
RWBY: Oscar the gamer

Oscar pine was chosen for manything, the last thing he expected was to have what is it called oh or right, a system yeah he didn't expect that he just hopes this is the craziest thing to happen to him MC: Oscar ship: Oscar x Harem so yeah this will my own type of system with it's one rules and everything, also yeah hope people like this

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
55 Chs


As the door to Ozpin office kicked open as iron wood walks as he dropped a folder on the picture was the Grimm fused with dust.

She is getting stronger. Iron wood looked at Ozpin. And we can't just stand

Ironwood's voice rang with urgency as he confronted Ozpin, the weight of their shared burden evident in his grim expression. Ozpin regarded the folder with a solemn nod, his gaze fixed on the image of the Grimm infused with dust, a chilling testament to the escalating threat they faced.

"You're right, James," Ozpin replied, his voice measured yet resolute. "Salem's influence grows stronger with each passing day. We cannot afford to underestimate her power or her intentions."

Ironwood's jaw tightened, his resolve steeling in the face of the looming danger. "We need to take decisive action," he declared, his tone unwavering. "We cannot allow Salem to continue unchecked. The safety of Remnant depends on it."

Ozpin nodded, his expression grave as he contemplated the gravity of their situation. "Agreed," he said, his voice tinged with determination. "We must prepare ourselves for the inevitable confrontation with Salem. And we cannot afford to falter."

With a shared understanding of the daunting task ahead, Ironwood and Ozpin exchanged a solemn glance, their minds already racing with plans and strategies to combat the looming threat of Salem's dark machinations. As they braced themselves for the challenges to come, they knew that the fate of Remnant hung in the balance, and they would need to stand united against the encroaching shadows.

As then walking into the room was Qrow, Glynda and other teacher of Beacon, Qrow just looked at Iron wood wondering what is happening

Qrow's arrival brought a tense energy to the room, his expression serious as he assessed the scene before him. Glynda and the other teachers followed closely behind, their concern evident as they watched Ironwood's determined demeanor.

"What's going on, James?" Qrow inquired, his voice edged with urgency. "You came in here like the world's about to end."

Ironwood's gaze flickered to Qrow, his features drawn with concern. "It's Salem," he replied gravely, his tone heavy with foreboding. "She's growing stronger, and her influence is spreading. We can't ignore the threat she poses any longer."

Glynda stepped forward, her expression mirroring Ironwood's gravity. "Should we contact the inner circle?" she asked, her voice measured yet tinged with apprehension.

Ironwood hesitated for a moment, weighing the gravity of their situation. "Not yet," he decided, his tone firm. "We need more information before we make any moves. But we must remain vigilant."

Qrow nodded in agreement, his eyes narrowing with determination. "I'll keep an eye out for any signs of trouble," he promised, his voice resolute. "And if Salem's making a move, we'll be ready for her."

As the teachers exchanged a solemn glance, they knew that the shadows of conflict loomed on the horizon, and they would need to stand united in the face of the growing threat posed by Salem and her dark machinations.

With a sense of resolve, Ironwood turned back to the folder containing the unsettling images of the Grimm fused with Dust. "We'll need to bolster security measures," he stated firmly. "And I want a report on every missing person and dust shop robbery in the area. There might be a connection we're missing."

Glynda nodded in agreement, her expression serious as she took note of Ironwood's directives. "I'll coordinate with the local authorities and gather as much information as possible," she assured him.

As the teachers dispersed to carry out their assigned tasks, the weight of their responsibilities hung heavy in the air. The threat posed by Salem loomed large, and the safety of Beacon Academy and its students depended on their ability to confront it head-on.

Meanwhile, in the bustling halls of Beacon, students went about their daily routines, unaware of the shadowy forces at play behind the scenes. Among them, Oscar found himself grappling with newfound knowledge and the realization that the dangers facing Remnant were far greater than he had ever imagined.

Something I can confirmed. Ozpin said looking at the files. It is definitely not easy to makes these a lot of time and probably money is need, especially what ever technology is being used

Ironwood nodded solemnly, his gaze fixed on the images of the Grimm infused with Dust. "Agreed. Whoever is behind this has considerable resources and capabilities. We need to remain vigilant and be prepared for any further developments."

Glynda, her brow furrowed in concern, added, "We must also consider the implications of these attacks on the upcoming Vytal Festival. Security measures will need to be reassessed and strengthened."

Ozpin leaned back in his chair, his expression contemplative. "Indeed. The festival is a time of celebration, but we cannot afford to let our guard down. We must ensure the safety of all attendees and be ready to respond swiftly to any threats."

As the three educators discussed their next steps, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on them. The fate of Beacon Academy and the people of Remnant hung in the balance, and they knew they would need to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and determination.

Meanwhile Oscar was in the Forest, as he saw grimm fused with dust, probably a failed experiment, as Oscar fused into his Grimm human hybrid transformation, he asked his system something.

Can I eat it. Oscar said to his system. Because this my theory I eat and I gets it's power what do you say system yes or no

Yes. The systems box appires and sud to Oscar. You can do this to other monstee not just Grimm.

Oscar eyed the monstrous amalgamation before him, a mixture of Grimm and Dust that seemed to pulse with a dark energy. The prospect of consuming such a creature was both unsettling and intriguing. With his system confirming that it was indeed possible to absorb power from other monsters, not just Grimm, Oscar felt a surge of determination.

Taking a cautious step forward, he activated his poison skill, enveloping his sword in a deadly aura. With a steady hand, he approached the fallen beast and carved a small portion of its flesh. Steeling himself, Oscar raised the tainted morsel to his lips and took a hesitant bite.

As the dark essence of the creature mingled with his own, Oscar felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins. It was as if he had unlocked a new level of strength and resilience, drawing upon the essence of the Grimm itself. With newfound power pulsing within him, Oscar knew that he was one step closer to fulfilling his quest and protecting Beacon Academy from the impending threat.

As the Grimm goes to attack Oscar jumped away and stabbed it as then then a system notification came up.

Notification: does the user want to, fully eat the Grimm if so select yes.

As Oscar presses on the yes, a mouth comes on his Grimm Human hybrid arm, as then tentacle comes and full eats the Grimm, as Oscar can see that his Grimm Human hybrid had levels up not just that so had he

With a mixture of trepidation and curiosity, Oscar hesitated for a moment before pressing "yes" on the system notification. As the grotesque mouth formed on his Grimm Human hybrid arm and tentacles extended to consume the fallen Grimm, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease at what he was witnessing.

Yet, as the Grimm was devoured and its essence assimilated into his own being, Oscar felt a surge of power unlike anything he had experienced before. His Grimm Human hybrid form pulsated with newfound strength, and he could sense a heightened connection to the dark energies of the Grimm.

Though the experience left him unsettled, Oscar couldn't deny the practicality of gaining strength from his adversaries. With his newfound power, he knew he would be better equipped to face the challenges that lay ahead in his quest to protect Beacon Academy from the looming threat.

So what new powers did I get. Oscar said to himself. Let's check it out

As Oscar delved into his newly acquired abilities, he felt a rush of excitement mixed with apprehension. Opening his skill tree, he scanned through the options, eager to uncover the extent of his newfound powers.

As the notification comes showing his power's

1. **Grimm Assimilation:** This ability allows Oscar to consume defeated Grimm creatures, absorbing their essence to strengthen his own abilities and attributes. It enhances his Grimm Human hybrid form, granting increased resilience, agility, and combat prowess.

2. **Dark Affinity:** Oscar discovers an innate connection to the dark energies of the Grimm, enabling him to harness their power more effectively. This affinity enhances his proficiency with dark magic, granting him access to potent spells and abilities rooted in darkness and shadow.

3. **Corrupted Regeneration:** Oscar gains the ability to regenerate wounds and injuries at an accelerated rate while in his Grimm Human hybrid form. The dark energies coursing through his body fuel this regeneration, allowing him to recover from damage more swiftly than before.

4. **Grimm Sense:** Oscar develops an enhanced sense of awareness, allowing him to detect the presence of Grimm creatures from a distance. This heightened perception grants him an advantage in tracking and confronting Grimm threats, ensuring he remains one step ahead of potential dangers.

5. **Venomous Strike:** Oscar's attacks become imbued with a toxic venom, capable of inflicting debilitating effects on his enemies. Whether through his weapons or his own physical strikes, he can deliver venomous blows that weaken and incapacitate adversaries over time.

As Oscar delves deeper into his skill tree, he can feel the dark energies coursing through his veins, pulsating with newfound strength and potential. With a determined glint in his eye, he steps forward, ready to put his enhanced abilities to the test.

"So this is what it feels like," Oscar murmurs to himself, his voice tinged with a mixture of wonder and apprehension. "I've never experienced anything like this before."

As he surveys the surrounding forest, his senses tingling with heightened awareness, he catches sight of a group of Grimm creatures lurking in the shadows. Without hesitation, he activates his newly acquired powers, his Grimm Human hybrid form surging with dark energy.

"Let's see what you've got," Oscar mutters, a sly grin playing across his lips as he prepares to engage the enemy. With a swift motion, he charges forward, his movements fluid and graceful, a testament to the enhanced agility granted by his transformation.

As he closes in on the Grimm, he unleashes a barrage of venomous strikes, his weapons slicing through the air with deadly precision. With each blow, he can feel the toxic energy coursing through his foes, weakening them from within.

The Grimm creatures, taken aback by Oscar's newfound strength and ferocity, launch a counterattack, but he effortlessly evades their blows, his enhanced reflexes allowing him to move with unmatched speed and agility.

With a final flourish, Oscar delivers a devastating blow, striking down the last of the Grimm creatures with a single, decisive strike. As the dust settles, he stands victorious, his chest heaving with exertion but a triumphant smile gracing his features.

"Looks like these new powers aren't just for show," Oscar says, his voice tinged with satisfaction. "I can't wait to see what else I'm capable of."

As he then see another notification, as he didn't noticed it at first, he did eat Grimm fused with dust as he saw the notification Dust control. As Oscar delves into the details of his newfound ability, he feels a surge of excitement coursing through him. Dust control—a power unlike any he's ever encountered before.

"Let's see what you're capable of," Oscar murmurs, his eyes scanning the information displayed before him. With a mental command, he activates the skill, curious to see its effects.

As he focuses his thoughts, he feels a strange connection to the surrounding environment, as if the very essence of the world around him is at his command. With a flick of his wrist, he summons forth a swirling vortex of elemental energy, the air crackling with electricity as bolts of lightning dance across the sky.

"Amazing," Oscar breathes, his voice filled with wonder as he experiments with his newfound abilities. With a simple gesture, he manipulates the elemental forces at his disposal, shaping them to his will with effortless precision.

As he gains mastery over his newfound powers, he can't help but feel a sense of exhilaration coursing through him. With Dust control at his command, there's no telling what he might be capable of achieving.

"I've barely scratched the surface," Oscar muses, a grin spreading across his face as he revels in the thrill of discovery. "But I can't wait to see what else I can do."

But. Oscar said looking at his new power. It is kinda same to my magic skill, elemental magic, wait. As he crushed his arm as Dust crystal was made. Will would you look at that

Oscar's eyes widen with realization as he observes the Dust crystal materializing in his hand. A surge of excitement courses through him as he considers the implications of his discovery.

"It's like a fusion of my magic skill and elemental magic," he muses, marveling at the crystal's shimmering beauty. "But with Dust control, I can manipulate the elemental properties of Dust itself."

With a flick of his wrist, he sends a burst of flame shooting forth from the crystal, the air around him igniting in a dazzling display of elemental power.

"This changes everything," Oscar declares, his voice filled with determination. "With Dust control, I can tap into the limitless potential of Dust and unleash its power in ways I never thought possible."

As he experiments further with his newfound abilities, Oscar can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the vast possibilities that lie before him. With Dust control at his command, there's no telling what feats he might be capable of achieving.

As then Oscar gets another Notification from the system.

Notification: do you user getting to level 40, a new tap has been opened in the system, this new tap will help you.

As Osca turned back, as he pulled out the blue box, as he saw a new option right below inventory was a option that was originally locked and blurry, as it was fully clear it had that of the picture of spinning wheel as it say it was the gach system.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and yeah, hope you like the double update