
RWBY: Oscar the gamer

Oscar pine was chosen for manything, the last thing he expected was to have what is it called oh or right, a system yeah he didn't expect that he just hopes this is the craziest thing to happen to him MC: Oscar ship: Oscar x Harem so yeah this will my own type of system with it's one rules and everything, also yeah hope people like this

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Qrow Vs Oscar

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange glow over the bustling city of Vale, Oscar found himself lost in thought. His encounter with Ruby earlier had left him with a lot to ponder. Meanwhile, Qrow's revelation to Ozpin about Oscar added another layer of complexity to the situation. As night fell, tensions simmered beneath the surface, ready to erupt at any moment.

As Oscar was on emerald forest, as he was cutting down Grimms left and right, as he looked at his level.

It looks even do I can get exp from taking done Grimm. Oscar siad looking at the exp bar going up. It is slow compair to the dungeon

As the Grimm fell before him, Oscar couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at the back of his mind. Despite the steady stream of experience points filling his bar, there was something about the encounters that left him unsettled. He couldn't help but wonder if there was a deeper purpose behind these confrontations.

As Oscar pondered, he heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. Without hesitation, he readied his sword, his senses on high alert.

"Who's there?" he called out, his voice cutting through the silence of the forest.

As the rustling grew louder, Oscar braced himself for an attack. Suddenly, Qrow burst through the foliage, his scythe at the ready.

"Oscar!" Qrow exclaimed, surprised to see the young fighter. "What are you doing out here alone?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Oscar replied, lowering his sword but keeping a cautious eye on Qrow. "I'm just training, trying to level up."

Qrow chuckled. "Training, huh? Well, you picked quite the place for it. These woods are crawling with Grimm."

"I can handle myself," Oscar retorted, a hint of defiance in his voice.

Qrow eyed him skeptically. "Maybe so, but you never know when you might need a hand. Especially against stronger enemies."

Oscar hesitated, considering Qrow's words. Despite his initial wariness, he couldn't deny the wisdom in them.

"I guess you're right," Oscar admitted. "Thanks for the offer, Qrow."

"No problem, kid," Qrow replied, flashing a grin. "Just remember, it's dangerous to go alone out here. Stick with me, and I'll make sure you get through in one piece."

Wait hold on. Oscar siad looking at Qrow. How do you know my name

As Oscar saw Qrow States as he saw everything

Character: Qrow

Level 80

Qrow is highly complicated person, who keeps his love one away do you his semblance, he is the real father of ruby rose, and was once a part of team strq, he also has bad drinking habit after the death of his wife summer rose, Qrow was given an task by Ozpin to basically spy on Oscar,

As then Oscar got a quest: fight Qrow and win, your not allowed to kill him, extra objectives win with it activated these skills

Poison, Grimm human hybrid and magic and dust control.

Oscar's heart sank as he read the quest notification. He had to fight Qrow? The man who had been watching over him, the father of his friend Ruby? It didn't sit right with him.

"Qrow, what's going on?" Oscar asked, his voice tinged with concern. "Why do we have to fight?"

Qrow sighed, his expression somber. "It's complicated, kid. Let's just say I've got my orders."

"But I don't want to fight you," Oscar protested. "There has to be another way."

Qrow nodded understandingly. "Believe me, I wish there was. But sometimes we don't get to choose our battles."

As the tension mounted between them, Oscar knew he had no choice but to accept the quest. With a heavy heart, he activated his skills and prepared to face off against Qrow, hoping that somehow they could find a resolution without bloodshed.

As then Oscar pulled out riptide as Qrow just looked.

What the. As the he blocks an attacked by Oscar. Will then kid let do it.

As Oscar jumped back, he was ready if he didn't win then will he will run

Oscar tightened his grip on Riptide, his heart pounding with adrenaline. He didn't want to hurt Qrow, but he knew he had to fulfill the quest. With a determined nod, he lunged forward, aiming another strike at Qrow.

Qrow deftly parried Oscar's attack, his movements fluid and precise. Despite his inebriated state, he fought with the skill of a seasoned Huntsman. Oscar knew he couldn't afford to hold back against such a formidable opponent.

As the clash of metal rang out in the forest, Oscar's mind raced. He searched for an opening, a chance to end the fight without causing harm. But Qrow was relentless, his strikes coming faster and harder with each passing moment.

With a burst of speed, Oscar darted to the side, narrowly avoiding a swipe from Qrow's weapon. He knew he had to end this quickly before things escalated further. Focusing his energy, he unleashed a flurry of strikes, each one aimed with precision and intent.

Qrow staggered back under the onslaught, his defenses weakening. Oscar saw his chance and pressed forward, his determination unwavering. With one final strike, he disarmed Qrow, sending his weapon clattering to the forest floor.

The two of them stood there, breathing heavily, the tension in the air palpable. Despite the intensity of their battle, Oscar felt a pang of regret. He hadn't wanted it to come to this, but he knew he had no other choice.

"I'm sorry, Qrow," Oscar said, his voice filled with remorse. "I didn't want to fight you."

Qrow nodded, a weary smile crossing his lips. "No need to apologize, kid. You did what you had to do."

With that, the tension between them eased, and they both knew that despite the outcome of their fight, their friendship would endure. As they stood there amidst the quiet of the forest, Oscar couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Though the quest had been difficult, he knew that he had faced it with courage and conviction. And with Qrow by his side, he felt ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

As then Qrow cane and punched Oscar as his ora broke as Oscar was on the tree. As Qrow cane to him

Come on kid. Qrow siad coming to Oscar picking him up. Let's go.

As then Oscar grabbed Qrow arms and flipped him away, as Qrow hit the tree, as he saw Oscar but in his eyes, there was blur light. Meanwhile Oscar was in his mind seeing this as he got a notification

Notification: safety mode aa been activated the system has taken control of the user body, this is only temporary this is only activated, if the user is not safe.

As Qrow recovered from the impact, he watched in astonishment as Oscar's demeanor shifted. The young boy's eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and a surge of power seemed to emanate from him.

"Oscar?" Qrow called out, his voice laced with concern. He had seen many things in his time as a Huntsman, but nothing quite like this.

Meanwhile, within the depths of his own mind, Oscar felt a strange sensation wash over him. It was as if he was no longer in control of his own body, as if something else had taken over.

"What's happening?" Oscar thought, his mind racing with confusion. He tried to regain control, to force his body to obey his commands, but it was as if he was trapped within a cage of his own making.

As the seconds stretched into eternity, Oscar felt a sense of unease settle over him. He didn't know what was happening or how to stop it, and the uncertainty gnawed at him like a relentless tide.

Back in the physical world, Qrow watched as Oscar's body began to move with an almost unnatural grace. It was as if he was possessed by some unseen force, his movements fluid and precise.

"Oscar, snap out of it!" Qrow shouted, desperation creeping into his voice. He didn't know what was happening, but he knew he had to do something to help his young friend.

But as Qrow reached out to intervene, he felt a sudden surge of energy radiating from Oscar's body. It was as if a storm was brewing within him, and Qrow knew that he was powerless to stop it.

With a final, desperate cry, Qrow braced himself for whatever was to come. As Oscar's body continued to move, guided by forces beyond his understanding, the world around them seemed to blur into nothingness.

And in that moment, as darkness descended upon them, Qrow knew that they were both in for a journey unlike any they had ever experienced before.

As then gunshots can be hurd as Oscar just felt donw, as Qrow saw it was iron wood.

Holy shit. Qrow want to Oscar he saw that Oscar was ok. You insane James.

Sorry but, this only destroyed is ora. Iron wood said. Plush you slipped up didn't you, I mena really calling him by his name, when he didn't even know you

As Ironwood approached, Qrow helped Oscar to his feet, relief flooding through him at the sight of the young boy still standing.

"Are you alright?" Qrow asked, his voice filled with concern as he checked Oscar for any signs of injury.

Oscar nodded, still trying to process everything that had just happened. He felt a strange mixture of fear and exhilaration coursing through him, unsure of what to make of the events that had unfolded.

"I'm fine," Oscar muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "But what about you? What's going on?"

Before Qrow could respond, Ironwood stepped forward, his expression stern as he addressed them both.

"You both need to come with me," Ironwood said, his tone brooking no argument. "There's much to discuss, and we don't have time to waste."

Qrow exchanged a wary glance with Oscar, unsure of what Ironwood had in store for them. But as they followed the general back to Beacon Academy, a sense of foreboding settled over them, and they knew that whatever lay ahead would be anything but ordinary.

Oscar was seating in a chair as he saw Ozpin as he was looking at him, as then calls went on the screen was Leo and Theodore shade academy head master was also there, next to Ozpin was glynda iron wood, and Qrow was behind Oscar, as next rit hr door was Oobleck, port and Dr peach. As they all looked at Oscar they wanted answer on how he came to this school how he convinced them that he is a studnet and how he knows about Salem, so Oscar just sigh and activated Loki lie. As he spoke

"I understand your concerns," Oscar began, his voice steady despite the weight of the situation. "But I assure you, everything I've told you is true. I came to Beacon by chance, and I've been doing my best to navigate this new world ever since."

He glanced around the room, meeting the eyes of each person present, searching for any sign of disbelief or suspicion.

"As for Salem," Oscar continued, "I learned about her through... research. I stumbled upon information that led me to believe she poses a threat to all of us."

Ozpin regarded him intently, his expression inscrutable as he listened to Oscar's explanation. After a moment of silence, he spoke.

"We have reason to believe you're not telling us everything," Ozpin said, his voice grave. "But for now, we'll accept your account."

As the tension in the room eased slightly, Oscar felt a wave of relief wash over him. But he knew that his troubles were far from over, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was still much he had yet to learn about this world and its dangers.

Also can I say something. Oscar siad looking at the teach of beacon. You probably need to hire better teacher I mens we have guy who probably puts cocaine in his coffee. Oscar said pointing at Oobleck. We have girl that makes way to much dirty jokes and her class is mess ruby's words not mine. Oscar said pointing as Dr peach. Someone who flirts with hsu studnet and I don't should be in this school and if that wasn't 99% of the class is hin talk. He says pointing at port. And will if I speak I think I will send out thr window. Oscar siad looking t Glynda who was next to Oscar which nade it look like he was looking at Oscar.

The room fell silent as Oscar's words hung in the air, his blunt assessment cutting through the tension. Glynda's expression remained composed, but there was a flicker of surprise in her eyes as she regarded him.

"Your observations are noted, Mr...?" Glynda paused, leaving the question open-ended.

"Oscar," he supplied. "Oscar Pine."

"Well then, Mr. Pine," Glynda said, her tone measured. "I appreciate your feedback. We will certainly take it into consideration as we strive to maintain the standards of Beacon Academy."

Oscar nodded, feeling a sense of satisfaction at having spoken his mind, even if it meant ruffling a few feathers. He knew that his journey at Beacon was just beginning, and he was determined to make the most of it, even if it meant challenging the status quo along the way.

So what will you do now. Iron wood siad looking at Oscar. Mean you have two option leave Beacon and don't come back or join us.

Oscar pondered Ironwood's words for a moment, weighing his options carefully. Joining Beacon had been a spur-of-the-moment decision, driven by a quest and a desire for adventure. But now, faced with the gravity of the situation and the responsibilities it entailed, he knew he had a choice to make.

"I'll stay," Oscar said finally, his voice steady. "But on one condition: I want to learn everything there is to know about Salem and the threats facing Remnant. I want to be part of the solution, not just a bystander."

Ironwood regarded him for a long moment, then nodded approvingly. "Very well, Mr. Pine. Welcome to Beacon Academy. We'll ensure that you receive the training and support you need to face the challenges ahead."

With a sense of determination, Oscar knew that his journey was far from over. But with the backing of Beacon Academy and its allies, he was ready to face whatever lay ahead in the fight against Salem and her forces.

Now bye. Oscar said melting into shadow and going back to his hotels room. They thought they had nope shadow travel is one hell of ability thank you shadow magic

Meanwhile in the room ozpina and the rest just look flabargasted, as they all were shocked.

With he has already unlock his semblance. Qrow said looking at where Oscar was. Glynda what type will that be classified as

Glynda, her brow furrowed in thought, responded, "It appears to be a form of shadow manipulation. Similar to teleportation, but more intricate. We'll have to observe him closely to determine the full extent of his abilities."

Ozpin nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Keep an eye on him, Qrow. And let's ensure that he receives the guidance he needs as he navigates this new path."

As the group dispersed, their minds buzzing with questions and uncertainties, they couldn't shake the feeling that Oscar Pine was a wildcard in the ongoing battle against Salem. Only time would reveal the true extent of his potential.

To be continued