of the delicate balance within the academy. We cannot afford to appear weak or indecisive."

Ozpin nodded, his expression grave. "Agreed," he said. "We'll need to handle this situation with tact and diplomacy. We cannot afford to alienate any allies, especially in these uncertain times."

One more thing. Ozpin said talking a deep breath. We can't hide it anymore and either can I have decided to revel Salem Existence to everyone

Ironwood and Qrow exchanged a surprised glance before turning their attention back to Ozpin, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity.

"Salem's existence?" Ironwood repeated, his tone incredulous. "Are you sure that's wise, Ozpin? Revealing such sensitive information could cause panic and chaos."

Ozpin nodded solemnly. "I understand the risks," he said. "But the truth must be known. We can no longer afford to keep secrets, especially when the fate of Remnant hangs in the balance."

Qrow leaned forward, his gaze intense. "And what do you hope to achieve by revealing this information?" he asked.

Ozpin's expression hardened. "We need to unite the people of Remnant against Salem," he said. "Only by standing together can we hope to defeat her. But to do that, they need to understand the gravity of the threat we face."

Ironwood nodded in agreement. "Very well," he said. "I'll prepare a statement to be broadcast to the people of Atlas. We'll need to handle this delicately, but I trust that we can count on your guidance, Ozpin."

Ozpin nodded, a sense of determination in his eyes. "Thank you, Ironwood," he said. "Together, we will face this threat head-on and emerge victorious."

Also how is the winter maiden. Ozpin said looking at iron wood. She is coming to the end of her life so who will be getting her power my gess is going to Winter you choose her didn't you

Ironwood shifted uncomfortably, his expression betraying a hint of guilt. "Yes, it was my decision," he admitted. "Winter has proven herself to be a capable and dedicated Huntress, and I believe she is the best candidate to inherit the Winter Maiden's power."

Ozpin nodded understandingly. "It's a weighty responsibility," he said. "But I have faith that Winter will rise to the challenge."

Ironwood's gaze softened. "Thank you, Ozpin," he said. "I appreciate your trust in my decision."

As they discussed the delicate matter of the Winter Maiden's succession, they knew that the choice would shape the future of Atlas and the fate of Remnant. But with careful consideration and unwavering determination, they were confident that they were making the right choice for the greater good.

To be continued

Anyways this is the start of volume 3 hope people like it