
RWBY: Oscar the gamer

Oscar pine was chosen for manything, the last thing he expected was to have what is it called oh or right, a system yeah he didn't expect that he just hopes this is the craziest thing to happen to him MC: Oscar ship: Oscar x Harem so yeah this will my own type of system with it's one rules and everything, also yeah hope people like this

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Outros
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55 Chs


As in place far from vale, or even any of the four kingdom where the sky was red, and dark as from dark water Grimm was coming out, inside of a castles seating on thrown was seating Salem as she was looking at Cinder, Mercury, Emerald and Watts, as she looked at them with her glarring

Salem's voice was chilling as she addressed her minions. "You've all failed me. Cinder, your incompetence cost us dearly. Watts, your technology was supposed to ensure victory, but it faltered. And you, Mercury and Emerald, allowed yourselves to be outmaneuvered by a mere boy and his allies." She paused, her eyes flashing with anger. "These failures cannot be tolerated."

Cinder bowed her head, feeling the weight of Salem's disappointment. "I am truly sorry, my queen. I will not fail you again."

Watts adjusted his glasses nervously. "I assure you, my technology will be flawless in our next attempt. I just need more time to make the necessary adjustments."

Emerald and Mercury exchanged uneasy glances but remained silent, knowing they had no excuses for their shortcomings.

Salem leaned forward, her voice dripping with menace. "You will not get another chance. We cannot afford further failures. Do you understand?"

But you. Salem said looking at Cinder. You lost your powers and after everything I did trying to get a maiden, and know ozpin has another one on his side, and I am back to Zero. Salem said her magic started to fire up in her arm. You didn't even get the beacon relics

Cinder shrank back under Salem's intense gaze, her resolve wavering. "I... I will make it right, my queen. I will find another way to regain my powers and secure the relics for us."

Salem's eyes bore into Cinder, her expression unreadable. "You have one chance left, Cinder. Do not disappoint me again."

Cinder nodded fervently, her determination returning. "I won't let you down, Salem. I promise."

Satisfied with Cinder's response, Salem's magic subsided, though the tension in the room remained palpable. "Very well. Make your preparations. Our next move must be flawless."

As Cinder and her cohorts left Salem's presence, they exchanged uneasy glances, feeling the weight of their failure and Salem's unforgiving expectations. Cinder knew she had to act quickly to regain Salem's trust and secure the relics.

Back in their hideout, Cinder gathered Mercury, Emerald, and Watts around a table, her mind already spinning with plans. "We need to find another way to gain power," she began, her voice determined. "And we need to strike at Beacon again. But this time, we must be smarter, stronger, and more ruthless."

Mercury crossed his arms, a skeptical look on his face. "And how exactly do you propose we do that? We barely made it out alive last time."

Cinder met his gaze with a steely determination. "We need to exploit their weaknesses, find their vulnerabilities, and strike when they least expect it. We'll gather intelligence, recruit allies, and plan our attack meticulously."

Emerald nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and determination. "We can't afford any more mistakes. We have to prove ourselves to Salem, no matter the cost."

Watts leaned back in his chair, a calculating expression on his face. "Indeed. We must be cunning, resourceful, and ruthless in our pursuit of power. And we must be prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve our goals."

With their resolve renewed, Cinder and her allies began to strategize, knowing that their next move would be crucial in their quest to fulfill Salem's dark ambitions. They would stop at nothing to seize power and bring their enemies to their knees.

Well, well well.

As they all saw it was Roman Torchwick next to him was Neopolitan, as they walked in.

You want more power cinder. Roman said looking at her. I have some information for you, a location of another Maiden, the Spring Maiden, she is in a tribe, but we dont know who she is.

Meanwhile in beacon it was early in the morning as Oscar was in the roof as he saw the stone claw of the dragon Grimm the only part left.

Alright let's do it. Oscar said activating his Grimm eat ability. Lunch time, let's see what new powers I get

As Oscar activated his Grimm eat ability, he could feel the surge of energy coursing through him as he devoured the remains of the dragon Grimm's claw. With each bite, he could sense his own power growing, absorbing the essence of the Grimm into himself.

As he finished consuming the claw, a rush of new abilities flooded his mind, each one more potent than the last. He could feel himself becoming stronger, more attuned to the dark forces that lurked within him.

With a newfound sense of determination, Oscar knew that he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Armed with his newly acquired powers, he was prepared to confront Salem and her minions head-on, determined to protect Vale and all those he cared about from their malevolent schemes.

So what are my new powers. Activating his system. What powers do I gess because of this

As Oscar activated his system to assess his new powers, a series of notifications appeared before him:

1. **Enhanced Strength:** Your physical strength has been greatly increased, allowing you to overpower opponents with ease and lift heavy objects effortlessly.

2. **Grimm Resilience:** You have gained enhanced resilience and durability, making you more resistant to physical damage and able to withstand attacks that would incapacitate others.

3. **Shadow Manipulation:** Your connection to the darkness within you has grown stronger, granting you the ability to manipulate shadows to conceal yourself, create illusions, or even ensnare your enemies.

4. **Corrupted Regeneration:** Your ability to regenerate from injuries has been enhanced, allowing you to heal rapidly from wounds and even regenerate lost limbs over time.

5. **Grimm Sensing:** You can now sense the presence of Grimm in your vicinity, allowing you to detect their movements and anticipate their attacks.

6. **Dark Energy Blast:** You can unleash blasts of dark energy from your hands or summon tendrils of darkness to ensnare your foes, dealing damage and sapping their strength.

That is cool. As then Oscar felt something falling to his need. What is happening

As then he was force fully turned into his Grimm Human hybrid, as his ones birdlike wings transformed into dragon, his mask that Looked kinda like humans, has turned inot a bone dragon head with sharp teeth, as the tail in his back had a spike on the end, as his claws became strongest, as hsu glows yellow, as some fire comes out of his mouth, as then Oscar transformed back, as he saw in his hand was Grimm mask.

Notification: evolution has been completed, grimm Human hybrid has been evolves, host has now got more stronger, host has a title unclaimed Grimm Prince. New ability fire breathing has been unlocked, it can be used both as in human and Grimm form.

Oscar stared at the Grimm mask in his hand, feeling a surge of power coursing through him. He couldn't believe what had just happened—the evolution of his Grimm Human hybrid form into something even more formidable. With the title of "Grimm Prince" and the newfound ability to breathe fire, he knew he had become a force to be reckoned with.

Feeling the weight of his responsibility as he looked out over the horizon, Oscar knew that he would need to harness these new powers wisely in the battles ahead. The fate of Remnant hung in the balance, and as the Grimm Prince, he would do whatever it took to protect those he cared about and stand against the darkness threatening their world.

Oscar clenched the Grimm mask tightly in his hand, his mind racing with the implications of his newfound abilities. Turning to Ruby, who had joined him on the roof, he couldn't contain his excitement.

"Ruby, you won't believe what just happened," Oscar exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of awe and determination. "I've evolved into something even stronger—a Grimm Prince!"

Ruby's eyes widened with astonishment. "Wow, Oscar, that's incredible! But what does it mean?"

"It means I've gained more power to fight against the Grimm and anyone who threatens Remnant," Oscar explained, a fire burning in his eyes. "And check this out." He held up the Grimm mask, showcasing its menacing design. "I can breathe fire now!"

Ruby grinned, impressed by Oscar's transformation. "That's amazing, Oscar! With your new abilities, we'll be unstoppable."

As they stood together, gazing out at the horizon, Oscar couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. With Ruby by his side and his newfound powers at his command, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their fight against Salem and the forces of darkness.

Still can't believe you basically have a game system. Ruby said remembering that Oscar had told her about his system. Like how does that even work are you like a computer or a living video games

Oscar chuckled, pondering Ruby's question. "Honestly, I'm not entirely sure myself. It's like having a game interface overlaying my reality, granting me abilities and keeping track of my progress. But I'm definitely a living, breathing person, not a computer or a video game character."

He scratched his head, trying to find the right words to explain. "Think of it like a special gift that allows me to grow stronger and access unique powers. And as strange as it sounds, it's been incredibly helpful in our fight against Salem and the Grimm."

Ruby nodded, still fascinated by the concept. "Well, whatever it is, it's definitely a game-changer for us. Just make sure to use your powers wisely, Oscar. We don't want any glitches or bugs messing things up."

Oscar grinned, reassured by Ruby's words. "Don't worry, Ruby. I'll do my best to master my abilities and keep us all safe. After all, it's not every day you get to be a Grimm Prince, right?"

With a shared laugh, they turned their attention back to the horizon, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them, armed with Oscar's unique powers and their unbreakable bond.

So will you tell Neon and Penny soon. Ruby said looking at Oscar. I mean they are also your girlfriend like me

Oscar hesitated for a moment, considering Ruby's question carefully. "Yeah, I think I should. It's only fair to be honest with them about how I feel and where we stand. They've been supportive, and they deserve to know."

Ruby nodded in agreement. "I think they'll understand, Oscar. Just be open and honest with them, like you are with me. Communication is key in any relationship, right?"

"Absolutely," Oscar replied, feeling a sense of relief at Ruby's encouragement. "I'll talk to them soon, I promise. Thanks for understanding, Ruby."

With a smile, Ruby squeezed Oscar's hand reassuringly. "Anytime, Oscar. We're in this together, remember? And we'll support you no matter what."

Feeling grateful for Ruby's support, Oscar returned her smile, knowing that he had her and his other girlfriends by his side as they faced whatever challenges lay ahead.

But I have something to do. Oscar said opening his system box before pulling out the system key. I have new powers to test out and powers to test out.

As Oscar was on the top of beacon as opened, the purple dungeons gates, as it opens up as he walked into he saw he whole place was covered by ice.

Is this the penalty zone. As he saw the system, as it said that the daily quest was completed. Ok not. In the penalty zone.

As Oscar explored the icy dungeon, he encountered various challenges and enemies, all testing the limits of his newfound powers. With each battle, he grew more confident in his abilities and more adept at using his fire-breathing and other Grimm Prince powers.

However, as he delved deeper into the dungeon, he sensed a powerful presence lurking within the icy depths. Determined to uncover its secrets, Oscar pressed on, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him.

As he ventured further, he encountered a formidable boss, a towering ice elemental with glowing blue eyes. With a deep breath, Oscar activated his fire-breathing ability, unleashing torrents of flames upon the icy foe.

The battle was intense, with the ice elemental retaliating with freezing attacks and icy blasts. But Oscar remained steadfast, drawing upon his Grimm Prince powers and the strength of his resolve.

Finally, after a grueling battle, Oscar emerged victorious, the ice elemental crumbling into shards of ice at his feet. With a sense of accomplishment, he collected the rewards of his victory and prepared to return to Beacon, eager to share his experiences with Ruby, Neon, and Penny.

As he stepped out of the dungeon and into the warm sunlight, Oscar couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in how far he had come and excitement for the adventures that lay ahead. With his newfound powers and the support of his friends, he knew that he was ready to face whatever challenges came his way.

Ok that was something. Oscar said seeing the systems. Wait that was not the boss.

As then from the ground, came out he saw multiple ice like monster, as Oscar transfomred his new Grimm Human hybrid form, as he just smirk.

I wonder what I get once I eat. Oscar said looking at the monster pulling out his Riptide. Let's do this.

With a confident grin, Oscar charged into battle, his transformed form exuding power and determination. The ice monsters lunged at him with ferocity, but Oscar met their attacks head-on, slashing through them with his blade and unleashing torrents of flames from his mouth.

As he fought, he felt the energy coursing through him, the thrill of battle fueling his every move. With each foe he defeated, he absorbed their essence, growing stronger and more formidable with every passing moment.

Despite the relentless onslaught of the ice monsters, Oscar remained focused, his mind clear and his determination unwavering. With each strike, he honed his skills and pushed himself to new heights, pushing back the icy tide with sheer force of will.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of battle, the last of the ice monsters fell before him, shattered into icy fragments at his feet. With a victorious roar, Oscar reverted to his human form, panting heavily but exhilarated by the intensity of the fight.

As he caught his breath, he couldn't help but marvel at the power he had unlocked and the challenges he had overcome. With a sense of satisfaction, he collected the spoils of his victory and prepared to return to Beacon, eager to share his triumph with Ruby, Neon, and Penny.

Little did he know, even greater challenges and adventures awaited him in the days to come, but with his newfound powers and unwavering resolve, he was more than ready to face whatever the future held.

To be continued